Aside from the fact is seems on ly stupid people have large families, having shitloads of kids is nothing short of child abuse and the parents of such families belong in prison. I'm sorry, but there is no way you can give your child the kind of attention it is REQUIRED when you have ten or more kids. I simply refuse to believe that. The dad should his balls severed, the woman sewn up, and BOTH of them heavily sedated and kept under watch. Fucking freaks. Just another of the many, many, many reasons to hate mormons.
And if I remember correctly they kept going at it and they're at the point now where the next pregnancy will kill her because she is well into her forties.
Try me. Better yet, once a parent dies, you really start to find out how fucked up things actually are. It's so 'normal' to me, I'll talk about something off-handed and my wife will be like 'HOLY FUCK, WERE YOU RAISED BY FUCKING ANIMALS? THAT'S NOT NORMAL!" She's shocked that I'm a somewhat normal member of society.
Philosophical question for people with the knowledge and/or experience: Do normal people have a higher propensity of attracting crazy people to them, or are crazy people more likely to be drawn to each other?
I think the question should be is one's level of sanity independent of the level of sanity of the people they are drawn to? In either case I think the crazies are clearly drawn to each other.
If you are a lucky normal guy you will have that one relationship with the crazy chick that lasted four or five months until you just couldn't take the crazy anymore, but you will always have thoe memories. There is also the extremly elusive attractive, normal, and well adjusted yet sexually adventurous girl.
This is easy. We attract and we are attracted to certain personality types. While our core values change very little over time, the rest of our personality is pretty dynamic. Subsequently, the people who we are surrounded by will change as well. There will be some sane people who attract crazy people, but the smart money says that they have a certain mix of personality traits that compliment a crazy person's. For example, it's pretty well-known that I have a white trash streak that runs pretty deep. For a while there, I could cash my weekly paycheck in the bar, had no regard for marriage, took a bunch of drugs, broke a bunch of laws and generally acted like a total scumbag. However, I never stole. I didn't vandalize and I wasn't abusive. So, most of my core values stayed in tact. To me, the only thing that really stood out was the fact that I'd bang a married woman just as quickly as I'd bang a single one. The folks I hung out with were also scumbags with a whole world of similar problems- POs, ex wives, current spouses that hate them, creditors running them down, angry bosses, lost jobs, pissed off landlords, the usual. Eventually, that shit got old and I started focusing on making myself a better person. At the very least, someone who wasn't a total piece of shit. And, I got better in a whole bunch of really important ways. Now, I look back at myself during that period and sometimes don't recognize him. Here's the interesting part though- My peer group has changed drastically. Scumbags have been replaced with happily married couples who go to work and spit out kids and grill out on Saturday afternoons. However, my closest friends who I got to know after that whole growing up phase have shockingly similar stories and they too have improved. Maybe everybody goes through a scumbag phase and they don't talk about it, but I don't think that's totally it. So, there you go. Core rarely changes. Ancillary personality traits are dynamic. Bonds are formed around both.
Unfortunately, I've had a few of these. The first one lasted nearly three years but I was in college and stupid and didn't listen to anybody or myself. The next time I dated a crazy chick, once the crazy became readily apparent, I tolerated it for about a month before pulling the plug on that relationship. Knowing the signs of crazy and when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em was a hard lesson for me to learn though.
Its Friday, and therefore it took me about 10 minutes to realize you actually meant cats fighting and not two women. Also Iczorro. Um, we got time bro. We got time and you got a keyboard. I want a story.
A family crazy off should be its own thread. After everyone aired their personal insanity, we could set up an elite eight type bracket to determine who's family is craziest.
Oh, sure, says the guy that used to sleep with his stepsister. Any other Olympic events you want to suggest because you'll win?
Iczorro said he would have that thread on lock. I doubt my few family issues would even make the finals. I just think it would be a fun thread. To answer your question though I would DOMINATE in the getting shot down by hot large chested Asians from Canada event. Infact I think I could take that event in the 100, 800, and mile. My versatility in that event would be mind blowing.
A thread of this nature would be fucking incredible. Probably second best on the board next to the famed Ryan Milliron thread.
I concur that the fucked up family thread is a must. I like knowing I am not the only fucked up product of a fucked up childhood.
It's hard to imagine it when you're from a small family, but big families can be happy families too. I have 5 siblings and we all turned out great. Now my husband on the other hand. He was an only child until he was 13 and some of the stories he tells me freaks me the fuck out. Taking your 5 year old across the border to Tijuana to get....pharmaceuticals....and having to explain things to that aforementioned kid like 'what is a donkey show'? Not cool. I know it is more and more uncommon to have a large family, but that is not the sole indication of whether or not your family life is fucked up and whether the kids are mentally, emotionally, and physically cared for. That being said, my childhood wasn't perfect, but then again, whose is? Edit, just noticed you specifically said 10 or more but I still stand by the above.
But to be fair five is crazy, but still manageable. At ten+ I too have a hard time imagining that the kids are getting much in the way of individual attention. Plus unless you are stupid rich I have to imagine the older kids are doing most of the rearing of the younger kids. I mean I only have three and my biggest worry is that I treat them more like a unit than individuals.
Question: Do in-laws count for this 'fucked up family' thread? Because while my family is pretty normal, my in-laws could give any fucked up family a run for their fucked up money. As much as I bitch about my mother-in-law being crazy, she is the 'normal' one in that family.