The aforementioned Kroger had everything but Cisco: Mad Dog, Night Train, Thunderbird aaaaand Wild Irish Rose. Because I'm not in to punishing my liver solely for y'alls amusement (and because I don't have an active death wish) I settled on a nice, big bottle of Barefoot Pinot. Better luck next time!
That is like a calimocho or something right? I have a cheap red wine and coke cocktail at basque restaurants, surprisingly refreshing.
I'm fucking sober and it kinda pretty much sucks entirely. I have some potential meetings/interviews coming up and I've put on enough weight that I can't fit in to my suits, so I decided it's time to maybe not drink so damn much. I would just exercise enough to offset what I drink, but that just results in maintenance, not weight loss. So, Sunday I decided to only drink once a week, Thursdays, because that's when I record my podcast, and the premise requires me to be drunk. But, my cohost was sick this week, so I decided not to drink at all, and damn, this is pretty lame. I don't know if it's just that drinking is fun, or if drinking numbs the part of my brain that processes boredom, but having a buzz is way better than being sober. Anyways, by the time I drink again next Thursday, it will have been 11 days and change without drinking, the longest time I've gone without a drink since turning 21. Hopefully by New Years I can drop at least 10 pounds. That's what I want to lose before I consider drinking more often. Barbiturates should be fucking legal. They're a better drunk, cheaper if you have insurance and get generics, and they're calorie free. Fuck pot, give me fioricet.
That's fucking ridiculous fast. My hand measures exactly 7 inches from the heel of my palm to the tip of my middle finger. I have no idea if that's big or small for a female's hand. It's just after 2am here and I am not the least bit tired. Ugh.
I am so sick of the ridiculousness of RIT. I really can't handle it. I sincerely hope that the good karma I'm accumulating here comes back to me very, very soon, because it's becoming a problem that I've avoided for the past 3 years. Is it me, or is everyone here having really annoying problems too?
Lucy in the skyyyy with diamonds!! Lucy in the skyyyyy with diamonds!! Aaaaaah aaah! Lucy in the skkyyy with diamonds!!
On my way to a fetish night about an hours drive away. Was planning to leave about 20 minutes ago, to try and make a 75 minute drive in 60 minutes. Girls are still not dressed. ffs. Nikki is heading off to some lesbian event tonight - wrangling the bints is so much more fucking around when she's not coming.
I woke up at 5 a.m. Sober. On a Saturday. My mouth is sore (wisdom teeth out yesterday), but I might actually be productive today.
Didn't go out last night. I had to wake up early this morning and go through bureaucratic hell. Red dot away.
My hands are the size of a 6 year old's. The good news is that it makes your dick look really big. The bad news is that you'll feel like you're on "To Catch A Predator".