Well said. I am not sure how much Joe knew, but he knew something. They have records of Sandusky being told not to bring the kids from his program on campus anymore. In other words "Jesus man, if you're gonna fuck the kids, get a hotel room or something." It's inconceivable that a major University would allow one of it's employees to run a camp that was basically a recruiting tool for a child molester.
This isn't how I wanted Joe Paterno to leave Penn State. I wanted him to leave after a winless season.
Or at home games, when they had the local PeeWee Team of the Week run out onto the field, he stood there and rubbed his crotch and licked his lips. How big were Sandusky's balls? He wrote a book called "Touched by Jerry Sandusky", he started a foundation to support emotionally damaged kids AND he brought them to his place of employment for sodomy? it doesn't take Dr Phil to analyze these cries for help.
A cry for help is something like a failed suicide or acting up in school. Those aren't cries for help. That man didn't care about help as long as he had a fresh crop of troubled kids and a place to rape them.
As a current Penn State student, I will say this is the fucking worst. Joe Paterno clearly is at fault to some degree, but we don't know exactly to what extent. A lot of people are hating on the students for being in denial, but this is such a shitty situation. We can't be expected to completely turn on JoePa before all the facts are known. One thing that is for certain is that absolutely everyone in the town wants all of our administrators out as soon as possible.
Including this year over the last four years Penn St has had two 11-2 seasons and they're 8-1 right now. I wouldn't say Paterno has been doing too bad. Plus, if Paterno's hasn't been doing as well lately you can kind of say that's a problem for a lot of big ten teams. In his defense Paterno did report the harassment to the athletics director and he only heard about it second hand. That's not exactly turning a blind eye, and I agree that he should have done more, but some of the hate spewing from the media is just too much. I don't think the guy should have his entire legacy tarnished for something he didn't do, and I'm going for the double meaning there. Regardless of my beliefs, I don't know if his reputation will ever recover.
Anyone else note the timing of this? It was supposedly a 2 or 3 year long investigation, and it all comes to light right after JoePa sets the NCAA Div I record for wins? Now, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but damn, that sounds like they kept it under wraps until he got that record.
Well, Paterno is gone. That didn't take long. Bad way to end a great career. Too harsh or not harsh enough? At least the radio I listen to at work can start talking about something else soon.
The students acting so indignantly at that press conference was just embarrassing. EDIT: I'm sure a number of these idiots will try to riot and perhaps get arrested.
Fuck him, his legacy, and every one one of those asshole PSU students who have the gall to support him.
He needed to go immediately, if only for the fact that giving him a sendoff at the game on Saturday where he can get 10 minute standing ovations from the student body was just not a visual the school could let happen.
I think it was more about the University finally taking control and not letting Paterno set his terms. He could have helped, in whatever small capacity, by stepping down immediately, but his ego wouldn't allow for that. Sorry it had to happen like this, but he had to go.
The should round up all those students and put them on a bus to the local maximum security prison for a nice group shower rape. See how they like it. This is NOT about football or NCAA violations or an old man's ego/legacy.
I hate how the media keeps referring to the guy who saw Sandusky raping the 10 y/o boy as a "Grad Student" as if he was some meek academic. He is Mike McQueary, a former starting Penn State QB for two years. At the time he heard "slapping flesh that sounded sexual" in the Locker room and witnessed a 10 year old child being raped, McQueary was 28 years old and fit as hell having only recently tried out for NFL teams. Yet he walked away from a 58 year old naked man raping a child. To do what? To call his father to ask what to do because he was presumably more concerned about his career as a coach than saving a child. Paterno is supposed to be this great builder of character in young men. McQueary's conduct when faced with something real, and awful (versus simply football) was to run away. An object lesson in the "greatness" of Paterno as a builder of character. By the way, as it stands now, McQueary will be on the sidelines coaching Penn State's receivers on Saturday.
Someone needs to put Boise St's kicker's head on a pike. Talk about deja vu. Why are they completely incapable of recruiting for that position? It's so stupid to blow two perfect seasons in a row because you can't make chip shot field goals.
Ditto on Oregon's coach. Going for the 2 point conversion in the first quarter on the first touchdown of the game? And making it! Balls.
I was only casually watching, but I thought they lined up in the swinging gate and Stanford didn't line up right for it, so that gave Oregon the go-ahead.
Boise St and Stanford both gone... Ok St has to survive the game with Oklahoma, or it could be an LSU-Bama rematch after all.