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2010 MLB Season

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by Beefy Phil, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I think that this will be a good World Series, similar to the 2002 Angels/Giants match up. I am looking forward to Wednesday.
  2. Chirpy

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Sorry to add to the derailment...
    I'm a Yankees fan stuck in Phillies country and I can tell you first hand, what you say is true. And while I've witnessed and borne some pretty harsh shit, my favorite experience was watching the news this year and pretty much sums up what the country believes about Philly fans:

    After a Reds loss, the local reporters were doing some "on the scene" reactions from people in bars around the Philly area. Three gentlemen at the bar were Reds fans and had attended the game. As the reporter interviewed the fans, they spoke about their team but gave major props to the Phillies and how they were playing in that series. Out of the blue, two Phillies fans jumped into the camera, put their arms around the Reds fan pointed in his face and loudly booed in his ear as he was interviewed (booed even though the Reds lost? Hmmm.) The reporter asked how he felt about the Phillies fans' reactions and he said, "it's exactly the display of class you'd expect from the citizens of the City of Brotherly Love." I think I became a Reds fan right then and there.

    Look, everyone can point out instances where inappropriate shit has gone down. Every city has them. However, Philadelphia fans have the bad reputation because 9 times out of 10, they collectively behave in an entitled manner, demanding respect for their team when really their team isn't that impressive and whining and refusing to listen to any other side of the story. Big games they lose are because of bad reffing/umping/cheating never because the team played badly. And I don't give props to the "we've suffered so long so let us enjoy this" argument since 1980 and 1993 weren't that long ago. Talk to Cubs fans. Talk to Sox fans. Shit, talk to Rangers fans. It's a common intolerant-of-others attitude that is apparent (even here on the board). /rant

    BACK ON FOCUS: Anyway, I know lots of people are not excited for this series but I am going to watch every game. I love the hodgepodge of players on the Giants and think their hitting is solid. And personally, I'd like to see Dave Righetti coach his way to a WS ring--I always liked him.
    Texas is just fun to watch because they are a scrappy, thinking team. They'll sacrifice anything to advance a runner and will do shit that I only see in college baseball games. I love that die hard attitude and love that their bats are on fire. I'm hoping both teams play as well as they did in the last series...if they do, it's going to be an exciting seven days of baseball.
  3. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    You have monstrous balls putting down Philly fans if you are a Yankee fan. Seeing you are just blurting out a story from one person's view I'm guessing it's ok that I do the same thing. My sister who was twenty two at the time and her five friends went to see the Yankee's play in the new stadium. (Why anyone would spend that much is beyond me) while they were there they had beer thrown on them and were spit on because they did not have any Yankee's gear on. They also witnessed several fights after the game in the parking lot.

    I'm not going to defend philly fan's, so many incidents happen that put such a black eye on the city it is simply not worth it. It is especially sad to see the Phillies starting to get a bad rap, for years it was the Eagles who brought all the bad press now it seems to come from every direction. However if you think this is the only place that this happens you are incredibly stupid. Try wearing another teams jersey to an Oakland Raider game, or show up to a Cleveland Browns game wearing a Denver jersey chances are you will not get a warm reception. Teams that have all four major teams tend to be fiercely loyal to the franchises, and when you have a lower demographic of people surrounding the stadium you can gurauntee you will have some problems. However saying "Philly fans are cunts" is so stupid and blind it makes me want to scream. You don't think Met fans and obnoxious? You don't think Boston Fans can be downright unbearable?

    Don't you find it odd that newscasters seem to always interview a slovenly fat moron when talking about the Eagles? Clearly not every person in the stadium looks like that or says "yous love the iggles" but they always end up on T.V, and sadly fools then think every philly fan acts like that. I had no problem losing last year's World Series, it sucked but the Yankees were better no argument. Almost every person I knew felt the same way, this year was different because I know the Phillies didn't play their best. Honestly they did not even deserve to beat the Reds the way they played offensively, Chase Utley had his worst post season series ever. If Tim Lincecum had come in and gotten blown up both games wouldn't Giants have felt a tad jaded? I'm sure.

    The truth of the matter is that in most cases our worst fans are worst than any other teams. Simply put our bad apples are the most rotten. However saying "philly fan's are cunts" is just as stupid. My guess is that was said by someone who is a Denver Bronco's fan, for baseball they like the Dodgers, for basketball they like the Heat and for Hockey their a huge Redwings fan. Why? Because that's who they liked when they were little. I've liked the Bronco's my whole life because I love John Elway, it doesn't matter that I live in Seattle. This type of fan has no idea the type of pride you feel when the team you grew up watching, from your city win's a championship. They also don't understand the embarrassment we feel when some freak throws up on a little girl. Being pigeon holed like that is absolutely awful. However when they win the whole thing and you get to watch the team come down Broad street waving to a screaming crowd of two million it's hard to compare it to anything else. Does the pieces of shit that fight, scream curse words and get thrown out games embarrass me? Absolutely. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world though, Philly is my team.
  4. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Dude I'm sorry about what happened to your sister, but it has nothing to do with "these fans vs those fans." I've probably been to about 50 Yankee game. I also don't own any Yankee gear aside from a Yankee hat that I have never bothered to wear to a game. Not only that, many of the games I've been to were against the Red Sox with a number of Red Sox fans in tow. Several of these opportunities I was in the bleachers where things are expected to be the worst. And I have never once seen anything aside from some good ole fashioned ribbing. No fights, no beers poured or anything.

    Instead of all this this city's fans suck and ours don't for who knows what reason isn't there a much more reasonable explanation? Namely that there are some assholes everywhere. Sometimes assholes, in the right situation, cause a scene or do something bad. It just so happens that a few more incidents happened in Philly as compared to other places.

    Some people have just had some bad experiences which color their views. It's just such a dumb debate. People are people for fucks sake.

    I'd like to end this post by saying fuck Red Sox fans.
  5. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009

    I'm not sure if you read my post completely but that was exactly my point. He had posted some stupid unprovable story about philly fans, I responded by posting a stupid unprovable story about New York. I admitted that while there are assholes everywhere it's a godd possibility that we have the worst.

    My point is just what you said people are people and imbiciles are everywhere. What annoys me is that the media loves to jump on the Philly stories and point out how awful it is to attend sporting event's in Philadelphia. I don't disagree with anything you wrote except I don't care about the BO-Sox.
  6. Chirpy

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Actually she posted about a story that was LIVE ON THE NEWS. And they didn't interview a yokel, they interviewed an opposing team's fan and the Philadelphia fans acted exactly as anyone would expect they would. I was simply stating that they have the reputation because when given the chance, they act according to their reputation. Get some reading comprehension.
  7. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Jesus Christ who fucking cares. Tonight has to be one of the best pitching match ups in World Series history. Can we talk about that. Can we talk about how the Giants brought up one guy (Posey), and it lit a fire under the Giant's collective ass. How about we talk about how fun the Rangers are to watch. They do the little things so well, and don't forget that they do the big things so well too. This is the MLB 2010 Season Thread. So let's talk about the world series. Who do you guys have winning it? It's hard to pick against the Giants, because they seem to be playing very well as a unit right now. I'll take the Rangers though. They have pretty good pitching, and a bunch of fast excellent hitting players. I'll also take Lee winning the pitching duel tonight. Final score.... 4-2 Rangers.
  8. MooseKnuckle

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    Oct 19, 2009
    With this pitching matchup, I don't see more than 3 total runs being scored in the 38 minutes it takes to play this game. Rangers will probably win. Final score 1-0. 2-1 if we're lucky.
  9. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Try ignoring the post's, we are enjoying the thread.

    I would have to think that the Rangers are going to win. If the Giant's can hold that juggernaut like offense to six run's or less for six games I will be stunned. Enough about Buster Posey (although I would like to see him win NL rookie of the year) I think Josh Hamilton will be the most exciting player to watch in the series.

    Cliff Lee is ridiculous as well, rumor is 25mil a year for 4-5 years and he hasn't even won the series yet. Hmmmm, I wonder where he will go?? Not the Yankees.
  10. MooseKnuckle

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Whoops. Didn't see this coming at all.
  11. Rudolph

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Haha, no kidding.
  12. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I think we can all agree the right fielder has to be the worst fielder on the team. (I always thought it was left) However after watching the Red's OF and Vlad you have to wonder.

    Last night was sloppy. I loved the offense but otherwise it was lousy. Guy's getting picked off because they slipped? Pathetic errors? Two premium pitchers who could just not get it together, it's not hard to face Cliff Lee if his breaking ball never ends up a strike.

    I'm not sure if Lincecum was tired or what but I wished the Phils faced last night's Lincecum. I'm hoping game four is a much better re-match.
  13. Elset

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 4, 2009
    near Boulder, CO
    God damn it. These marquee pitching matchups continue to disappoint. WHEN WILL WE GET THE DUAL NO HITTERS!? Here's looking at you, game 5.
  14. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I completely agree. The game was entertaining and disappointing at the same time. There were 6 errors committed. You just don't want to see that in the world series. Oh well, another good pitching matchup tonight to look forward to. They had similar numbers for the regular season, but Cain has done much better in the playoffs.
  15. Rudolph

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I much prefer seeing Bengie Molina tagging up from third and coasting in to home (seriously, that hit was pretty shallow center field. I have no idea how he wasn't out by a mile at the plate.) than a pitchers dual at this point in the season. I could watching that guy run all day, especially in slow motion. He looks like the Brewers original mascot.


    Attached Files:

  16. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Before you guys clobber me on this this has nothing to do with being bitter about the Phils. However I really feel last year was a much better series. In fairness only one game has been played so I will hold my breath and wait and see. However watching the two championship series has been a real let down compared to last year. Of course you have some heroics (Cliff Lee, Buster Posey) as well as some lighting in a bottle that came out of nowhere (Cody- fucking- Ross??!!??) but neither of these teams look like they could beat last year's Yankee team.

    That Yankee team was absolutely ridiculous. Jeter and Damon batted close to 400 and then of course you had the rest of the guys hitting for power when needed. I was sad the Phillies lost but not disappointed like I am now, that team was undoubtedly the best team in baseball. Now I'm not so sure that we will see the best team win it, again it's what makes sports great the underdog, the Cinderella, the quintessential upset. However these teams look sloppy and far from superior to me. I didn't watch enough of the ALCS to really comment but I was excited to watch Hamilton, Vlad, Kinsler and these other studs go against Tim L. What a let down.

    I just hope we get some good baseball in the next couple games.
  17. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Do you think they will put Vlad back in the field tonight or use him as a pinch hitter? Because he looked like he couldn't even bend over last night.
  18. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I doubt he will be in the field. His bat his huge but his errors were humiliating.
  19. Puffman

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Central California
    Looking pretty good for the Giants. There has been a major breakout of orange and black around here and no doubt it is going to get worse tomorrow.
  20. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I'm a Padres and Twins fan, so I don't have a team in this race. However, the people around my area (central cali) are 100% Giants.

    Is it cool to cheer for a team you don't give a fuck about in a place filled with their fans when your team is already dead and you need to be accepted?