Dammit I need coffee. There's no coffee in this place. I actually have to leave the premises to get some and it's 30 fucking degrees outside. My friend got up to fiddle with the curtains to let light IN for some damn reason at 6:30 and now she's over there snoozing away. Thanks Amy. Maybe I can con her going to get the coffee when she wakes up. It's way too early. I forgot, she also brought a white noise machine, so that's been going all night. They're kind of loud. I'm also fighting with Catherine's gym teacher. Guy's an idiot and doesn't understand resting heart rates.
Maybe I'm just getting in, huh? Ever think about that? I mean, I didn't, but I soooo could have. I'm also kind of curious how you guys party now, being all judgy and all.
There was a time when it involved gin and mustard and vomit, but last night it involved a 12 year old and vomit.
Salsa vomit, no less. Yuck. I remember one night where I ended up riding a local school's mascot around the parking lot of a fast food complex while drunk. That mascot shouldn't have gotten out of the bus in costume. He should have known better.
I was going to get all photoshoppy, but if you take out two of the guys and both girls, you have how I party. Look out.
Which two guys are we taking out of the picture? As in, are you a guy partying on his own but covering a mystery erection with your hands like Dude #2?
All my recent cuts and burns have healed and it's been a while since I've had a good drink session. I'm about due for an interesting injury to show up the morning after a big session on the gas.
Anyone else think this "Dumb and Dumber Too" looks like an absolutely terrible movie? Normally they show the funny parts in the previews, and it just looks... sad.
Well, the first one was terrible, so I'm not sure why anyone would think the sequel wouldn't also be terrible.
No mystery, really I'm pretty sure I saw Mystery Erection open for Blue Oyster Cult in 1981. Speaking of erections, funball, can you give us a little more information about you being in the bed with a naked woman? And by information, I mean pictures.
The ole backpack trick where you pull it up your front so it smashes your boner under your belt. And no one except the other 5 dudes doing the same are any wiser. I had an Italian sub for breakfast. I now regret not having a beer as well. Going to drink a bunch of pumpkin beers this afternoon because fuck it. My enormous friend tells me about his breakfasts of thick cut smoked bacon and eggs cooked in the bacon grease. He'll crack open a couple dark stouts to accompany it. I'd be jealous, but I'll live past 45.
I hadn't really thought about it, frankly all three look exceedingly desperate and would probably be representative. If it makes you feel better, sure, I'm the guy covering my erection in shame and sadness.
Re: No mystery, really Sure. Um, she was naked, and um she stayed on her side of the bed and I stayed on mine. I was wearing my fancy tshirt to bed. It has a muffin (OMG--haha) and a cupcake on it and I think it says something like "cupcakes are just haters of the muffin world". Or something. I forget. It was my daughters and she got rid of it. So I figured I'd just wear it around the house. But I accidentally wore it out once. And then I wore the one that has two trees on it running and it said "run Forrest run!"on I t and I decided they needed to be relegated to the sleep t shirt drawer. But yeah put that in your spank bank. You're welcome.