Don't think us whiteys haven't suffered. You haven't had to deal with the horrors of white slavery and reverse racism. You see, you look at me and you just see another "welfare whitey". I had bad role models growing up white, and it was burned into me early that the only way out of Ontario was through corporate crime, government handouts, or hockey. You see, I spent life shuffling from one lousy blue-collar job to another, except for those couple times in jail. Typical! You have to understand that us whites are a product of the way society made us, and it's unfair to assume all caucasians are like that just because so many us are.
Sorry way off topic but.... I just watched a comercial about t-boz (or some other rapper ) and they complained about fatigue and hospitalization....... after only working a two hour show..(lets say five days in a row).. and maybe a two hour sound check each time..(40hrs) I think its safe to say they are catered to the rest of the time...... Now lets look at the average construction worker (me) I work 70 hours +- a hours a week monday- friday. I do this from april - december. through 40 celius temps..... to - 25 degree temps and if I took a day off because of exhaustion its safe to say my job would be in jepordy....... my question is... how do they get away with this ..... Im sorry i'm drunk and it has taken me a long time to type this out and im not sure how to end this.... but damn it
Hey, I'll have you know that I was considering getting a Miata so I could put a 5.0 Mustang drivetrain in it (it's been done before). Not a very useful car, but something you could drive when you didn't need more than one other person in the vehicle. And it would haul shit-tons of ass because of its incredibly light weight. Would you talk the same way about an AC Cobra?
I'm 99% sure alpha males are determined by the low self-esteem beta males. We're talking about the guys that take charge, CEOs, business managers, leaders, funny guys, cool guys, the guys in charge. Let's not confuse it with "douche bag bro" because that's a whole different thing. I'm pretty sure you're an Alpha Crown. Alpha's get up on shit and say "This is this, and I don't care what you think." You do that a lot. Remember when they called that a "red" personality too? Alpha's are QBs, baseball pitchers, and scorers in games. Jordan, Kobe, LeBron, Derek...Alpha's.
Re: Re: 2013 Christmas/New Years Drunk Thread My friend had the Fiero GT back in the day - that thing moved and handled unbelievably. I think of them like Miatas, cars for some reason people think are pussified, but are actually pretty cool. Then again, 'pussified - yet strangely cool' describes me to a T.
Re: Re: 2013 Christmas/New Years Drunk Thread My first vehicle was this: Only, make it two toned, (like this slap a (previously) undeserved SX Coupe logo on the side... That car saw more sex than I dd in high school, but that's because it was owned by three of us at various points. All three did have sex with the same girl in that car at different times, but that's a different story...
So, I'm about to start crossfit. If I start proselytizing for it, please shout me down. I fucking hate that shit.
If a certain someone gives us a certain sister's webcam address, I think we can see to it we look the other way on proselytizing about damn near anything. Not that you'd have such information, good sir. Merely a hypothetical proposal... (And yes, I realize that particular horse is beaten, dead and canned as spam, but I couldn't resist)
Plus I think she has sickle cell anemia. I forget how I know that. I'm bummed I didn't pick our dog's middle name. I would have picked Vanilli since her first name is Lilly. Since that's what I call her anyway. The kids don't get it.
Do you want a trophy for working an actual job or something? If so, take a number and get in line, we all need something to feel superior to celebrities for.
I think what is looked over a lot when these topics get brought up is that entertainers have very fucked up schedules thus have wildly fucked up sleep patterns that can take a toll on the body. Adam Carolla talks about it a lot on his podcast. Waking up at odd hours to do radio/promotions/travel, traveling across time zones constantly, chugging coffee to stay with it, unhealthy eating, unsteady hours, all add up on you. Yeah sometimes fatigue is publicist code speak for drug issues but a lot of times it's just the truth. With something like construction your week is very regimented. Work, eat, hopefully fuck, sleep. Put under similar circumstances almost anybody could be wrecked by a terrible schedule or work into a regimented one. Plus the flippant response is always "they make so much money, cry me a river." Most of the popular, well paid entertainers, put in years of bullshit pay nothing work AND provide a talent is good enough to sell to the public. For every T-boz there are a million wanna be entertainers that suck and don't deserve the adulation. Say the man who's industry felt it necessary to work half a foot higher than the rest of us peons receiving the medications*. BOOM ROASTED *(to be fair I think this unneeded construction cost was done away with a long time ago)
Plus, I think that having to be "on" must be exhausting in an entirely different way. Imagine having to entertain day after day after day. You may be delivering the same concert for the 100th time, but need to give the same energy since your fans are likely seeing it just the once. In your construction work job, I imagine that it is physically draining, but you can escape into the work and let your mind rest.
Also, it's not T-Boz's fault your job security and conditions resemble that of a migrant worker in a Yemeni oil field.
I feel bad for people like Jim Carrey the most. Now, I feel like I have to be "on" around friends or new acquaintances when all I want to do is drink alone and cry. Drives me batty. Imagine that poor bastard. Everywhere he went for over a decade people were expecting him to be zany. Couldn't even hit up a drive-thru without someone screaming "OH MY GOD IT'S JIM CARREY, TALK OUT OF YOUR BUTT!" Then, almost over night, they shit on him when they didn't need him anymore. He got the last laugh though; by infecting everyone with Mr Popper's Penguins. Well played. I can't feel too bad because he got to play with Jenny McCarthy's crazy funbags.
Umm, working construction you have to work hard day after day after day, only if you lose your energy they fire and replace you, probably with a hispanic temp that gets paid half as much as your shitty pay. If you are performing on stage, you are the boss of every single person in the building. NOBODY tells you what to do. And you DON'T have to give an energetic or even a good performance at all, have you ever seen Oasis in concert? Liam Gallager and company don't move a muscle on stage, go through the motions, and tell people in the audience that they're "All a bunch of stupid fucking cunts" and they only love them more for it. Aids making just above minimum wage bring anything you ask for at the drop of a hat lest they be fired instantly for letting you down and hang off your every word. "Oh yes, Mr. Rose. That DOES smell wonderful. May I flush it for you?" I've worked concerts, back stage, front stage, in the crowds. I've encountered many performers. Some of them are surprisingly humble, wonderful and funny people to be around-- like Tommy Lee, Redman and whether you want to believe it or not, Chad Kroeger-- but the majority of them-- especially rappers and those fucks from Good Charlotte-- are douchebags who seems to think that they're God, and that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for them to be wrong, so when they fuck up they simply fire the person(s) they feel should have been looking out for them at the time. My mic turned off for a second through the set? Fire the engineer! Wife showed up on tour and caught me with five groupies in a pansexual trapeeze act? Fire the travel agentI showed up three hours late for a show and the fans were mad? Fire every single crew member while I vacation Hawaii and you hire new ones. This primadonna ego that seems to almost instantly develop once somebody reaches stardom is in my eyes inexcusable. It's it really THAT hard to remember where you came from? Becoming a celebrity is a CRAPSHOOT, pure luck and that's that. Ke$ha shouldn't be allowed to sing karaoke, but there she is in interviews bragging about all the money she has and dissing everybody she knew before she was famous. Being famous is easier that a lot of you might think. Don't even get me started on movie stars.