I believe this current turn of events is a quintessential failure of the TiBettes who have not updated the Booty thread and have allowed the men to discuss such silly trivial matters in which they have very strong opinions on things that never affect their lives. You all have a good night.
Oh, sure, just because we're Canadian, we look like a pair of arctic hares fistfighting. That's so racist.
I don't know about the entire board, but maybe just the "general discussion" area being deleted seems entirely likely.
Where's Frylock, he's good at making/bumping new threads. As a long time non-paying member of this board, I DEMAND SATISFACTION!!! Actually I'm pretty satisfied. I just recently became active again on an MMA forum I used to frequent, and I realized how much I take the grammar here for granted. There are smart guys over there, but they just don't give a shit about spelling, paragraphs, punctuation, etc. Also, they all have gifs for their signatures, and they regularly do "sig bets," ie they'll bet on fights with other members and the winner gets to pick the loser's sig for the next month. The end result is intelligent discussions about MMA buried under a heap of poor spelling, emoticons, and gifs of dudes making out at the end of every other post. (Oh, they're also a little homophobic over there.) In conclusion, god bless this place, regardless of how drunk thread-centric it sometimes is.
You know, even ignoring the part about "intelligent" being in the same paragraph as poor grammar, poor spelling, and .gifs for signatures, that's still a great oxymoron you have going there.
For some reason, Die Antewoord makes me irrationally angry. I think it's because they and some of their fans won't just admit that it's all a big joke.
We pretty much all get lazy at suggesting new threads this time of year because of this thread in particular. I don't want general discussion deleted, I'll say that right now. As long as people keep doing stupid things, we'll always have something to talk about. This board is nothing less than a necessity of life. It doesn't pick at the low-hanging fruit, instead it dumps motor oil on the tree's roots to make sure everything withers and dies.
Honestly, how do you even post here right now? How can you sit? I think we all know how you REALLY broke your tailbone. Spoiler Plus Equals
I can sit, although it does FEEL like I'm being raped by a pneumatic hammer sometimes. Sitting takes some slow maneuvering. The big problem is having a very energetic kid who doesn't understand why daddy is walking "really silly" around the house. It's bending forward at all that hurts the most. It's too painful to put my hands even as far as my knees while standing. I'll now pause to allow you to pick apart the previous paragraph with joke photos. As you were.