Son of a bitch. My computer took a shit. I knew it was overheated a bunch of times until one of the corners broke. It was just a matter of time until the display went to hell and tonight is when it went tits up. I was able to order a new one, but I won't get it until the 27th. Then comes all the fun of setting it up so I'm comfortable on it, not to mention trying to recall all my logins. Oh. Fucking. Joy.
Can't recommend LastPass enough... install it once, and it will remember all of your logins/passwords/etc... for your computer and your smart phone. Can't imagine not using it. Hell, if it took a dump, I'd be fucked. Proper fucked.
Well, you could be like our pastor and write what was essentially a coming out speech/sermon. We still think it was hilarious.
Went to the funeral of one of my dad's oldest/best friends, and the dead guy's oldest brother was a preacher from way back, but he'd kind of lost his marbles. Needless to say they pegged him to give one of the eulogies, and it turned into a 30 minute rant about how aliens had infiltrated the World Fair (a la Men In Black), and basically had nothing to do with the guy who died. In the last minute of the eulogy he realized that he hadn't said anything about his brother so gave a crazy-funny 30 second overview of him; "Wally was born, he played lacrosse, married Janet, got cancer, and he died. He was an all right brother." All anyone could talk about afterwards was how fucking nut-balls that guy was. Not your typical funeral, but man, was it ever entertaining, in a "are you hearing this shit?" kind of way. The worst funeral I went to was where the son just got up and then started to talk shit about anyone and everyone in the funeral home... saying that they were pieces of shit who never loved his dad, and how he was the only one who ever gave a shit about his dad, etc. It was incredibly over the top and not a single person gave a shit about the son after that. It was weird, out of left field, and really made you think that it was brought on by some strange mental illness. Never been more uncomfortable in my life.
I'm busy backing up everything I can think of to an external HD right now...this computer is 6 years old, so it's got a lot of shit on it. In other news, some guy accused Crazy of raping him. Obviously he didn't, but he's spitting kittens and worried as hell. I told him I'd have no problem testifying as a character's pure bullshit. He was nice to some dude that needed help and the asshole decided to try and rape him for some money. I fucking hate all the assholes in this town.
It's over in Henderson, which is quite a drive (About 45 miles round trip every day). I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I get a helluva a deal here....I've got the master bedroom and a private bathroom with electric/cable/everything but internet included for $475 a month. That's kind of tough to beat. One of my friends wants me to move in with her (Which would up my drive to about 60 miles every day), but she lives right off the freeway...and my Z amazingly gets 27mpg on the freeway (Yay double overdrive!) my Durango is sitting in her driveway. So, I don't know. I'll just play it by ear. Crazy can be absolutely infuriating with his random bullshit, but he's also a decent human being, which is rare as hell in this town. It's kind of one of those "The devil you know...." type deals.
It's the nature of the beast. Why would I write "Crazy did XXX nice thing today"?, when I have a plethora of "Crazy did XXX bat shit crazy thing today" stories? He's not insane 100% of the time, just 90% of it. It's also quite possible that I've lowered my standards after being subjected to the insanity and abundance of intolerable assholes in this city for the past 7 years.
Went into McD's for a burger today. Next thing I know paramedics are pouring in the door. Some dude OD'd in the bathroom. Good times.
Last time I was in Vegas we passed some dude who was ODing on the sidewalk in front of topless women wearing tape over their nipples (they were posing for pictures). That seemed to sum up Vegas pretty well for me.
So, we got several noticeable scratches on the brand new windshield after scraping ice. That means there was some sort of grit on the windshield, right? Because plastic can't scratch glass?
On a completely unrelated note, the GoldenEye watch is now mine. The name's Bond, James B... (gets killed by own proximity mine)
It can if you get over aggressive. If the scratches aren't to deep, go to a glass shop and ask for some "Rare ox" (I can't remember the actual name, but any shop should know it by that's a brown pumice that's more aggressive then the white pumice normally used for cleaning glass for insulated units.) As long as you can't feel the scratches with a fingernail they should polish right out.
Did you guys read the thing on Deadspin (and elsewhere) about Kraft's charges? You'd think he could afford better prostitutes than some 60 year old lady in Florida.
You’d be amazed what a skilled and experienced 60 year old can do with her hands. Or so I’ve been told.
Scratches are super fine but I think I can feel them a little with my nail. It's worth a shot though, thanks for the tip. We literally had the windshield replaced less than 3 months ago.