Next time my wife says "I don't want anything" (meaning 'I really want something but I'm gonna make you guess') for something stupid like valentines day or mother's day or her birthday, I'm just gonna buy her this. For about $45 I can buy her a 1X1 ft piece of land in Scotland, and in doing that she can officially call herself "Lady of Glencoe."
My daughter just watched Ghostbusters for the first time with me. She completely loved it, but the hands bursting out of the chair scared the living hell out of her. "Slimer" is her new favourite movie character. Amazing this film is over three decades old and still blows away those who haven't seen it. A testament to how great it is. Maybe I'll show her Jurassic Park or E.T. next.
HOLY SHIT!!!! One of the world's tallest residential buildings is burning to the fucking ground! (And yes, I realize it is called the "Torch Tower," which is basically challenging karma to a fight.)
This early spring isn't all it's cracked up to be. My eyes are red and swollen, my sinuses are fucked, and I keep sneezing. If I was a person that normally has problems with allergies I would understand what was going on, but I've never really had a problem like this. My landlord has allergy problems and he looks like he's aged 10 years in the past week and is throwing up. All I can do is hope we get the 20% chance of rain they're giving us for Sunday, because this is fucked up.
I gave up self love for lent, starting to cave though, not sure I can go three days without rubbing one out
I'm doingimmunotherapy. Currently 3 months in and starting to see some minor results already. Definitely seeing the improvement in my wallet from all those co-pays I'd otherwise spend to get "the good stuff" for sinus infections. Basically, they find out what you are allergic to, then you give yourself shots of what your are allergic to, in increasing dosages and potency. I'm on a regimen of two shots every other day for a year. But insurance covers 100% of it (cheaper to them than me going to the dr for sinus infections all the time).
Vegas is the only place I've lived that has ever given me a hint of allergies, this year is just way over the top. It's been in the high 70's-low 80's for the past couple of weeks and all the flora went BOOM!
I get that placebos work. But hell, give me science to back it up? Give me 100% insurance coverage? Sign me the fuck up!!!
Today it was so cold outside it felt like swollowing a sword every trine I took a breath. You are in paradise as far as I'm concerned, I don't care how douchey and sleazy that city is. I miss the winter here like I miss having a stack of hardcover books slammed on my privates. I can take the winter because I've lived with it my whole life, but I will never stop hating it.
Tell me that in mid July when we are on our 17th day in a row of 110+ (That's 40 degrees for y'all on the heathen scale) and we'll get a break in September when it drops below 100. And then throw in that the only green thing you'll find within 500 miles is a recently discarded Mountain Dew can. Fuck this shit. I grew up 60 miles from Canada and I miss having 4 seasons. Not: Hot, Hotter, Fuck It's Hot,, Brrrr it's 50.
I'd rather slam a car door on my hand than see another 9th-Circle-Of-Hell-Cold-Level like today. They won't even let the kids play outside at my daughter's school. Not that I have a problem with that. I am a summer person, period. The hotter and more dry it is the happier I am. I went to Arizona in August and I was walking on sunshine. Unless I'm tobogganing with my kid or constantly failing on my snowboard the winter can suck a broken glass-festooned cock. Sleeping is the only time the shoe is on the other foot. In the cold you just throw on more quilts. But if you don't have something to cool you down to sleep, you're not sleeping. I don't know how old people fucking do it, they could sleep in a foundry furnace.
Living in Denver I've had both experiences. Prolonged heat wears you down, especially the shit ToyToy has experienced. Prolonged cold just makes you angry. I remember when we had days where high didn't break 0 (-17 for the canucks). I have to say I think the heat is more draining. The cold is annoying, it hurts the hands, drains phones and puts the hurt on cars. But anytime its above 105 it literally feels like being in a convection oven. Toss me cold and sunny any day over insanely hot and sunny. Its also much easier to sleep when its cold out. I agree with you tossing on some under armour and a few more blankets actually is kind of pleasent. However sweating the whole night because its so hot out fucking sucks
My favorite (Not favorite) part of winter in Idaho was when it would drop to -35. I won't even bother converting that to Celsius, let's just call it absolute zero for simplicities sake. The sap in the studs of the walls would freeze and explode at 2 AM. It sounds like someone set off both barrels of a 12 gauge in your house. That's not a pleasant way to wake up. Going outside and breathing? Ouch. You can actually feel cells in your airway freezing. It's not fun, but at least you can dress for it, so it's tolerable. And usually it only lasts a week or so. When it's 117, you can run outside naked and still be fucking hot. And then get arrested for being naked. And it lasts for months on end. I've seen it 105 at 2 AM here, there is no escaping that shit and making it more tolerable.
as someone whose lived in both AK and spent time in Vegas in July id say heat wins. When its been 30 below for the 3rd week straight, and your gas lines are totally fucked, its still manageable. Sure you spend fossil fuels out the ass, but you can survive. can only get so naked before you're just fucked. i remember talking to some ex-cons in high school that got sent from AK to AZ for their lockup....cruel and unusual indeed.
My wife uttered those exact words recently. Maybe the context matters. And tone. Were you horrified? If so, it's exactly the same. I couldn't disagree with this statement any more fundamentally. I'd love to live in a world where it's true, though, if that's any consolation.