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2010 NFL Season

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by shegirl, Sep 3, 2010.

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  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    On Farve: After listening to the voicemails, it is clear and I quote an old movie "That nigga is guilty!" He can't do anything else about it. He can't say anything.
    But I have to love Jenn Sterger because 1. She's cute/extremely fuckable. 2. She's not being a cunt and trying to throw Farve under the bus.

    Why get mad at Jaws and Gruden? Have you watched MNF before with them on it? Might as well get mad at fish for swimming in water. That's ALL THEY DO. But if you muted it, you missed Mike Tirico actually get angry at the Jets bad clock management. It is the first time he's ever gotten angry. "You don't even need to know football to get clock management right!" I shit myself laughing.

    I'm just happy they don't say the stupid shit every other announcing team says every game "They'll call that foul every time" knowing 5 minutes later they'll talk about a missed flag.

    I wanted the Jets to lose that game, because I'm a Patriots fan. I don't care about the Vikes, and I'm oddly unconcerned about Moss. But there are two people in the NFL that can put their team on Mental Steroids that don't dissipate after a bad play. Ray Lewis and Rex Ryan, those two guys could get my ailing grandma 90 year old up to hit someone sack a quarterback. Now the Colts have shown all their unfixable weaknesses for the NFL to see, I don't know who is in the AFC going to stop the Jets unless the Belichick pulls magic out of his ass.
  2. jets22

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    Oct 20, 2009
    The part with Tirico was hilarious, and he had a damn good point too. Stupid mistake that almost came back to bite us in the ass. Of course when Favre throws another interception to lose another game with another pass that he had no business throwing, he's all heart. Such a gritty player. We need to find a way to clone about a hundred Gus Johnsons and just have them announce everything. Science, get on this.

    As far as the AFC goes, Pittsburgh's the team I'm most worried about. They're 3-1 without Rapelisberger and if he comes back ready to play, they could really dangerous. Obviously it's the Jets, so they could shit the bed against almost anyone, but the Steelers definitely scare me the most.
  3. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    You gotta admit though, the pass protection Favre got throughout the game was on par with Pop Warner.
  4. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    You know what's funny? I realized that the Vikings are the perfect team for Favre, and he's probably smart enough to have realized this too: We Vikings fans are so used to kick-in-the-nuts plays like Favre's game-ending interceptions that we almost don't even blame him for it like other fan bases might, they just seem like a natural consequence of playing for the Vikings. When he threw that pick last night it immediately came into my mind that it was such a classic Vikings play that it wouldn't have even mattered who was the QB. Brady, Manning, Brees, Montana, Starr, it doesn't matter - they all would've thrown that pick simply from wearing a purple jersey.

    About Jaws & Gruden: I don't know about Gruden but with Jaws I blame the MNF producers for his antics. I remember when he wasn't a regular broadcaster and would offer excellent and insightful analysis - remember the MNF doubleheader a few years back when he and Dick Vermiel were covering the 2nd game? It's like now that he's the regular MNF announcer the producers have told him to dumb it down and ham it up, probably because they think it increases ratings or something.
  5. Maltob14

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    Space Cadet

    Jan 19, 2010
    Halifax, NS
    Lets face it - and this has been said before - the tv stations and the broadcasters don't give a shit about you. At all. You're already hooked and are there regardless of who is talking and what they are talking about. They know that people who understand and love the game will most likely just tune them out in their head. They are there to present a warm welcoming environment for everyone else just getting into the game so they can get started and end up as recurring viewers. The pre-game, halftime and post-game reports are completely different because if you're new you're most likely not watching the game yet or just doing something else completely.
  6. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    Just be happy Dennis Miller isn't anywhere near the field. I like Gruden, I think he does a decent job and gives a pretty unique view.

    Favre need's to go. Sorry She-Girl it's true. His constant forcing of the ball is hurting the team now, he doesn't make a bunch of spectacular plays anymore to help balance it. He is almost 100% going to throw an INT almost every game. He has ridiculous weapons, the line I'm not sure about I only watched last nights game, but having AP should help a little bit with that.

    The pass last night to Harvin put the nail in the coffin in my opinion. You have a player wide open, the CB literally fell down and he blows it. I know it can happen. I doubt it will happen to Drew Brees, Manning, Brady or even Matt Ryan when the game is on the line. It's not just that he missed the easy throw, he missed the easy throw with 1:30 to go down by two.

    That and his fumbles let the reality of Brett Favre shine through, it's time to hang them up and make wrangler commercials.
  7. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I don't disagree with you at all, but I've yet to meet a single person that actually enjoys listening to these guys call a game. I know plenty that are completely indifferent towards them, but the rest all view them with varying degrees of hatred. That doesn't seem like a good strategy to me.

    Obviously ESPN doesn't give a shit about its viewers as long as they keep watching (as they've shown time and time again), but that doesn't make it any less aggravating.
  8. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Dude do you think I want to watch the shit that has been his last season thus far? Hell no and the prospect of watching it for the season, is a shitty one. If this is how his level of play is going to go, I agree with you because watching him almost literally unravel on the field and now off, is painful and disappointing.

    The two or three glimpses into why he's a HoHer each game is not enough. He's distracted and when he's on the field, he's not really there. You can tell by not only the craptastic playing but also, I see it in his face.

    Now true we are only a handful of games into the season, the weather was less than friendly, storm delays and there's a lot swirling around him and the team right now but god dammit, clear your head, find your rhythm and sync the fuck up so your line can follow your lead. The line looked like total shit last night.

    As for the Packers, they are killing themselves with shitty clock management, play calling and fucking penalties.

    Quite obviously I'm not a happy girl.
  9. john_b

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    Oct 24, 2009
    Not that anyone else fumbled, but was it pouring when he fumbled? That ball had to be fairly slick. I might give him a little slack on those, but that's it.
  10. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Favre must be really, really regretting coming back this year. I know what he wanted and thought would happen: He'd come back, everyone would be all super happy and praise him constantly.

    This whole Jen Sterger thing? Didn't some come forward before the season even started to say Bret sent her the texts of his cock and make passes at her? It was completely and totally ignored then. No sports networks acknowledged it. I mean, literally, they didn't even blurb that the accusations had been made, but no evidence had been brought forward: it was completely, totally, 100% ignored. I only heard about it on the radio here in Chicago, because a few of the sports talk guys found it highly amusing.

    The evidence comes out, people only now started to talk about it, and now it is turning into what it should've been when it came about originally: kind of a big deal. Favre sending text pictures of his cock to a female employee of the Jets (no matter how worthless she is) is still a form of sexual harassment that could get the Jets and Favre into major trouble.

    When you add that to his on the field woes, you realize just how shitty the last year of Favre's career is going to be. This controversy is going to dog him all year, and it could result in a few game suspension, which will end his illustrious streak of games started.

    Truth be told, there is zero chance that Minnesota benches Favre, no matter how bad he plays. He could throw fifteen interceptions over the next 4 games, but no one will take him out. It just won't happen, because we all know what the result would be. The day that the Vikings announce that they are benching Favre for playing like shit is the day that Favre tells the Vikings to go fuck themselves and he retires. Favre will not stand for being a backup QB.

    Here is how I foresee this possibly going down. Favre continues to play like shit, with flashes of his old self. He throws a TD, but then 2 picks. He continues to blow games at the end, and slowly the voices to bench Favre start to pop up. Favre will start to feel the heat. In addition, the investigation will start to turn up more and more information, and it will start to look more and more like Favre will be facing a suspension for violating the league's personal conduct policy. Before he is suspended, and before he is benched, Favre will play the retirement card. We're talking Week 9 or 10, when the Vikings are 3-6 (still theoretically in contention, but likely not going to make the playoffs). Favre will say that he feels bad for being a distraction to his team, and that he is afraid that his off-the-field problems are causing him to lose focus, so he will retire. He may also make up a phantom injury, or say his ankle never fully recovered from his off-season surgery, but he will find several excuses to retire and walk away before the season ends, because he would rather retire and go out on his own terms than get benched or suspended.

    He may make it through the entire season, but with the way things are shaping up right now, I can't see it happening. More importantly, I can't see Bret LETTING it happen. Make no mistake that Bret's legacy is important to him, and he knows that if he continues to play like complete and utter dogshit to the point where he risks getting benched, to go ALONG with the potential to be suspended, he will walk away before it happens.

    Seriously, it doesn't get any easier for the Vikings in the next few weeks. Next week they get a very, very desperate Dallas team coming to town. The next week, they have to travel to Green Bay (I can only imagine the heckles Favre will face this week), and then they travel to New England. If they continue to play like they have, I can't imagine them winning more than 1 of these 3 games (making them 2 - 6). After that, if Favre's play continues to be awful, and the investigation is looking like it is heading towards Favre getting suspended, I highly suspect that he will walk away.
  11. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    What I can't figure out about the texts and messages is this, if she'd dissed his VM messages by not responding, then why the fuck would he (or anyone for that matter) still send peen pics? From what I've read, she never responded to the VM's. What idiot would then send, obviously unwanted, pics? It makes no sense. If he did it and it can be proven then give him the punishment he deserves however, keep in mind it's not like he was beating on hookers or running a dog fighting ring. If he's innocent I hope it's beyond a shadow of a doubt so all the haters, who now have even more to hate on him for, eat their words.

    Either way, what a way to go out. Shitty.
  12. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I thought you wouldn't mind because as a girl you just like looking at him!!
  13. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    What are you talking about, of course she's upset, he was sending those pics of his junk to that whore Jenn Sterger and not her!

    (I'm allowed to tease you a little, shegirl, aren't I?)
  14. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, because he is Bret Favre.

    You have to understand that it is entirely possible that Bret figured that she was just playing hard to get. He probably figured "Fuck it, I am Bret fucking Favre! She totally wants me! I know what will do it!"

    People who have power tend to think that they can do anything they want, and you can't deny that Bret Favre feels virtually invincible (or, at least, he did back when he was with the Jets). That kind of self-confidence can backfire and cause people to do incredibly dumb shit.
  15. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Well he obviously just doesn't know when it's time to quit...
  16. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Oct 21, 2009
    I can't understand why ANYONE in this day and age would send a photo or a text. I iamgine that it is pretty easy to prove, especially if they get the Police involved they can easily check the phone number. Ashton Kutcher, moron. Tiger Woods, idiot. Brett Favre? Lord of the Idiots! Charlie Sheen needs to show these celebrity's how to cheat, his is usually speculation.
  17. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    And add to that Rodgers concussion last week. Fuck me. Just fucking shoot me now.
  18. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Brett Farve is not going to get suspended. He's not going to miss one fucking game. I'll put $25 on this right now. Jenn Sterger isn't going to come out and say shit. This isn't a legal case. Unless she says "Yes Brett Farve sent x, y and z" he's off the hook.

    You know why? She has a little sports career going.

    If she sits down and does the pros and cons of why she should talk. There is no benefit to doing it and a lot of downside. As a woman in sports does she want to be the one that will be forever known as "The Woman Who Killed Brett Farve's Starting Streak"? Not unless she wants to go to Europe and report the other football.

    And once again, since it is not a legal case. She can dodge everything, and keep her life going. Calling it now. She is not going to say a-god-damn-thing. She is going to let old age, a terrible coach, his wife, in inability to say no, the lack of offensive protect, a swift, beautiful and brutal sack that leads to a pick end the career of a man that sent her mole rat pictures and desperate voicemails.

    That and it is a better story if he goes out on his own terms or whatever...

    *And if I'm wrong, fuck it. Go Bears.
  19. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Great. At least Rodgers is going to play. How the fuck is Miami 2-0? WTF is happening? It's like Bazarro World. Correction they are 2-2 (derp) but, the Buc's are 3-1. Bazarro World still applies.
  20. Decatur Dave

    Decatur Dave
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The woods of Central Florida
    We are going to have the first season in a loooooong time where everything but the wild card berths aren't wrapped up by week 15 hopefully.

    Oh, I almost forgot... Brett Favre's dick. Hadn't thrown that in any of my posts since that story surfaced.
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