Not to take away from the Wahoo-in-progress, but our networks are still down at work. That's five days. At an average of 40 billable employees, averaging $300/hr charge-out rates, this jackoff IT guy has cost our company an absolute buttload of money. Buttload.
That has to be CJ, or can't be a real PUA forum member - there weren't any words spelled wrong or hyph-abbreviate words in there. The punctuation was all correct the words "amok" and "masquerade" were used properly. Cover blown.
You guys should find a good, local IT contractor. Businesses that have one or two IT guys can survive 90% of the time without outside help, but when something blows up, having a local IT company that can don a cape and tights and fly in to fix things is invaluable. I mean, even if you had to pay emergency rates for a local contractor to clean things up, which can range into $500 an hour and maybe having a second guy helping, you'd still have more than paid for the investment for something like this. I've cleaned up pretty big messes in 12-15 hours. Also, just FYI, if you do end up with a couple of IT guys working madly to fix the issue, long into the night, it is totally acceptable and even encouraged to show up in lingerie with baked goods and coffee.
This. I mean seriously - I manage all the IT for my organization and I don't even have an IT related degree, yet I'd never let the network be down for a single day (barring a catastrophe), let alone five. As soon as the problem is beyond my level of expertise I'm on the phone getting in people who do have the necessary expertise to fix whatever problem I may have. Of course, I'm also wondering how a virus has managed to take down your entire network in the first place, but I guess that's neither here nor there...
I'm not very good at fucking around on the PUA board. Apparently after spending all my time on the internet since I was 8 I'm not actually a very good troll.
I can't stop watching ABCFamily. I was supposed to bring my car in for inspection the other day, but I watched ABCFamily instead. The 700 club is on right now, and I've been listening to Christmas carols. The Christmas spirit has taken over and it's keeping me from living my life. Just thought everyone should know.
Wasn't me [/Shaggy] Like I told Crown, I don't have the heart to fuck with those toads. I pity them in the worst ways possible. Like someone should just put them out of their misery kind of pity. They can't figure out why a club girl doesn't like a dork that doesn't get fucked up and can't dance, and they wonder why people laugh at them for wearing a giant novelty hat like Jim Carrey wore in Dumb and Dumber. They don't need my trolling. Ironically, I was giving it thought to join the board, but Crown stole my "Dress up like a literal peacock" idea a few hours before I did.
The field reports are awesome. The sexhone number ratio is ridiculous. If I had to collect 25 or more phone numbers to get some stink on my hang low, I'd start texting prostitutes. Sadly, this isn't the best of the worst for PUA websites, in my opinion. Subforums include one for mature men- 25 and up. There are also a number of "men's rights" advocates who can't understand why some liberal pantywaist judge made it illegal to physically correct women out of love.
Wow first post I clicked on in that was a guy asking how he can tell the woman he's banging NOT to fuck her husband when he's home on military leave because it makes him feel weird to get sloppy seconds.....
Holy christ on a cracker that place is 10 times worse than the other one. First thread I checked out was made by a guy who just got caught cheating on his wife then created another thread when a mistress got pregnant. In the first thread, in between posts asking for advice on how to get through the emotional trauma he drops this gem on his game if he does end up getting a divorce: I need a drink.
I wonder if he has to turn sideways when walking through the door. That is a very appealing characteristic for many women. We also always look for traps busting out of shirts....wait, what's a trap? Like, a mouse trap? The euphemisms you guys use for sex make me laugh. Um, you meant sex right? I'm going to write them all down and publish a book. NOBODY STEAL MY IDEA! Crap. Already done. Never mind.
What kind of sorry "man" can't change the wax ring on a toilet? He spends all his time trolling for whores on POF, but he can't google "toilet repair"? His wife doesn't need a job; he needs to step up and do his.
Hey, don't rope me in with those guys. That advice is silly. I'm just going to marry a runner because they never stop running. My friend's cousin ran the Boston marathon 6 months pregnant. I think she took off working out for two weeks. There have been and are studies beingthat there might be more and more health complications due to expecting mothers not staying active. Funny thing, I was in a meeting yesterday with my Yahoo/Bing reps. They have a new CEO that was one of the top chicks from Google. She was talking about how she had worked long hours up until 2 weeks before, then had her kid and was back...IN TWO WEEKS *Cue evil music*. The one mom and two other women in the room couldn't believe she didn't take more time off! It was absolutely ludicrous that she could possibly come back so soon! Then it came down to one thing which they all agreed on "She's making us look bad." Women are stronger than they think, very resiliant that is all I'm saying.
Marissa Mayer is also worth a couple hundred million dollars and is quite attractive, so she might just have some sort of Faustian deal with the devil. Most women that achieve that level of Fortune 500 business success, especially in the tech world, look like a shoe.
This is probably a good idea. My former boss is 50-something, a runner, and has a really nice ass and fantastic legs. Had she only more in the boob department and she'd about have a perfect body.
You should get the word out, there are millions of women the world over draped over divans and waiting for you to rally them with powerful descriptions of their untapped strength.
Holy shit, this site is like the other, but far more pathetic. This thread in particular is ridiculous. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Nobody can write so they all sound like children, and these mouthbreathers are sharing ideas like "a quick spritz of cologne is a HUGE turn on".