I know I'm a page late but damnit it's good to have blue dog back! I may may ever drink a colors light to celebrate.
I'm pretty good at picking up gift hints from women. That didn't occur to me either. Do anal beads count as jewelry? Kind of like pearls. Pearls... for your anus.
Between the story shimmered posted and the baby girls piece of shit non-father I want to climb a bell tower and get this end of the world thing popping off.
I mean, I see the logic, but it takes a lot of the fun out of Christmas. Also that first picture is absurd. I can't believe I'm saying these words, but too much boob. The others make up for it though.
She actually said, very specifically and emphatically, to NOT get her jewelry. We are going to Vegas in January, and that is our (big) present to each other. She said she wanted a Jewelry box, and pointed out the specific one she wanted, then sent it to her mom and my mom to get for her. Apparently, she wanted 3, I guess? I asked about jewelry, asked what she wanted, if anything. She'll usually say "well, I need a necklace" or "some earrings" and let me choose what to get her. This year, it was very specific. Ah well. I told everyone I got it, I think she honestly believes I wasn't paying attention, so she asked others and figured I didn't get it for her. We don't usually do the "drop hints" thing. If we want something we'll ask. We usually just exchange lists before our birthdays (late November for both of us), and whatever we don't get each other we forward to our parents or whomever else. This year, she didn't make me a list, just told me a few things and said "get me whatever, we're going to Vegas."
Booze. Booze is the answer to that. It doesn't matter if you hate Christmas or enjoy it, one thing that is always commonplace over the holidays is that people are drinking. You need to pour booze over the hate and angst of having to pretend enjoying being around family members, when you secretly wish they were dead. The holidays at least means drinking, and we ALL love that.
I hope you asked Scootah's dad for permission first before posting his picture on the internet. Anyway, cheers to another Christmas drunk thread! I've been busy as hell for the last couple weeks, and I'll be busy as hell for the next week, but fuck it - I'm taking tonight off and having a few beers. I got 97% on my practical exam using this bad boy today, so I'm in a damn good mood!
My holiday rituals are so anti-family it's disturbing. I like to sit at home with leftovers and drink and read books utterly alone. No phone calls, no cousins, no uncle. Just fuck off. I can't imagine having a family to entertain. The holidays turn me so cold it's pathological. Did anyone else realize it's Pearl Harbor anniversary? Not one peep on the news. That's kind of infuriating. Instead we have to hear non-stop coverage of the royal crotch fruit. Congratulations, you married into fame and money, and your child will be famous for being famous and rich by genetic default.
EG-TL vs KT Rolster on tonight. First fully foreigner team as far as I can remember in a KeSPA pro league. Fuck yes. Got me a steak, a beer, and I'm staying in tonight.
The baby's in bed, Space Jam is on HBO Family, and I've got a twelve pack in the fridge. Is it sad that I consider this a good Friday night?
Aside from having a few friends over on New years Eve, we don't entertain ANYBODY. No out-of-town guests especially. I'm glad my family is small, there's less moving around that way. Hottest girl ever?
I will be entertaining my first out of town Christmas guests ever (in my own place) and I'm kind of excited about it. Plus it strengthens the argument for getting a Christmas tree so boyfriend agreed to getting one. Yay!
Fuck work. Christmas seems to get built up even more each year, as the apex of sales. This year is horrible. Hopefully next year I'll be promoted, so instead of being pissed about my personal sales numbers, I can be pissed at my employees' numbers.