no one is having butt sex in front of my mom. My friends boyfriend wants to fuck her in te butt. She wants to wait until she meets his mom and dad which I think is fucked up.
Because then it's a 'serious' relationship and therefore, butt sex is ok. Yeah, fucked up, I know. But then again, I don't get laid at all anymore and I just bought her mother a flat screen tv. So just ignore me because I'm clearly doing it wrong.
When she said put a ring on it, she didn't mean her O-ring up to his second knuckle. Boyfriend: "Mr and Mrs Girlfriend, I just want to get your permission to ask Girlfriend to... grease up her anus and sodomize her passionately while Glee plays in the background." Father: "Welcome to the family, son" *slap on back* Wait. Maybe she thinks you're trying to fuck her mom. The most I ever got the gal's mom was a warm smirk and a hearty handshake.
Look. How much can you really know about a person unless you DP her dad? his anus is old and loose and looks like a Basset Hound yawning.
All that sensuous talk and not even ONE mention of buttbeads. Wrapped in tinfoil, that's how a MAN takes it.
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THESE PUPPIES? [youtube][/youtube] Edit: I don't know how to embed YouTube videos anymore.
DAAAWWWWWWWW. In one move that Animal Planet gets credit for is their show "Too Cute." I squeal like a little girl watching it. I mean how did it take this long to just film puppies being cute and make a show out of it?
CharlesJohnson, I owe you an apology. I'm saying "sorry" because you were right. It isn't worth it. You see, at first I was peeved at Black Jesus for not wanting to join my mini-wahoo out of his general hatred (and pity) of these so-called PUAs. And now, I am fucking done too. I just can't take this anymore, and besides I have been clogging up the most prolififc thread of the year with too much of this shit. WHY am I done you ask? Because I just had the most maddening conversation in history with the biggest fucking tool-liar in the solar system. It took one post for my facade to crumble on here, and decided it was time for a TiB member to wear their heart on their sleeve. This is the end of my wahoo. I think you can see why: Ricodrago: Me: Ricodragos: Me:, you were right. It really IS intolerable. So, that's all she wrote. If anybody on here finds another place in the future that needs a wahoo, I'll be more than down. However, I will NOT be going back to that fucking site again. What a gigantic, steaming turd of a community. May they all get locked in a freezer and the building set on fire while they scream inside. ALL of them. I wash my hands. Now, we have an apocalypse to prepare for, and a Drunk thread to live up to its name. So let's drink and do lots of drugs. It's Christmas, goddamn it.
Ugh, I've been drinking too much beer since classes ended for Christmas break. My pants are getting tight, and it's not just because of Black Jesus' post at the top of this page. But fuck it, the fatter I get now, the faster I'll lose weight when I totally start working out and eating right in the new year! Cheers!
This apocalypse thing sucks. Both Discovery and History have nothing on but how the world might end. Would someone please tell me why there are adult humans in the United States that take the possibility of a zombie plague seriously?
Wait, are you saying that there are options OTHER than a zombie plague for the ending of the world? Well, fuck that, I want no part of it then.
Personally I'm a fan of the Yellowstone supervolcano eruption theory. That's partly because Samuel L. Jackson told me on the Discovery Channel last night that we are 40,000 years overdue for an eruption, but mostly because I like saying the word supervolcano. Supervolcano.
Hey if the shit went down we'd be the only country with a fighting chance to repopulate after. The rest of the civilized world let their panty waste governments take all their military grade firepower from them. In every movie I've seen the military is basically rendered useless in the breakout.