Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the fact remains 19 Ft. Worth cops have been busted for DWI in the last 4 years.
At the risk of asking difficult questions, how many would you expect? According to Wikipedia, there are over 1500 police officers there. So that's 1 arrest for every 250 police officers, which seems to be about the same as the rate of DUI arrests in the general population. In fact, were one able to limit it to "adults licensed to drive and of drinking age," I imagine the general population rate is more like 1 in 150. I'm not sure that 19 in 4 years is actually an abnormally high rate, and maybe they should be commended for actually arresting them while other jurisdictions are merely looking the other way.
I love the boobie thread, although it makes me slightly bitter that it's a constant reminder that I live in the most flat-chested state in the nation.
Which is my point. If the arrest rate mirrors that of the general population, then either the "gentlemen's agreement" isn't really in effect in this area or if it is, there's a bigger problem with cops driving drunk than one imagines.
Vladimir Putin has decreed Gerard Depardieu a Russian citizen. What's next, enacting a 75% income tax on all new citizens?
I would imagine being a drunk cop behind the wheel and killing a guy can be a wet blanket on the whole get out of jail free thing. I think any cop who is convicted of DUI should never work in law enforcement in any capacity again. Ever. Additionally, compensation during the investigation should be reimbursed. If we're going to take DUI seriously, let's stop pussyfooting around and do it. I think holding cops to a higher standard is a great place to start. Much like the gun thread- Police tell you to obey the law and you'll be fine. The only acceptable and appropriate response should be likewise, motherfucker.
That's the damn thing about garden gnomes. There's a million different kinds of them, but when you need to replace one certain gnome you can't fucking find it. Shit.
Just last month, the Ft. Worth's police chief's chief-of-staff with the rank of Major, was also busted for DWI. I guess he skipped the mandatory alcohol awareness class the chief ordered for the department after the fatality in 2009.
Where is the data to back this up? Funny as hell though, there is a girl that works in my office, flat. Her sisters, on the small side, and the girl I'm now hanging out with is also on the small side... This is a thing? Girls from MN are just flat? Is it in the water? Diet? Is it because of the cold? Someone should investigate.
In the Land of 10,000 Lakes, they must all be swimmers. And all swimmers are flat. There. Investigated.
Gotta be survey bias man, I've seen some pretty fine home-grown Minnesota boobies in my time... and all of that swimming leads to having some nice asses and legs too. Go walk around the lakes in Uptown once they thaw out if you need further proof. Yeah I'm a fan of the hometown girls.
Ok hooker, I have completed a counter scientific* study and here are two of the important visual displays of my results: Ladies from Minnesota, the Dahm triplets: Former Polish** champion swimmer: None of them appear to meet the "flat" definition, and therefore I find your logic flawed. *Not scientific. **There's a joke there somewhere.
WOW. Those are some super hot chicks. I mean Super Hot. As in 'I'd be the best 12 seconds of their lives' hot.
Those triplets make me curious. The matching boob jobs aside... triplets posing naked together. Really? I know there's a lot of Scandinavian immigrant families out there, but I didn't think they retained that much of the culture.
I grew up in MN, and there was a large quotient of busty blondes. Corn-fed Scandinavian and German farmer's daughters posing as suburban high school girls. Maybe you just go to shitty bars. Unfortunately, I can't find breast size statistics by state. But here is a map of average cup sizes for the whole world.
And apparently a high percentage of them are willing to take their clothes off on the internet, for free.