I kind of wish they'd gone with the gritty sequel the first ten seconds of the trailer implies vs. the comedy in the rest of it. It doesn't look funny, but it does look like it could have been badass. Which is a lot of judgment based on a trailer, but that's the impression the trailer leaves me with.
I agree, plus they could have easily had some legit female heroine characters to show if they took the bad ass route... but that's a joke now. Not sure if I can recall seeing a movie concept that looked so forced as this.
AGH. I'm so pissed at this cunt at work that totally screwed my day and has absolutely ZERO shame. Like would ask for the shirt off your back and won't take no for an answer. That's basically what happened today. And, she could get into a lot of trouble if I reported her to the Powers That Be since she's practicing outside of her scope. I'm trying to decide if I'm feeling vindictive. In the meantime, it's time to drink. Watched "Fuller House" on a lark. Yep. John Stamos is still fuckable. He's probably old enough to be my pops, but he's dreamy.
T The best thing they could have done for this movie is never remake it, in any way, ever. You should only remake a movie if you think you can improve on it in some way. With Ghostbusters, that can't be done. We knew this remake was going to suck the second it was green-lighted and we continue to be right. In the end, we will REMAIN right. There's no way this movie won't suck with a trailer on such a high level of dogshit. The only trailer in the last 20 years that was worse was the Lego movie. And I'll still be seeing it. Why? Because I showed my daughter Ghostbusters last year, she has since then watched it at LEAST once a week because she loved it more than air, so you can imagine how ecstatic a little girl would be finding out its going to have an all-girl remake.
It's like my dreams have finally come true. It will probably taste like shit but I'm sure someone will eventually make a good one. http://www.askmen.com/news/sports/b...m_medium=Email&utm_campaign=askmen-newsletter
The new Ghostbusters IS vital for young girls. How cool would it be for kids to get into science or film making because of that flick? It seems to be a terrible movie for everyone else, but who cares. Which is fine, I have the originals. Hell, even the second one shit the bed as soon as that weird dude turned into a nanny ghost even though he was still alive, then they got the statue of liberty and fuck you, I'm glad it's the end because I'm fucking done. You really want conspiracy theory era Dan Ackroyd to bring you another sequel anyway? Pity they didn't go for an "American Werewolf In London" vibe. By the way, after the unmitigated disaster of fucking with Poltergeist, Fox is turning The Exorcist into a miniseries. For some reason they changed all the names. Why even call it the fucking Exorcist then? You bought the rights, why change it to the point where it is an entirely different story? That makes no fucking sense. Half the point of the original that there was no secret holy war TO carry out, which is where half the fucking tension came from. To top it off they hired the asshole who wrote Fantastic Fuckshits. I cannot wait to laugh. Someone is going to do a backflip, a literal backflip in the Exorcist, I swear to Christ.
I went looking for the most retarded thing written in response to the negative Ghostbusters reaction. Twenty seconds later, I think I found an actual professional media article that seems to have been written by the Incredible Hulk: http://fusion.net/story/276398/ghos...IsFusion&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social
I just want to point out the black lady's undertaker uncle is not going to be able to use that hearse with that ridiculous paint job. I'm assuming that he needs that hearse to put food on the table and isn't just really fucking creepy.
I'm kind of considering putting an ad on my car via this service: http://www.wrapify.com/. They don't have an android app yet so I couldn't do it yet, but when they do I'm going to download it to get some offers. If I get an offer of $500 or so per month I'll seriously consider it. My friend said that doing something like this would make him feel like a tool, and that's a very valid point, but effectively effortless money is effortless money. I'm not in love with my car's color anyway.
I'd pay $500 a month to have your car wrapped in a Pedo-Bear "ad", with a few little 6-year-old "beauty queen" girls posing on it.
If you ever forget how completely stupid and incompetent residents are...rest assured you will be seated next to a throng of them at dinner. Silly me for getting used to a certain group. You will instantly be reminded of their ignorance and arrogance. This was the first time in years I have asked to move tables.
I live in a neighborhood with lots of young kids and an elementary school 3 blocks away, and I'd do that before I'd advertise for Walmart, Apple, ED pills, among others.
Speaking of her, she had to personally shut up Team Outrage over how offended they were about whatever the fuck: ...took the words out of my mouth. Thank you.
I'm not going to bother looking into their business model because I don't care, but I feel like $500 a month could cover outright buying 2-3 used cars, getting them painted, and just giving them to people.
The company itself is just a go-between between car owners and advertisers. The way it works is that you download their app and turn it while you drive. The app tracks where you drive and based on a 50 mile testing drive advertisers will submit offers. I'm sure the actual money you get depends on your actual driving habits, but Wrapify just takes a cut of any offer a car owner accepts.
Holy shit. I just got a new car and drive around 140 miles per day. $500 would pay for the payment, insurance and most of the gas.
What car did you get where $500 would cover all that? It wouldn't make the payment on my truck, never mind the giant fucking gas bill 140 miles a day would run.
We are officially in the nostalgia era of film making. You will not see an original idea put forth for years. All you assholes who thought Star Wars The Force Awakens was as awesome as the 3 tittied bitch from the original Total Recall are the reason why.
Guessing he put a significant down payment on his vehicle. I paid 46.5k for my car in January but put 30k down so my payment's only $300 a month.
I'm driving a Chevy Equinox that was 3 years old when I bought it, and my payment/insurance/gas are comfortably under $500 a month. Granted, I went with the 60-month loan because my interest rate was low, but I only put down two grand and have a DUI on my insurance record.