We've outlawed swimming on dry land. We've felt the need to specify the legality of firing a shotgun while having an orgasm. But this beats them all. Dads by default, the single stupidest law ever written. As long as the woman names you as the father, and you miss a hearing, whether notification reached you or not, you are fucked. All other evidence be damned.
The idea of state liquor stores is strange. New Hampshire is the only state near me that has them, but hey, the taxes are super low. Then again I live in a city that outlaws happy hours at bars and mandates alcohol stop being served at 1:30 AM. And we wonder why we can't come close to competing with New York, hmmm...
I think that the people who invented Guinness were very clever. Apart from it's excellent medicinal properties, the way it uses the human body to filter the black stuff out of the liquid as it passes through the body leaving normal coloured urine so it doesn't distress the urinator is a stroke of genius. Imagine the reaction after consuming the odd one or two glasses of this fine black beverage to find yourself weeing black liquid. It'd be enough to make you ponder only drinking clear spirits.
At the behavioral health center with my mom. There's a guy in cuffs and shackles with two corrections officers to my left, and a guy carrying a gallon jug of water to my right. All in all, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.
Damn, the naked chicken chalupa is actually really good. I expected it to suck. I also expect it to be wrapped in a tortilla and queso soon, because Taco Bell.
If you use the Taco Bell app to customize your order you can do stuff like that now. They will make anything you can dream up if they have the stuff to do it.
Thats bonkers. In NH they only tax beer at about 3%, and any liquor and wine taxes are usually less than that, if they exist at all. Mass isnt terrible either.
The retailers sell booze at a lower price because goddamn do the taxes add up. Like a six pack of Shiner here is 6-7 bucks. That's less than in Texas, but once taxes are put back on it's about even with Texas prices. And there's some kind of liter tax too...but I'm not sure what that's about.
My friend said that too. He basically said it was a chicken finger with lettuce, tomato, and cheese in it. Color me surprised. Prolly cause I expected it to be like the KFC Double Down which was absolutely revolting
The Double Down is a delectable combination of Spam, spent fuel rods and old liposuction fat. It's for people who think the McRib is too "high brow". Pretty much the most horrid thing in the entire history of horrid things. A doorstop sandwiched between two fossilized caveman cocks.
Blashphemy, there are no spent fuel rods in that delectable, underappreciated piece of culinary wonder While looking up images of the double down, I found this, the double down dog
So instead of most disgusting things, I think the best thing I've ever had, was otoro sushi at the best place in San Diego, and according to my dad who's travelled to Japan, better than neatly any sushi he's had there Spoiler: Spoilered for size
I'm so glad I just got two consecutive alerts via my Weather Channel app that we're under a tornado watch. I was just discussing this with other moms at my daughter's dance class but I don't sweat it until it's a tornado warning. I guess that's just a byproduct of growing up in Missouri. I went outside to read on the porch earlier because it's 70 degrees and there's lightning off in the distance. Instead of a nice peaceful reading session, the county sheriff decided to chat with my neighbor across the street really loudly for the entire time I was outside. I honestly don't give half a shit about what kind of stuff my neighbors are discussing with the cops, but I've found that I can't read when there's drama going on over there. I hate feeling nosy for just being on my own porch.
I'm kind of surprised people who live in tornado alley and the south, and who live in trailer parks, haven't figured out maybe it'd be a good idea to dig a big hole in the ground that has a door on it just in case. Seems like trailers are God's micromachines