Wait... that was an actual post on there by a serious person? Wow... Have you entertained the notion that the PUA forum might just be 100% people like you who are actively trying to sound stupid? Trolls trolling trolls if you will?
That's crossed my mind more than once, and they do get them in there. They have a whole "how to spot trolls" thread right near the top. I'm pretty sure that there are. They have almost twice as many members as the RMMB had (wih far less active topics) so at least MOST of them take their pouty-lipped bullshit serious. I don't care if I talk to trolls on occasion. That post above was NOT a troll post. I don't even think I would categorize wahoing with trolling. Trolling is starting some shit by being as offensive and annoying as possible to goad reactions and response. We are more like "Grizzly Man". You know: completely out of our environment, surrounded by far-less intelligent creatures, studying something that will inevitably lead to our own violent death (by depression-triggered suicide.)
Whatever. I'm using that forum to keep in mind all the things I DON'T want my sons to become. I've been told the first two weeks after post op are the worst...it has to be because of the boredom.
I just finished off all of the chocolate in my little cousins Advent calendar. Boy is he going to be bummed in the morning...
Just to follow on this I donated bone marrow a little over a year ago. It really is an easy process, minimal pain (at least for me the little I had did not interfere with anything) and fairly convenient. The only inconvenience for me was having to fly to SF to do the donation since it was the closest hospital, but they pay for everything so I got a free trip out of it really. Oh and saving people's lives and all that stuff is cool too I guess.
Know whats also awesome? Organ donation. Save many lives. But of course theres one huge drawback to that.
Evening TiB. In for the night and need entertainment. Just discovered Sailor Jerry and egg nog, good things. Let's get weird
KIMaster and Durbanite you say? Clash of the Titans. I love this depravity NSFW http://efukt.com/21008_Broken_Dreams,_Broken_Buttholes.html
I just renewed my drivers license and they had a thing about organ donation on the form. I wrote in that I didn't have an organ but asked if they would take a piano instead. Is this program designed to help churches?
Weird is so subjective. Its hard to say who the third would be. I guess those two are more qualified to be in a different trinity.
Just please make sure it's a reputable organization, sometimes it's a scam and people have gotten rich off this in the past: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.unionleader.com/article/20120202/NEWS02/702039987" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.unionleader.com/article/2012 ... /702039987</a> this is not to deter you from donating, just to encourage you to do a little research before you sign up
So I just went to a Cuban/Mexican restaurant for a friend's birthday that is MYOB. You can basically bring a handle of whatever, and you buy the ingredients. I'm pretty tipsy right now. I also sat next to this beautiful girl who I talked to for most of the night and got her number. Basically already have the first date planned out, I'm very excited. Oh and I was TOTALLY cocky funny. Negged her at all the right times. Amidoingitright?
Parker, you neg the shit out of everyone you talk to. It would be slightly more douchey if you didn't normally interact with people like that. So....two thumbs up broski!
When is it ok to drunk text someone of the opposite sex? My brother has a brain tumor, if you all remember (I sincerely appreciated all the support I received when I first found out about this last year) and since then has made friends in the young cancer community. Of course I've befriended some of his friends as well. One of his friends who is a girl, who I have no intentions on trying to sleep with, I get along with quite well. We text semi-regularly and are clearly friends outside of him. Its a good thing. But, God help me, I still don't want to offend her or look like a jackass. But I am tempted to text her now, clearly because of the booze and clearly because I'd be tempted anyway but those funny inhibitions are being chipped away at. So when is ok to drunk text someone? Btw, so to finish out my trinity of weird, Parker....