CBS already turned Dr. Watson into a chinese woman. Don't underestimate them when it comes to pumping out dumb police procedurals. If it was on FOX or NBC, I would put my money on it immediately and spectacularly failing, but at this point CBS just needs some sort of gimmick to differentiate their mediocre slot-fillers.
We are in a constant state of remodeling. The downstairs tile looks amazing - we just haven't finished the pieces around the wall and the grouting. Husband and his back, more than full time schedules, and the babe means we are chipping away slowly. Too fucking slow. We will pay for electrical work. Otherwise The Husband is fairly handy. I'll be happy when I can walk downstairs and not start cataloging the to do list mentally.
I do some of my own electrical work, but then again I'm an electrical apprentice thanks to upbringing and trade schooling, so that works for itself. I will tell you, though; if shit goes bad with wiring, shit goes BAD.
Husband took oldest son to doc for physical yesterday. Kid answered the little private questionnaire they give about sex, habits, concerns, etc., and hands form back to doc. One of the questions was "are you sexually active" and he said "no" but the next question was "do you masturbate?" He writes "of course" in the blank; doc, upon reading this, just puts clipboard down and collects herself for a second and then says "ok. So. Do you have any questions?" And my darling child responds "no thank you. I think I have a good handle on it."
From the "Well, Duh..." department: Police search for man that stole at least 30 weapons "Roberts is considered armed"
Getting an electric shock feels like your soul leaves your body. It's terrifying, you don't know what hit you, every nerve and muscle in your body agitates at once and you have no control. It's not the pain but the terror of temporary panic when you get zapped. I got electrocuted by a light socket once in my parents' basement. I went roaring back into a stack of empties when this unknown force ripped through me all a sudden. I was catatonic in these broken cases of beer, no idea what happened. I thought I was attacked from behind by a home invader....fucking GHOSTS, I don't know what the hell it was. When I figured it out I just plain felt lucky I wasn't dead. Electricity is the mother of all fuckers.
I had the same thing happen. Suddenly I went blind and I could feel myself vibrating, but couldn't let go of the socket. I was standing on a chair to change a bulb and had the presence of mind to step off the chair, and of course the contact broke when I fell. That shit was fucked up.
I got zapped pretty good once by having a half plugged in plug and making contact with a prong. My whole body vibrated and it took what felt like forever for my brain to realize what was happening and pull my hand away. It's a surreal sensation.
I've never been shocked by household current, but plenty of times by ignition coils/ spark plug wires. You can feel your heart stopping when it happens. This reminds me of when I was working at an auto repair shop in my early 20s. The guys working there had a running prank: They'd charge up an old-style ignition condenser (a kind of capacitor, which is an electrical storage device), then shock each other with it. Now, you couldn't just walk up to someone and shock them; that would be against the rules. You had to trick them into getting shocked. Ex: Put the capacitor in your tool box, then ask the victim to get something from inside there; saying "Catch!" and then tossing it to them. Once you got someone with that prank, you were now the next one to get pranked. Fun times. I figured this video is fitting for the topic:
You want it to be real, because he sells it so perfectly. Some are pretty convincing. The banjo with the direct line connection is my fave.
I think some of those are definitely staged, but I think some of them are real, just because of the danger potential. For example, the home-made solenoid that catches fire looks pretty real to me. He's either the world's biggest idiot, or a comedic genius. Now here's this: Spoiler
The one where he touches the digital calliper and you see it actually arc into said tool is real. I think at least the shock is, and he intentionally zapped himself with a low current for the sake of entertainment. Not bright, but God bless him anyways.
I used to have one of those bug zapper tennis rackets that I cut the "idiot proof" cover off on one side. I'd scotch tape down the "on" button leave it fun side up for an unsuspecting victim to pick up. When that got boring I just started hitting people with it. Fun times. Turning a battery into a makeshift taser is also kinda cool when you're drunk. I have a few actual tasers that I keep in my car, wife's car, in the house for protection, in my emergency bag. I always test them out on myself because I want to know they're strong enough to stop an assailant. Darwinism at work probably, but it gives me a level of confidence in them I wouldn't have otherwise (and yes, I trust that my gun is strong enough, don't have to test that out). Those fuckers hurt. I can never hold it on myself for even a "one-one-thousand."
A fairly large friend of ours took twenty bucks to be shocked by a taser one of girl friends had. His eyes rolled up for a second and his feet flew out from under him landing flat on his back. We pissed ourselves laughing.
What it a tazer (wires) or stungun (electric arc)? Usually the latter packs a harder wallop, sometimes knocks people put cold.