Awwww yeah! Spoiler I couldn't see what I was doing with that fucking mask on, but that's okay. Who gives a shit about the actual music, right?
The Winehouse costume was disappointing, since 90% of the yahoos I work with thought I was Kat von D - which speaks more about them than it does about my beehiving skills. That said, this is not a picture of me, but of my nephew. The baked potato. Spoiler
Since I didn't get to dress up for Halloween due to crazy extenuating circumstances (probably will rant about them in the Rant/Rave section any time now) I will show you my kid's costumes since it was my idea and I made them (with a little help) and they won a prize in our town parade. I am not a crafter, so I was pretty proud of how they turned out.
As promised, here are some pictures detailing the construction of my phony ghost children. This is what the setup looked like with the sheets off. I used towels wrapped around the top posts to simulate a head, and used some dish towels on the ends of the "arms" to make it less obvious that the whole thing is made of wood. I kept the sheets from blowing off or getting caught in the wheels by stapling them to the frame. Here you can see where the broom handle bolts onto the end. In retrospect, I should have mounted it further up on the frame, in the middle or possibly even the front. It was pretty tough to push with one hand, and by the end of the night my forearms and wrists were killing me. Another thing I'll do differently next year is use some thicker plywood for the base. I used some 1/4" stuff I had laying around, and it was too flimsy. Next year I'll probably use 1/2" stuff. And here's what the bottom looked like:
While I was out and about on Saturday night I saw three different women dressed as peacocks. Yes, I said peacocks. For those of you who don't know, here's a little lesson on peafowl: The peacock is a male bird, while the female of the species is called a peahen. The peacock has those big ass feathers, while the peahen does not. For example, the peacock: Spoiler and the peahen: Spoiler I approached each of these women and asked them if it was their intention to dress up as male birds. They all replied with something like "No, I'm a girl peacock!". To which I replied with something like, "You're a fucking moron." Anyways, I dressed up as the bad credit score guy from the commercials. I even shaved the top of my head to look bald. I haven't seen any pictures of me in the costume yet, but if I do I'll post them.
I started as Ronald McDonald from this video: But ended up going as McRapey the Clown, because I looked fucking creepy. Here is me at my creepy best. Story behind this photo was that one of my friends is deathly scared of clowns, so I was waiting for her to come in the door, and was trying to find a height advantage to scare her.
I'm more impressed with the mask part, keeping the eyes. Also impressed that they got watermelons this time of year . . . course, I have no idea if this picture was taken on Labor Day or Halloween.
So, it seems turtles are green. Because it's halloween I didn't even consider that. I mean, you carve pumpkins on halloween, everyone knows this.
This is the kids getting ready to go to a Halloween party. For those of you that actually pay attention to pictures of kids you don't know, I know the boys are in outfits that they already had, but since I didn't get them for trick or treating, it seemed kind of silly to spend 40 bucks on costumes for them.