I have an overwhelming desire to lock this thread. I'm just not sure if that's my bruised psyche from falling off the bandwagon. At least I just caught more fish than goals scored against Luongo in the last 7 games.
Finally hit on the right combination of fly and depth; black and red Doc Spratley at about 8' for the win. UNLIKE the fucking Canucks. Seriously, I landed around 30 fish tonight... it was epic.
All the rioting was fucking ridiculous, but I've gotta give the Vancouver fans credit for the reception they gave to Bettman. I've seen most if not all of the Cup presentations in the last 15 years and I can't remember him being booed so loudly and for so long. Once they started cheering for Thomas and then went right back to booing the shit out of Bettman, you could tell he was starting to get pissed. Awesome. I thought they were pretty classy for having to watch the other team skate the Cup in their own arena. Then again by that point, all the assholes were probably already outside lighting shit on fire.
Congrats to Boston, seriously. We choked, they won, hats off to them. And fuck the retards that rioted... wasn't indicative of the typical fan. We're gracious, and good sports, for the most part. Again, fuck the retards.
You have to be fucking joking. There are always athletes that don't follow good mechanics but get good results. It's not luck when you lead the NFL in saves 2 out of 3 years, and break the NHL record for save %. It's not luck when you post two shutout games in the finals. People don't ride luck very long in professional sports; their opponents are all far too highly trained and focused to allow that to fly. I'd go as far as saying it'd be pretty hard to ride luck for a single game in the NHL, with 20, 30, 40 shots per game. A highly instinctual player does not equal luck. Thomas is clearly a very instinctual player rather than having sound mechanics and a good base. Those players often ride a wave of excellent results, and drop off after a while. But don't denigrate his play, calling it "luck" just because you don't like his form. P.S. I'm not a huge hockey fan - I cheer for Boston in all sports because they are my home town team and I grew up watching them. So I'm not pulling a knee-jerk defense of a player on a team I'm devoted to - it's just ridiculous when people call significant stretches of great play any kind of "luck" in professional sports.
Never underestimate the determination of people to GET DOWN.* * and with that girls cherry ass Id probably be pulling the same shit.
Oh man. If this kid's asian mom is anything like *my* asian mom, he's going to meet the nasty end of a meat cleaver when he gets home. "You no disrespect your famiry!!!!!!!" Spoilered for size: Spoiler
I read this somewhere else but can't remember the source. "At least now we know someone from Vancouver can score on the road"
I dont see what the big fucking deal is. If the Canucks had won and they rioted, which is just as likely, would there still be an uproar? It seems like everyone is talking about this because either, A: they look like sore losers, or B: Canadians are supposed to be more civil. (Lets ignore the G8 Summit in Toronto in 2010) Let's be honest, if the Lions ever win, or lose, the Super Bowl that riot would make the Rodney King riots look like practice. It would set all kinds of records for cars overturned and fires set. It would probably set more records than the Lions ever have. All this talk, not just here but nationwide, makes it sound like we Americans are above rioting after a sport. Come the fuck on.
It sickens me to think that THIS is what people think Canadians are. It isn't. The riots were started by a relatively few individuals who do nothing but try and start riots and cause violence and break shit. Vancouver Mayor and Police Chief Blame Riot on Anarchists EVERY SINGLE CANUCK FAN that I know was enjoying the game in a pub or a bar or at home, and had nothing to do with that bullshit. It pisses me off to read every single newspaper headline stating "Canuck Fans Riot". Bullshit. "Stupid, moronic assholes riot" is more like it. If you want to see where it all happened, watch the video here: Vancouver Riot: Where It All Started, Fuelled by Intoxication. Watch the video, and see the people who were there, that were sickened by what those few people were doing. To me, the REAL Canuck fans and Canadians were these people: Thousands Stream Into Vancouver To Clean Up After The Riot. That's right, an estimated 15,000 people showed up downtown with brooms and scrub brushes to help clean up the mess. If you're interested, here's an interesting story about Psychology of the riot. And finally, the famous "couple making out" picture isn't what it looks like: it's an Aussie couple, and she'd been pushed to the ground when the riot control police rushed the crowd. More can be read about The Origins Of The Riot Kiss Photo Revealed.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.vancouverriotpics.ca/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.vancouverriotpics.ca/</a>
I suspect that most reasonable people recognize that some vandals in Canada no more represent Canadians than any other small, violent group here represents Americans. I commented on my board that the riot police should have done the gene pool a favor and gone into the riots with live ammo - anyone propagating violence and massive property destruction over the outcome of a sporting event is too stupid to live.
I missed this comment. Yes, that goal was bullshit, but the damage had been done at that point. The Canucks just weren't in the game. Also... When a series goes to 7 games, it's generally a good idea to show up and play 7 games instead of 3. That's the best part about this mess as far as Vancouver is concerned. Good for them.
Surprised it took this long for someone to mention Detroit... Not to mention the NBA Finals loss in 2005. The Stanley Cup losses in '95 and '09 (losing game 7 at home, like vancouver). The MSU loss in the NCAA championship game (as mentioned, hosted in Detroit) in '09. The UofM basketball final four runs in the early '90's. The UofM national championship in football in '97. Also, see Nett's post. Just replace Vancouver with Detroit.
BC's victory in last year's Frozen Four in Detroit did generate a great deal of mayhem, but most of it was limited to the one bar that 50-60 BC fans were gathered at (although I was denied entry to Chris Chelios' bar immediately after the game for roaming around hammered with my arms up screaming "WE WON MOTHERFUCKERS!!" and things to that effect....also I may or may not have been wearing a shirt at the time). If the Eagles ever win the Super Bowl, the city of Philadelphia will burn to the ground. The Phillies riots a few years ago got pretty hairy in certain spots, but an Eagles championship would put that to shame.
So, this kid has become pretty famous on the internets as one of many idiots in the riot: Yes, that's him trying to shove a lighted shirt into the gas tank of a cop car to blow it up. IN A CROWD OF PEOPLE. Well, he's been identified: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.theprovince.com/sports/Star+athlete+tagged+rioter/4967700/story.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.theprovince.com/sports/Star+ ... story.html</a> And his family are fucking pathetic. Read that story, and it pisses me off how they can say "well, he didn't REALLY set it on fire, he only tried to, but it didn't work, so he's innocent until proven guilty. He's a star water polo athlete with a scholarship. He's under a lot of pressure." Fuck. You. LOOK AT THE PICTURE. Tell me again how he's "innocent". I hope the fucker loses his scholarship and gets jail time. And I don't mean house arrest in his parent's million dollar home, either. Welcome to the school of life. Lesson number one, actions have repercussions.