Well.....damn. I thought I was nervous when my daughter had her adenoids removed. Your kid will be fine. I find that child doctors are always the best doctors here.
Grab the popcorn, this could be fun: Cartel leader Chapo Guzmán threatens war on ISIS after terrorists destroy drug shipment http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/ne...-isis-after-terrorists-destroy/?intcmp=hplnws How do you root for both to lose?
These so-called "Hoverboard" contraptions are like Segways for masochists. I have ONLY seen people wipe out and hurt themselves using them. They're the modern equivalent of the Pogo Ball. Razor scooter, meet razor blade.
Easily. We hope that THEY die and WE get the drugs. The fucking chutzpah of this cunt. Celebrity outlaws belong in fucking movies, it's hilarious how these murderous fuckbags strut their shit in media like they're a bantam rooster. You enslave and murder people, period. Please Resevoir Dogs each other already.
If it helps even a bit, it was probably much more traumatic for you than for her. Kids/babies are unbelievably resilient and have super neuroplastic powers.
That's why I hope they all kill each other. Like one f those Bugs Bunny stalemates when both characters fire at each other out of a cannon while wearing a boxing glove. Then stars reign from the sky as they collide and it goes dark. The world needs drugs (otherwise everyone would have listened to Nixon) they just do not need people like THAT pimping them. Seriously though, DOES he have the clout to pull this off it were to actually happen? It's hard to believe this guy would expose himself that way. I have a feeling they would be dealing with Interpol befoe getting to ISIS.
He has billions of dollars, thousands of cartel members, and endless heavy weaponry at his disposal. But his ranting is probably just window dressing to get the U.S. Justice department off his back.
Yup, kids are harder than a coffin nail. Wait until you see your child fall down the stairs of your house the first time (they all do it, you can't prevent it, let it happen). It will look like something that would pulverize an adult human and they get up and dust themselves like Jackie Chan after taking a basic foot-sweep. They'll fake-cry if you're in the vicinity since they know you'll be all over them with loving sympathy, but they barely felt a thing.
ISIS supposedly has billions of dollars, tens of thousands of members, and are a little more experienced at face to face war rather then just terrorizing the local populace (Which they admittedly do plenty of themselves.) They also think they are fighting for something (No matter how ludicrous and horrible) more then just a big, fat paycheck. I have a feeling they'd clean the cartel's clock in quick fashion. But yeah, I'm pretty sure dude's just posturing hoping to get the DOJ off his back for a bit.
"Ello Blackwater? I want to hire you for a job..." Seriously, if he just funded the operation, I would love that. And I have no doubt that some US-based mercenary company would jump through hoops to get it.
Hmmm...I forgot about available mercenaries. How many thousands of ex Special Forces are out there available as private contractors? That could definitely work.
Brain surgery survivor here. Your kid will be fine. I've met hundreds of people who had brain surgery. Cut off point seems to be around 35 or so. Older than that and even the minor brain surgeries leave some lasting effects or at the very least take forever to recover. Kids pop back from that like it's nothing though. Their bodies are like memory foam.
El Chapo vs ISIS was a hoax: http://www.torontosun.com/2015/12/1...urce=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link kinda sucks cause that would have been an awesome fight.
Brilliant. Irish county hopes free lollipops will stop drunken brawls, accidents http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/1...-stop-drunken-brawls-accidents/?intcmp=hplnws