Jesus Christ, dude, you guys need to fuck, open the relationship, or get the fuck out. Dan Savage would even suggest you cheat, but I'm not willing to go quite that far. But seriously, get laid. It's ok to make that an issue.
Only ten days in a row? Texas flips you the bird. Either way - summer is amazing. If you can access a pool and some beer. But otherwise, summers in Texas can be crazy hot and suffocating. Though I've decided I like country summer better than city summer. For whatever reason, the heat is more tolerable in the country.
It's not been as bad here the last couple years. July and August are the absolute worst. But in 2012(I think?) when June hit, the temp went over 100 each day for 3 months. It was just so fucking hot every single day. The last couple of years, it hasn't been as terrible but I usually count the days until fall.
That was summer of 2011. I have pics of my parents' pastures and they're fucking dead. Dead. D.e.a.d. Round bales cost something like 225 A BALE. Normally they're 25. There wasn't any grass. Or water. It was fucking awful. I couldn't WAIT for November to hit for that break. OH! And our AC went out at the gym. Fuck that summer.
I remember one day in that 2012 specifically: it was 108. I took a shower and hopped in the car to run a quick errand before a date. My car temp was 125. By the time I drove 10 min to the store I was so sweaty and gross I needed to take another shower. It was ridiculous. Fuck the heat, but fuck the cold even more. Woke up to the sound of the cat puking up a hairball right by my face. That's one of the grossest sounds to wake up to.
Horrible. Reminds me of the night before my friend's wedding, I have the MEAN spins trying to pass out on his couch. Cue his larger-than-life Lab Retriever, Steve, to walk in the room. Steve sits down just out of my reach and takes this time to perform extremely loud personal hygiene on his crotch for about 45 minutes. Yeah, you all know that heavenly sound. It's even lovelier when you're already at the point of vomiting and it's the only sound you hear in pitch blackness. Sounded like a hippo with live marlin fighting around in its mouth.
One of my tricks is to heat the shower as usual, but towards the end when I'm rinsing off, start pumping in cold water. Gradually, so I don't fly out. Cold showers are great for circulation and complexion. Plus it gets rid of bathroom steam. Nothing I hate more than a steamy bathroom; in summer it is especially excruciating. Meet the man that wants to dress in a steamed room and I will show you a monster. In other news I'm brewing stout today. Coffee beans, oatmeal, milk sugar, brewer's chocolate, and beard hair. Extra beard hair.
When is it too early to start chugging a handle of vodka? Apparently for this women, the answer is never, its never too early to try to smuggle a plastic handle of shitty vodka past the TSA, then when they find it start downing it at 7:30am... Unless its a tailgate or holiday, drinking before noon just seems wrong
I'll be working in Washington state for one of our clients over the next two years, so the other day a coworker and I hit the Blaine border crossing to get our TN VISA. After showing the guard our passports he directs us to another guard who guides us into a parking spot. When we told him what we came there for, he said, "Let me just remind you that you're asking the US Government for a job today." From that point on I was basically a stuttering, deer-in-the-headlights mess as they grilled us on every detail of the job we were going to perform. Throughout this process they indicated several times that we probably weren't going to get the VISA, and that we were assholes for using an immigration lawyer to help us through the process. I must have looked like I was going to pass out, because they eventually made me go sit down while they continued interrogating my coworker. Who, by the way, is a Venezuelan expat whose been detained and stripped searched by border guards before. He told me afterwards that even he felt rattled by this experience. Anyway we got the VISAs, but go figure, another coworker at the same border crossing the following day was denied.
The hour came and went last evening. We had some neighbors over, and my buddy and I got completely and totally shitfaced. We both like to drink. A lot. So when there is an opportunity to fully commit to inebriation we leap at it. For teenagers its a life experience, for college kids, its expected. But it isn't so charming when you're in your late 40s and so housed you can barely stand. His girlfriend was so pissed off she left without him, so we staggered the quarter mile to his house in 5 degree weather, then I staggered back home. I remember walking through the front door, and nothing else until I woke up this morning. I'm concerned that there will be some serious blowback from last night's revelry.
So was she pissed that he was acting like an asshole, or pissed off because he was having a good time? You weren't out in public, yes? Once you get over 30, the opportunity to get wasted starts to become far and few so you much more relish the opportunity when it arises.
I think she was pissed because he was so hammered. It was at my house, which is why my wife didn't give a shit - there was no driving, I didn't assault anyone, and nothing was broken, so she didn't bat an eye. I do have to clarify, however, that we have large, friendly group of neighbors who enjoy tying one on. Someone is always up for a party, so I get wasted far more often now than I did in my teens or twenties. And that is part of the problem for his girlfriend - I think if the frequency of such events were less she wouldn't mind as much. And when he and I get rolling it is a synergistic effect.
So she was too sober and too unfamiliar with the environment from the sounds. Lots of people are like that, however Im too extroverted for it. If people start getting shitfaced I have to be on that level along with them. My wife is the same way. Getting wrecked with everybody else is the polite thing to do.
Every guy who has a girlfriend/wife has a friend that that SO can't stand...Not saying its you, but I'm thinking when you two hang out shes not a super happy camper I agree with Crown, if people are drinking and getting wasted, its only polite to catch a healthy buzz yourself
Exactly. She is still pissed about the time we went down to the bar, did a bunch of shots, and I dropped him off at his house where he promptly went up their bedroom, undressed, then proceeded to puke everywhere. That kind of thing leaves scars. I think last night may have sealed it for me as "that guy".
I can hear it now: "Every time you hang out with him you drink and have a good time, and I'm sick of it." You're not that guy. She's That Girl. Because you're both adults, it not like you plied him with watermelon wine coolers and took his virginity in a tent. He hangs out with you because he enjoys it, and makes that fully conscious ADULT decision to do so. Perhaps they need to straighten shit out, but you aren't part of the equation because if you didn't exist, she'd be pissed at the next guy he gets drunk with.
Man, I get that she's your buddy's friend and everything, but fuck that line of thinking. Why is it your fault your friend can't hold his liquor? That's like getting mad at the ground because a weed grew in the middle of your lawn.