I truly believe he knows he fucked up so hard, so epically, but he refuses to admit he made a mistake. His ego will not allow it. After he gets done vacuuming her body hair out of the bed, when he tucks himself in at night, he probably goes over every detail of how she told him she was on the pill, but, surprise! she's pregnant. "No... no, it couldn't possibly have been my fault. My Yeezus sperm is just too powerful! That's the ticket." Then he blinks a tear away and drifts off to pleasant dreams where he's married to Beyonce, the way he deserves, and the most vile souled famewhore isn't using him for his status.
Jay Z is probably a little concerned that this is the second time West has rushed the stage of an award show to white knight for Jay's wife.
Guys. My espresso machine is dying. Do any of you have one with a milk frothing wand that you love? Because goddammit.
I hate you all. Unless you're being helpful. Supposably (which by the way my MacBook now believes is a word) you guys are supposed to help when I ax questions about expresso.
Were going to shut this down for now and keep WDTs for the weekends the way they used to be. Lets see how this goes. Shegirl may chime in with more details.
Nothing to add outside of what Juice already said. We'll give this a try and see how it goes. Don't like it? Please suggest a thread or two.