I finally found out why traffic on the 2 lane road to "town" was so fucking bad... A cotton harvester holding up traffic for 15 miles... that's not something you see everyday folks. I'd estimate my average speed at 29.8 miles per hour. What I want to know is why they were driving through town. The traffic is bad enough on this road without farm machinery traveling on it.
Hahahaha. Apparently I'm a stalker. Why? Because I bumped into my ex's (not actually my ex, but she TOLD everyone we were dating despite that not being true) roommate on campus today... and talked to her for a minute. That was apparently "stalkerish and kinda creepy". Mhmm. Kinda creepy, like the fact that you have your friends wired to immediately tell you when they see me and then you harass me right away? On that note, beer number one begins now.
Going out to meet a new group of people tonight. Hopefully I don't have to drink to get through it. Have to work all weekend, and then I think we get Wednesday-Sunday off. My life sucks.
Just picked up a six pack of Dogfish Head Chicory Stout and a bottle of Stone Double Bastard Ale, as well as a porter kit I'm brewing tomorrow.
Depends. Were you nude when you bumped into said friend? I don't know about you guys, but that would give me the heebie-jeebies. If they're going to pretend you're creepy, you might as well get your money's worth. Break out in pathetic crying fits whenever wither of you say her name. Tap a switchblade against your groin while you talk to them. Maybe wear a pair of panties that I know you kept of hers on your face during conversation. If they want to make you look like an asshole, why not show them how it's done?
Shit, man. That's an every day occurrence around here. It's usually tractors with either bushhogs or some other farm implement, though. Can't say I've ever been held up by a cotton harvester. In other news, I had my wisdom teeth out this morning. Besides minimal swelling and bleeding, I feel pretty good. The pain is almost nonexistent thanks to the ice pack thing wrapped around my head. My wife is waiting on me hand and foot, and I have a shit load of Lortabs to get me through it. I might actually catch up on some MW2 this weekend in preparation for Black Ops. Let the fun begin. I'd like to add that this took me about 10 minutes to type this. I feel stone cold sober, but maybe the Lortab has kicked in.
Ooooooo, someone left a Newcastle draft keg in my fridge for me to play with! I can't wait to ask this girl to marry me (soon). See yall when I'm done (with the keg)!
God damnit, I just bought a new graphics card last night as my old one fried and I can't turn on my computer. Turns out today NewEgg has a promo code for 10% off all graphics cards. WTJFFJSDFLJSDFJ Maybe they'll be nice and let me use it less than 24 hours after I bought the card.
Whoops, that might have come out wrong- no proposal tonight. But its coming. See yall when I've floated the keg!
Our company doesn't have an "IT guy," so being the most tech-savvy one in admin, anything that involves electronics of the internet basically falls under my umbrella of random-shit-we-make-Sam-do. Well, a few days ago I had the brilliant "idea," or basically realization, that we should install a web filter on all of our computers with internet. Obvious reasons, like virus protection and increasing productivity (god this feels like an office space post); I hate "big brother" as much as the next guy and I didn't pitch the idea because I wanted to read personal emails. Well needless to say the idea got approved and I'm on my way to being the most hated person in the company by everyone except for the person that signs my paycheck. I'm vain, so my impending loss of all peer approval is going to make for one hell of a drunken weekend. I like to patchwork my problems with booze.
I figured he'd take her out on his boat and tell her she has no choice because if she says no he'll push her over and leave her there. I guess I was wrong.
Are you drinking by yourself because you have a kid on the way, or more of in a George Mallory, "because it's there" kind of way?
You know, I had this already quoted, getting ready to type any one of a number of surely-hilarious retorts, when I realized that I, in fact, have a chilled and freshly opened High Life sitting next to me, while my sober wife is doing I don't know what in the next room. And then I remembered (yes, I had forgotten) that I've been drinking by myself for roughly the past half hour. ..... fuck!
The real question is, who is so needy and self-concious that they need others in their immediate vicinity in order to justify drinking?
It's simple. If I want a drink, I'll have a drink. Or maybe even six. Don't fucking care what others are there or what they think. If you do otherwise, that's both entertaining and sad.