I went to the xmas party for the girlfriend of my best friend. And I'm pretty sure I almost hooked up with the Chicago version of Audreymunroe. Who is totally into art and opera and photography and nannies for kids in the Chicago suburbs all the time, So kinda the amalgamation of Audrey and Jennitallia/and or Pinkcup. I don't really judge. Maybe I'll get to to do naughty stuff to her in the future. Either way, have some David Bowie/Bing Crosby Xmas music.
Why? KIMaster would probably stick to movie topics and I have nothing to say to PUAs, since we'd have nothing to talk about. I think you might be better off with CharlesJohnson, Allord and Scootah* trolling that board - now THAT is a Holy Trinity Of All Things Fucked Up, with Scootah supplying the sexual implements and Black Jesus and Allord supplying the mind-melting pictures. *I like all of the above as regular posters, despite all of them posting weird stuff (well, weird to me, anyway, but still hilarious). It would be fucking fantastic if we could get RMMB's Boozy back for this. HOLY.SHIT..
We don't need just ANYBODY for it. We need just EVERYBODY for it. Understand something: these douchebags respond FAST to posts on there. The more members the more posts, the more posts the more stupidly hilarious repsonses. Mostly it's just been Juice, Bigsmall McPersonstuff and myself bouncing off each other in there, and it will be 10x the fun if the rest of you would bite a bullet and join on the fun. It doesn't matter how you act or what you say, just don't mention the TiB. Oh, and they are big Tucker Max fans in there. They cannot figure out how a guy who DOESN'T "peakock" or use "seduction tecniques" (sorry, my soul went into a coma typing that) gets with women. Get. On. This. ALL OF YOU. It's a matter of general decency ...see? Clearly a question for "the experts" right there.
I'm with Crown on this one. The lack of activity in this thread is criminal. My response is no longer timely but may help for the future drunk texting of this young vixen. In my opinion, you can get away with drunk texting as long as it's obvious that you are drunk or she has good reason to believe you are drunk. Maybe it's just my the people I hang out with or the mid-late 20's age demographic I'm a part of, but any text after midnight on Thursday - Sunday could be a drunk text and would be perfectly acceptable as such. Generally, you should be able to get out of damn near anything you say after midnight on a weekend via text by invoking the "I was drunk" excuse. Hell, since you already text this woman on a semi-regular basis, she just might enjoy hearing from you and find you to be a good source of entertainment on a Saturday night. There are a few people I don't mind drunk texting me and there are a few people that I know love to hear from me when I'm drunk.
Toddamus, I re-posted you to the PUA's, but left out your brother's illness. Soon we'll recieve sage-like advice and by the end of the week you're shoulder-deep in velvet pussy. Bethanys will crawling all over you, real hb7's son. So how easy it is to take a thing and make it a great thing? Considering recent events, I can't blame people for not feeling humourous this weekend. We'll all be back to the grind soon.
So I ate dog last weekend, it was surprisingly good. Little bit fucked up was that you could see the area where they kept the dogs from the freeway, I'm just glad I couldn't hear them barking or anything from inside the restaurant, and I use the term restaurant loosely..
We're going to need more details on this one. Where in the world were you that you ate dog? I'm going to be a little fucked up on this one myself and ask, how was it prepared and served? Would you eat it again?
So 2 ft of incredibly wet and heavy snow just fell off my neighbors roof. It was awesome. Made our house vibrate. Cut the last bit out as it is not in good taste this weekend.
Crown, if it makes you happy, I'm going in. I'm trying to go undercover, though. If there's too many noobs at once being stupid, they'll suspect something is up. The shit seeds are planted.
This couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of assholes: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/...boro-baptist-church-sandy-hook-funeral-picket
I have a better idea then creating "walls of love" to protect grieving victims from these cunts: how about hiring some pipe-hitting goons in kevlar gloves, jackboots and ski masks to beat the shit out of these losers beforehand? This is how they should be greeted, everytime and always: Confucius say: man keep hand in pocket, feel cocky all day
Ghetto, next time leave the whole post. You left out the best parts: I love this man. How could any TiBette on here just not want to go south on this Artist right here, right now? ...and what is it with these guys and talking about whimsy? "Whimsicalness?"
I'm so conflicted. I fully support people's right to say whatever the fuck they want even unto the point of being rampant, dickish, offensive assholes. And while I feel that way intellectually I still want to beat every member of those Baptist ass hats to death with my bear hands.
...and sometimes, I feel that there's a line, and when you cross it you simply have to say to these people "You know what, you DON'T deserve to be heard. If you try to speak, will will force gags over your mouth. You are anti-intellectual, you defy all conclusive aspects of science and math, and you break the very laws of common decency. Shit down, shut the fuck up, or I will smack you for making noise." ...you see, when MLK was giving his big speech up on the mall, he didn't suddenly say "Now folks, those nice fat men with the firehoses and snarling guard dogs trained to rip your nuts off have a point too." Nope, he said: "I have a dream. Those morons have a red nightmare. This isn't Team Edward vs. Team Jakob, mothafuckas!!!" Westboro's main arguement is not our opinion vs. their opinion. It is basically Science vs. Non-Science. And since the topic of their talking points involve science, they don't get a vote.
Today, in New York City Subway Adventures, I got some great unsolicited advice from a babbling gentleman I sat next to: "Never ask Al Sharpton for an abortion, even if you think he'd be really good at it."