I turn 35 this year and while I've loved my thirties, I have a feeling that the latter part of them is just going to make me feel old. In other news, my guy missed his flight and was told that it would cost almost a grand to get here today. So... he's not here. And I'm feeling all of the appropriate feelings and am not currently speaking to him.
Everybody saw Titanic and it made like 182 Brazilian dollars. So, all you need is a small percentage of people who think and you're golden.
On the verge of 50, I vaguely recall my 30s. Seriously though, I didn't start feeling old until a year or two ago.
It's the "holy shit my back is sore" as you go to bed after doing a long day's worth of shit. That's why I've got a hot tub. I find myself popping a few ibuprofen more and more before going to bed these days. Like today... I just finished doing up a custom cedar cabinet type thing as a closet organizer for my master bedroom, so it was a few days of planing, jointing, ripping, and sanding, and man-handling a few things into place from the garage/shop, and I'm already starting to feel it. Needless to say now that I'm done I've got a rather stiff drink poured, popped a few ibuprofens, and am about to hit the hot tub. Yep, that's how I'm spending my Valentine's day, and I'm more than OK with that.
Just started the Sopranos. 3 episodes in and I already wanna murder Tony's mother. Sweet Jesus she's an annoying twat.
The guy upstairs got a new subwoofer. Or something. Alls I know is that whenever I'm home I hear his music or TV, no matter how loud my music or TV is. Fuck that guy. Condo/apt living is for the birds.
In my zumba class today, a woman in front of me was wearing Star Wars leggings, and the Death Star was centered on her left ass cheek. After the class I complimented her on her leggings. If we had been in a lesbian bar and not a family fitness center, I would have also said, "That's not a moon, that's a space station."
I spent Valentine's Day as I wanted to: welding in my shop and drinking beer. But to keep in the "holiday" spirit, here's a pinup:
Today I lounged in bed in the morning, then my wife and I priced out a washer and dryer, then I went to a poker tournament in a casino (came in 9th of 90) while she went and played board games with friends. I got home around 2:30 am and she's crashing over there. So, probably not the most romantic Valentine's Day ever, but it works for us.
Let's see, V day? I got up, walked the dog. Practiced guitar. Took care of some email. Did some writing. Then we went to IHOP. My wife went to get some waxing stuff done. I read. Had dinner, watched Downton, Billions, and part of John Oliver. Read some Michael Connelly, went to bed. All in all, pretty ok day.
If only. It's more like the "Holy shit, no one told me that simply sleeping in one position for more than a couple of hours would make everything hurt" Or the realization that, for the rest of my life, some part(s) of my body will hurt on any given day, and it has nothing to do with anything I did or did not do that day. Rather, its an accumulation of old injuries, wear and tear, and genetics.
I refuse to get old. I'm 45 and I still feel like I did in my 20's. The thing I love about getting old is all the shit I know now. A couple months ago the dryer started making an awful racket. I took an educated guess at what the problem was and had my wife pick up a part from the appliance store. I took the dryer apart and I was right about the cause and had the correct part to fix it. In 30 minutes I had it running like new again. I can't wait to find out what I'll know when I'm 60.
Its fun when you start finding that shit out, even at younger ages. My sister is a sophomore in college and turns 20 in 2 months. We were texting this weekend cause she had some questions, in a global political science class she is taking, about welfare states as well as news sources in various countries. For the most part I had answers for everything she was asking. She was like "how do you know all this shit?" And my only response was..."well, I'm 11 years older than you and I read A LOT." Whenever I encounter something on the internet I don't know, I usually immediately pop open a tab and look for it. I can only imagine how this will continue to compound in the next 10, 20, 30 years.
I'm not out of my 20s yet, but at least now I can afford some decent tools to fix stuff too. My fiancee and I made a decision on the location for our wedding next year. It was nice... the resort we stayed at was great from the start and the other two locations didn't come close. I am really looking forward to it now.
This is me. So many times people ask me how the hell I know so much obscure shit, well, I read constantly. I hate to not know about something, it just feels weird. I had a good friend who introduced me to a friend of hers who was into experimental aircraft...we had an hour long conversation. My friend, who had known me for 25 years, looked at me afterwords and said "How do you know so much about planes?" I just grinned.
Spoiler: He. Looks. FABULOUS! I had to buy it. He looks like a gay Hollywood villain. Spoiler Also added this. Pretty nice shape for 105-107 years old.