Boring list: (1)Muhammed Ali - Parkinson's Disease [let's face it The People's Champ looked bad during Frazier's funeral] (2) Mel Gibson - alcohol abuse/killed during domestic abuse to a female or male partner/ killed by a Mexican. (3)Kim Kardashian - suicide after third marriage fails. (4) Charlie Sheen - cocaine (5)Lindsay Lohan - drugs Wish List (1) Justin Bieber - several false claims about fathering bastard children leads to suicide. (2) Ruper Murdoch - assassinated (3) Sammy (from Jershey Shore) - Ronnie thunder punches her in the face, I am not watching another season with her in the show. (4)Sepp Blatter - crushed during Euro 2012 by angry mob or killed by black footballers after his "handshake comments" (5) Robert Pattison - Vampire mauls him or fans stampede his head in.
Dick Cheney- Heart Attack Jerry Sandusky- Offs himself before going to prison Ashton Kutcher- Auto erotic asphyxiation Snooki- Skin cancer Eddie Murphy- Plastic surgery mishap TiB: Ballsack- domestic disturbance Hooker- liver failure BigPerson- the children make his head explode; plus, the good die young Nom- facesitting gone wrong Dixiebandit- "Hey y'all, watch this!"
Someone picked Arethra Franklin to die in the last thread. I'm amazed she hasn't died thus far. Pancreatic cancer is a particularly nasty one.
That whole Dick Cheney "heart condition" thing is a myth put forth by Karl Rove and the rest of the right wing. Everybody knows Cheney has no heart.
Celebrities: Joe Paterno - Obvious, I'll go with death by cancer. Tom Cruise - Death by face punching. Lindsay Lohan - Cocaine overdose. Stephen Hawking - Death by being really old and really crippled. Oh wait, more specific. Ummm... his motor neurone disease finishes him off. Smoky the bear - Set on fire (he's quite popular 'because' we have a lot of arsonists where I live). Tibers: I'll say for now that most of you are too rare to die and leave it at that.
He has a heart, but he doesn't have a pulse. Focus: 1. Ke$ha- suffocates on glitter 2. John Glenn 3. Fidel Castro 4. Nicholas Cage- Something strange 5. Jimmy Page- Rock Gods aren't meant to live long
Are here any vampire hunters left to get him?
Anyone got Demi down for substance abuse? Looks like it is heading that way: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nce-abuse/</a>
Davy Jones and Andew Breitbart, who's going to be third? I don't follow the news blogosphere but I did see that video of Breitbart yelling at the Occupy protesters a few weeks ago and he looked strung out as fuck. I mean pictures show he kept himself disheveled but I wouldn't be surprised if it was an overdose.
Ben Affleck - Skin cancer in his chin dimple that causes his chin to expand and the division to become more pronounced until one day at a movie premiere (or the Oscars or some shit) the sudden flash of paparazzi cameras will cause a neurological response resulting in constriction of the pupils, dilation of the pyloric sphincter, rupture of the vena cava, and his whole head to split in two. This will be followed immediately by questions from the press about possibilities for a "Good Will Hunting 2: The rehuntening" where Ben Affleck's character has aged considerably, drunken himself into a yearlong stupor, and sold Robin Williams' kidney for booze money and ammunition for his revolver which he seems to believe is inhabited by the ghost of Michael Jackson. These questions will be faced with a stony silence punctuated only by occasional soft gurgling.
1.) Fidel Castro : natural causes 2.) Jullian Assange: mysterious incident 3.) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Israeli bomb to the dome 4.) Michael Douglas: more cancer 5.) Bret Michaels: herpes 6.) Silvio Berlusconi: too much cocaine 7.) Roger Ebert: taken out to pasture after a negative review of "Prometheus" 8.) The Pope: fisted to death by an abuse victim 9.) Warren Buffett: heart attack 10.) Rihanna: Chris Brown throws her out of a car going 95mph
Jessica Simpson: Hair gets caught in garbage disposal. Bruce Willis: Murdered at home after award ceremony. Haley Joel Osmett: Suicide in Bruce Willis' bathroom in his underwear after murdering him. Adele: Diabetes. Faith Margaret Kidman Urban: Drowning accident.
L4L step up and claim your prize. So now who are we supposed to watch drool through the NYE countdown?
Bill O'Reilly - Fuck it, he'll do it live (heart failure on the air) Lewis Black - Also heart failure while giving a performance (we're due for a beloved comic death) Madonna - Suicide (Her last album flopped, she must know her career is over) Joe Biden - Also suicide (I can't imagine how depressing being Vice President is; so close to the top, but so utterly unimportant) Board members: I drink way too much, my kidney was hurting pretty bad this weekend, and risk of suicide is highest while beginning a rebound.