So the topic of the day is romantic comedies? I'll take a crack at it: -Chasing Amy by Kevin Smith. Fun fact: When I first saw this movie in high school, I was so high that I thought I imagined the whole thing. It wasn't until I saw the movie again later that I realized it was real. -The Truth About Cats and Dogs and The Matchmaker with Janeane Garofalo. They actually aren't that good, but I had a huge, throbbing crush on Janeane Garofalo back then.
A friend of mine just posted an elaborate fake message on Facebook congratulating two other friends on their engagement and how romantic it was to do it on Valentine's weekend. The two he's congratulating aren't dating. I saw the new grape Mt. Dew Kickstart at the store and decided to try a can. Turns out that it is just a awful as that puppy-monkey-baby commercial they made to promote it.
Would've been funny if he said they were having a kid two and tagged both of them. Kind of messed but but really funny at the same time
Puppy. Monkey. Baby. <licks your face> That commercial should be honored for its genius. I'm assuming it'll get a Cleo. Sure, ad guys have been high at pitch meetings before, but how many times does a 2:00 a.m. stoner dialogue that started with, "hey, man, you know what would be awesome?" get actually made into a commercial?
You took the words right out of the side of my face. Zing!! I'll be here all night folks…don't forget to tip your waitress.
Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to find I won the auction. A whopping 99 cents. I also won a couple other '55 Bowmans for the same price. That's what happens when your auction ends early in the one sees them and someone gets a steal. All told, my drunk ass bought about $500 worth of cards last night. Yikes.
Bad parenting. Seriously though, wouldn't someone like that have problems with mucous membranes drying out and potential infections?
There are "plugs" you put in the look much like bathtub stoppers. But it's all worth it to never again have a job that pays taxes. He's not going to regret it at all when he's 42. Still kicking ass.
Here is what confuses about that dude. I get gauging an ear, as a kind of natural, more extreme extension of ear piercing. It's just an earlobe and doesn't really have any use, it's fatty tissue. But your cheeks? Aren't there muscles there that control your face? Even plugged, he'll lose massive amounts of movement in his face, which makes me ask what ethical person would ever do that to him. It can't be a regular piercing place, cause that isn't a standard piercing. I see all kinds of crazy complications in that dude's future that he hasn't even considered yet. his best case scenario for a future is touring with a traveling freak show.
The U of Oregon MLK quote thing was apparently blown out of proportion, as smugly reported by Huff post
Welp, that was delicious. I added ground beef to the marinara and used beef ravioli because beef. Thanks for that recipe, CB. Easy and tasty!
I normally don't mess with 60's cards in lower then PSA 7, but including shipping I still don't even have half of what it cost just to have these cards graded into them. (With shipping they came to $16.28.) They'll get stored away and someday I'll wonder "Why the fuck do I have these?" and then sell them for double or triple what I paid. Spoiler: $3.01 Spoiler: $5.26 (And in the Hall of Fame)
The first one is a favorite of my wife's and I liked it too, so thought it might be a fun date movie for Valentine's weekend. I was tragically wrong.