re: Sex Addiction. I think South Park did perfect on the Sex Addiction bullshit. You don't see fat ugly guys with sex addiction. You see famous dudes with a ton of money with pussy getting thrown at them day in and day out as sex addicts. Everyone else is just fucking horny. All 3 of those gifs are fucking wonderful, especially the first two. I still need help with my ginger obsession. As in desperately need to fuck a cute one with nice boobs, light freckles please.
Really, I never found redheads "crazy" or "firey" like many guys suggest. I can see male gingers being firey, seeing as they no doubt were beat up in public school a lot. Daneel Harris, Amy Adams, Deborah Woll and YES Julianne Moore... those women are so gorgeous would you really CARE about crazy? I wouldn't care if they rushed at me with a butcher knife three times a week if I could just so much as get to STARE at them all the time.
Okay, clearly, I just need to find a better quality of redhead. That, or it's girls named Megan who are crazy.
...It's the name. The three Megan's I know that immediately come to mind are all batshit. And my ex was a redhead, but sadly she was one of the more conservative girls in bed I've come across.
It's cool to know that in two more years, we will have hoverboards, self-drying jackets, flying cars, instant cook ovens (hydrator), electric running shoes that look like the inner lining of a snowboarding boots, and robotic implants that make you grow a foot taller instantly. Oh, but we'll STILL have dot-matrix printers. It makes me laugh thinking of when people watched BTTF2 when it came out thinking so many of those things would be plausable in 2015. For ANOTHER big laugh at "the future", see Timecop: it's 2005, and cops have mullets and carry guns the size of hairdryers.
If anyone knows what porno this is from or who this young woman is I'd like to know, thaaaaaaaankkkssss.....
Hmph, I just assumed it was a gif Juice made from iczorro's sister cam. Sidenote: until I just typed that, I always had said "iz core oh" in my head and just realized it's actually "I see Zorro." Okay.
No he didn't. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Who the fuck thought it was 2012 in the first place? I still remember Doc Brown announcing in the car at the beginning it they were in 2015. 30 years after the first one. Why would they (the people who are wrong) choose an uneven number?
I do this thing once in awhile where I leave my cellphone (which doubles as my music player) at home for quick runs out to the store just to see how it feels. It is crazy how dependent we've become to them and the weird feeling of "What the fuck is wrong with me? I've been able to go without (google/twitter/facebook) before and felt fine? Now I feel a deep sense of dread and loss." Anyone else do this?