I generally have smaller hands too, but acoustic guitar has never been a problem. Finger length is important, but not as important as diameter. There are usually alternate fingerings for most chords. If you have fat sausage fingers, guitar will be difficult. Skinnier fingers are good for dexterity. And I also maintain that finger size has NOTHING to do with dick size. I swear. What?
I give you guys two more pages and you'll all be posting pics of your junk to see who wins the 'big' contest.
Yeah. It is why I only fuck tiny chicks. I once did a girl who was 5'10. Waaaay to tall* to make me feel adequate. *Actually I should say deep.
If by junk you mean my pinky that is bigger than any middle finger of the girls I know then ok. But if you want I can send you a pick of my dick, since you seem to be on a fishing expedition. It will be a very tasteful pic that accentuates the size. Granted taking a picture of your dick next to a 5 year old does that.
Funny that you mention that. I once rep'd a certain board member (who shall remain nameless), after they had just posted something particularly strange, this: "Jesus Christ, next thing you'll be sending everyone pictures of you jerking off." And voila. Not only me, but also Shegirl and various other people were treated to a youtube link of that very thing. My days of insinuating anything of the kind are behind me now. It only had to backfire once to make me gunshy.
Hell, I wish I were a midget. Ever seen one in a bar? They pull a lot of tail from the hot chicks. Me? Not so much.
Ok, so I am watching Wheel of Fortune before heading out to the bar, and this one girl spins. There are no letters up there. The theme is ""Phrase" There are 27 letters up there. She guesses "L" One L comes up in the middle of the longest word up there. There are 26 more letters to guess. Bitch is like, "I'm going to solve" Everyone is like, WTF, are you stupid? There is one letter. Bitch guesses:" I've got a good feeling about this" She got it and won. This bitch is voodoo or something.
Sure is. Vancouver, Washington. Two years ago an American woman was detained and arrested at the border for trying to smuggle weapons (among them hand grenades and automatic weapons, if I recall) into Canada. Her honest-to-god defense was that she had done this all by accident; she had no idea she was entering a foreign country. She thought all the signs were pointing her to a small city in Washington. EDIT: Don't click on that NSFW link. Ewww.
<a class="postlink" href="http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=vancouver+bc&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Vancouver,+BC&gl=ca&ei=9MHUTNiNJoOdlges0tmQCQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ8gEwAA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=vancouver+ ... CCIQ8gEwAA</a>
Dude, my wife's mother almost hit me with a frying pan when I walked into the kitchen while she was cooking and started going BORK BORK BORK!