How the hell do you blow your profile up to this size for a Facebook costume? I figured I'd take a screen shot but I don't know how to blow everything up and make it not look like garbage.
Time and budget constraints have led me to go with my backup plan: My Mark Sanchez jersey + a tube of brown makeup, applied creatively + explanatory index cards for uninformed individuals who persist in asking me what my costume means. Bing, bang, boom.
Jägerette told me that she was going to her work as "the warehouse" I asked if she was referring to her cavernous vagina. I might be on the couch tonight
I'm going as Harry Whittington. Got a cheap BDU jacket from Goodwill, a safety vest, and some fake blood & bullet holes. Also making a badge for the vest that says "Cheney Hunting Party". A few years late maybe but whatever. Put it together for about $25 in under 2 hours.
It's either going to be Orson Wells or Billy Mays. I'm fat, have a beard, and could pull off either one. Anyone got a suggestion?
If anyone needs a cheap, easy, last-minute costume idea, you can borrow this bad-ass one. Only another true bad-ass will recognize it.
My friends and I are going out as the Scooby Doo Gang. I'll post photos after tonight's party. Everyone did a really good job with their costumes and everything is dead on. I'm Fred so I get to wear the stifling ascot, sweater combo and spray my hair blond. The kid wearing the Scooby outfit is a little too tall for it so he has a hilarious case of camel toe. So far we've won three contests which is pretty bad ass. Not as sweet as the free drinks I get with my Captain Morgan costume but free money is good money.
Thanks man. I tried the felt thing, but it just wasn't working for me. Luckily a friend suggested paper mache and thus my costume was born. How's the camelbak workin' out? I just role with a crazy straw.
I love vicariously through my kids. I have missed trick or treating that's for sure! My oldest was Frankenstein, and my youngest (a month old yesterday) was a hotdog
Cookie Monster was a smashing success. I carried around burnt, stale cookies that I found in a bag on the ground about a week ago and gave them out to people. Only half of a cookie to each person though because cookies are a sometimes snack. I made sure everyone was aware of that.
Me and twelve other guys went as Global Guts, we had three teams of four and one kid was Mo the ref. We had competitions all night, beerlympics, ruit, flip cup you name it. Then me and two kids ran a mile and a half to the bar because the shuttle there was full and we didn't want to wait. Stole some cat ears off a girl and found a fake ax, successful Halloween plus I got some cardio in.
I ended up putting a lot of time into the costume, but it was a success. I managed to offend at least half of the people I came in contact with. I lost track of how many "oh my god, are you fucking serious?" comments I got from women. I always responded with, "I'm trying to raise awareness for feminine hygeine, and you're giving me a hard time. Thanks a fucking lot." I didn't bring a camera with me and I no longer have Facebook, so I'll post pictures if I can track someone down who has some.
The wife and I went as white trash. We even drove to the party in my 84 Camaro. She decided to go as pregnant white trash, and everyone at the party kept asking each other if she was really pregnant. The sad part is both our costumes were made up of regular clothes from the local Wal-mart.
I just wanted to share this with you guys. We had our Halloween party at the bar where I dj at, and granted the picture sucks, but you still get the idea. Unfortunately he took second place in the costume contest. *shakes fist at the nightmare before Christmas couple, and their stupid dog*
In lieu of actually spending any money, I decided to go as a douchebag. -Four brightly-colored polos, worn together with the collar popped? Check. -Visor I got for free from a liquor store just off campus last year and haven't touched since? Check. -Aviators, worn indoors and at night? Check. -Ripped to pieces jeans that I've had since freshman year of high school? Check. -Mandals? Check for Friday, too cold on Saturday. The result: