That's why I mentioned both teams. Most of the bad shit you quote is owed to the Cowboys there. The reasons to hate the Yankees are: biggest asshole fans in North America, purchase championships, don't mind players using juice: Jason Giambi: "I have never taken steroids. Sometimes, men gain 20 pounds in their mandible alone when they move from west coast to east coast."
People hate those teams because their fans are nonexistent when they're losing, but are self entitled assholes when they win. I've got a good friend who's a Patriots fan, I lived vicariously through the Sox '04 run with him. I'm also known to him to say things to needle people. I texted him "Go Eli" right after the game. He threatened to fight me and dismember my family. I told him to start driving trying to make it obvious I was just screwing with him (That asshole sent me so many texts after clempsun beat us). What did he do? He said he was getting in the car right then and we would have it out Tuesday. He lives in South Dakota I live in South Carolina. Absolutely absurd.
Maybe you guys should stop hanging out with so many douchebags. Virtually everyone I hang out with has a sports team they love that has gone through good times and bad times - they brag in the good times, and take grief in the bad times. The fuckwit bandwagon fans don't affect me. If they're random assholes in the street - who cares? Cheer for whoever you want, but I think it's pretty pathetic to waste a lot of anger and hatred on a sports franchise.
A guy that won $50,000 on 50 to 1 odds on the first Giants points being a safety. Gave most of it to Brady's charity. Wants to take Brady out for falalfel. Adam Carolla makes a joke about how Brady's new charity is going to be called "Muzzles for Models" so they don't talk after big games. I thought that was funny. I'm going back to listening to Adele's Rolling In The Deep on replay...."We could have had it allllllll......"