Eh, it was Florida. Seemed plausible. Just the style of writing made me think it was people who had just passed their freshman year English Writing and Rhetoric. If they wrote it like an actual news report, I wouldn't have caught it.
Also 27, and I recently had to come to terms with the fact that my left knee is pretty much shot and not going to get better.
A couple years I went through the worst break-up imaginable. In order to cope, I drank. A lot. Well, really not getting fucked up drunk and stupid, more like drinking every night at a local bar. 3-5 beers while watching college basketball and I'd be good to go. Just a way to surround myself with people. So I became friends with all the waitresses and bartenders. I got real close with one of the waitresses in particular and we went out a couple times. I don't remember how or why, but we lost contact and stopped talking. Fast forward to last week. I got an email at my school address from a name I didn't know. Long story short, she had tracked me down, which turns out took some hard-nosed googling, as I'm not on any social media. She just remembered my first name and that I coach basketball. So, she literally went through about every school's website looking for me. We traded a ton of emails -- about 30-40 per day for a couple days before we started texting, a lot. There was some flirting going on, and I figured there had to be something more if she went through all that trouble to find me again. Then I got a text from her at 5:30 this morning saying she couldn't sleep. Turns out she wasn't being honest with me and had a boyfriend of two years. They were "off" when she looked me up, but I guess something had to have happened on Valentine's Day to flip it. She told me we couldn't talk anymore and basically to cease communications. What a weird situation. Women.
27 as well to complete the trifecta. Both my knees are already shot due to multiple dislocations in each, as well as my back which has been shot ever since I broke it. I feel like what I feel like a 50 year old man should feel like. Can't wait till my 40s!
I am the only one who expected this story to end with, "and I have AIDS?", or maybe just a bastard child?
I'm 33 and have one bad knee from an old soccer injury way back in my high school days. I also have a partially torn rotator cuff in my one shoulder and I added a torn bicep this past year in an obstacle course race. I have finally given up my dream of becoming a professional wrestler after many years of strong denial.
I'm 36 and crossfit is getting harder and harder every year. I have to wear a knee sleeve on one knee and I have what seems like permanent tendonitis in one elbow. In addition, I was in a car accident last year which gave me 3 herniated discs in my c-spine with evidence of more in my t-spine as well. The hardest thing I do now isn't actually the crossfit, it's when I fly 13-hour legs to the other side of the marble, it literally takes me weeks to recover now from sitting on a plane that long.
Heya @toytoy88 ... you don't happen to drive a yellow Hummer, do you? (reference to the season premier of Better Call Saul)
You're 27. But, the good news for your back is that it gets worse. My bad knee became my good knee and then my new good knee developed a whole new set of problems. So, now I just tell those bitches to fuck off and continue to abuse them anyway. I load up on drugs for the two weeks before I go skiing each year and I just do different activities. I did switch one of my running days to an elliptical day - which, I hate, because I moved for 40 minutes and haven't gone anywhere and - wait, what were we talking about? Hey, have you guys seen my car keys? Plus, you know, your leg is shot ever since you shot it.
Taylor Swifts Album "Songs Written by and for Shallow, Un-Self-Aware 14 Year Olds", otherwise known as "1989" was chosen as the years best album. Meghan Trainor, who has been releasing albums for 7 years, and whose monster hit(?) is two years old, was selected as the Best New Artist. Other than reading passing headlines, I've never followed the Grammys, considering them irrelevant at best, and I'm smugly gratified to see nothing's changed.
In other celebrity news: Kanye is butthurt. Still. I could probably post this every week and it would still be relevant. This week he has: Stated he is $53M in debt, asked Zuckenberg for $1B, told "White Media" to stop reviewing black music, called out Zuckenberg for building a school in Africa instead of giving money to him.
Every time I hear a Taylor Swift song, my prevailing thought is "Good God, this girl is very worried about what everyone thinks about her." During Adele's performance, my girlfriend said "that sounds awful, what is that guitar sound?" I guessed it was a microphone touching a string, turns out I was right, Adele confirmed it on Twitter. She also said that it was the reason the performance sounded out of tune, which I do not believe - it sounded out of tune because she wasn't able to hit the high notes and was singing flat as fuck. And Lady Gaga's tribute to David Bowie - was it supposed to be a joke? Everybody seems to be creaming themselves about how amazing it was, but it felt like an over-the-top parody of Bowie to me.
Kendrick Lamar's live show was pretty fucking amazing, I thought. Sure, the awards are, by and large, one monstrous political circle jerk like just about any other awards show, but I tend to enjoy and appreciate the live performances because they tend to have REAL musicians with talent do them. It's something I have no desire to watch live in its entirety, but I do enjoy fast forwarding through it the day after.
Taylor Swift is the perfect celebrity. Shes talented, shes good looking (but not too good looking), shes outgoing, knows how to handle her PR well, is a well-received role model, and doesnt blow coke off the toilets at the Roxy like Lindsay Lohan.
Taytay is also chronically annoying, and still thinks the world is highschool. But, god, does she have legs. Billy Gibbons sheds a tear. Megan Trainor knows how to work a dick. She's got that voice, and that thick ass. I'm into it. Let's get weird. Spoiler