Proof, in case anyone needed it, that college students will get behind the most idiotic trends and think it's the best idea. Like Zima.
I hate the Huffington Post, but this article is pretty crazy and the video is good. Dickhead cop. Personally, what makes me giggle is that his name is Glans, which is also the anatomical name of the head of the penis. So he is literally a dickhead.
There is a new Taylor Swift video. It's a pretty good song from at least a pop standpoint, but she is so physically awkward that is all I can focus on in the video. Video: Spoiler Around 2:22 she starts destroying stuff. Here are some screen caps because I just don't understand how someone can not know these things about basic body control. I wish I knew how to make gifs for this. Her punch at 2:22 is hilarious. Screenshots will have to do. At one point she goes after the car with a golf club, but she holds the club like it is a piece of paper that she doesn't want to wrinkle. Here is the same club. Her grip has improved somewhat. However, she has decided not to grip the club on the part called "the grip." Then it shows her chopping down a tree. However, Instead of looking bad ass and menacing she looks like newborn T-Rex who hasn't figured out her arms yet. Who tucks their elbows when swinging an ax? Still, the song as catchy and she is gorgeous. But god damn, basic body control for simple things would probably help her life.
I made it about 2.5 minutes before I couldn't take anymore. What the actual fuck? That video was like what a 12 year old would conceive after watching too much Pretty Little Liars. Did she regress or something? I don't get it, I used to like her songs and her videos. It's not like she can't have edge to her - I Knew You Were Trouble wasn't bad. She did smouldery okay in that. But smirking while she *gasp* drops his cell phone in the water! Cutting boobie holes in his shirts! It's embarrassing. I'll watch the rest later, after I've had a bit more to drink (yay for having the day off tomorrow!) ETA: the one thing that seemed constant in that video was him looking at her the whole time like she was a fucking weirdo. Was that intentional? Or was he attempting to look enchanted? I dunno, maybe this is a parody and it is not doing a good enough job or conveying that.
It's hard to tell with male models. Savage rage, confused impotence, and winning-lottery-ticket-followed-by-triple-blowjob happiness all have one look. Spoiler
To no one's surprise she comes off like a lunatic. Was that supposed to be empowering? She's absolutely mental. I'm going to go ahead and assume she's dumb as a box of rocks. Twice as dull. Or living in la-la-land. Yes, honey, all the bad boys are impressed with you. That's why they stick around just long enough to wrap those neverending pins around their neck then go back to smashing groupies 10 at a time. This album went platinum in 5 days, kids. Music is fucking dead. This ninny is the hottest thing going.
Oh god, I just rolled my eyes so hard I think I pulled something. Music is not dead just because Taylor Swift made a bad video and a lot of money. Jesus Christ.
Why you gotta be so mean? I don't know, man. I mean, sure she's had country and pop success in sales and awards for several years, having to mature in public, plays multiple instruments, writes many of her own songs, lampoons herself, and despite "dating" a bunch of dudes hasn't had nudes leaked online, but did you see that video? She can't swing a golf club! Music is dead. Tiger Woods swings (or did) a golf club better than just about everybody ever, but couldn't even high five his caddy without being awkward. And, Paris effing Hilton released an album. If that didn't kill music, it certainly won't die with Taylor blowing a few bubbles.
The 2000s were total dog shit. The last few years haven't been as bad, but that's really in relation to the previous decade. Imagine Dragons in concert? Good band, but meh. Too many hipsters and not raw enough. The 60s and 70s? Now, that was an era to give a fuck about the music scene. Back when people had bands they could rally around. Who the fuck is going to get that excited for Taylor Swift and Fall out Boy? Bands used to set the scene. Today they proliferate the pussification of America. Unless you like gangster rap, which is just… I'll stop here.
Yeah man, the 60s and 70s only had straight bad ass musicians. No commercially manufactured bullshit... Oh, nevermind...
Preaching to the choir - I think every generation has great stuff and shit stuff, no one has the monopoly on anything. But I do think it is legitimate to wonder why the hell adorable Taylor Swift is making boobie holes in some idiot model's oxford shirts.
There's decent bands coming out with good stuff now, I mentioned one of them in my post. I just don't think they can compare with Boston and The Rolling Stones. That generation was defined by their music. We're defined by uh, Facebook? I guess people just have more to do now and don't care as much.
Can I just hate on the video and not on the song? I have listened to this damn song 50 times tonight at least. I can't stop. I have tried. If this thing was on spotify, I would be in real trouble.
Every generation thinks the next has shitty music, values, fashion, etc etc etc. I waffle between thinking TS is an obnoxious, no-talent phony and thinking she at least writes her own shit and is super cute with awesome clothes and omg I just want her wardrobe and to be able to pull off effortless glam looking absolutely perfectly put-together even when I leave the gym. Siskekebsudjdnejenqoqla I hate her!!!!1!1111! Her publicist is brilliant.