Crown is just pissy he is missing the great snake wranglin' hunt. I imagine a new History Channel program already. Some greased up Florida redneck will have a 20 foot python wrapped around him and he's punching it in the face. 100% incorrect way to capture snakes, but this guy with less chromosomes than teeth insists it's the traditional way they've been doing ti for a hundred years. Every. Episode. Oh, and just for giggles, this is what is waiting for the hunters in the swamps: But, hey, they make a great pet apparently.
That map is pretty accurate...except for the green area to the south. It should only be in the central part of the state. The rest of the green area should be designated as a 3rd world banana republic. Most of the time, English isnt even the second language spoken.
My wife is awesome. For new years we're attending a pre-festivities party until 10. Then she suggested we hit one of the Connecticut casinos for the rest of the night. Such a keeper.
Fuck, they're onto me. I need to keep my shit in check. (Sorry.) <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... lp00000003</a>
Did anyone else burst into laughter at this point? "Few people would ask to be punched, kicked or shoved, but one woman said that would have been preferable to what her attacker did to her aboard the CTA Blue Line last week. A 21-year-old college student told Oak Park police a man struck her in the face with a sock filled with his own feces as she rode the train, reports the Pioneer Press."
Fucking RIGHT. That city is the Voltron Of Douche: where all the greatest, biggest douches from across thew universe to join as one giant, Paco Rabanne-scented shitpile. The only people who think that city is great are people that have never left Florida. Did I mention it's the new Home of LeBron James? Oh, and the nice, nothing-but-anti-hero bikers who run the underground there via female slavery, fear, and meth. The only thing I liked about Miami is the super-dramatic sky it has, especially at night. Of course, I've never been there during hurricane season (which is 12 months a year now) so I haven't experienced the Real Thing. Tornadoes are hilarious, though. There's nothing like a 25,000 foot tall column of death tearing ass through your city to make you fear dark clouds for the next five years of your life. Which brings me to this: board member of Oklahoma and surrounding area... WHY exactly do you choose to live in Tornado Alley? I mean, it's your HOME and all, but I have seen them in person and they are not exactly like Jehova's Witnesses who I just chase off my property with the hose. These things shred shopping malls like flashpaper in seconds. I've seen home footage of a guy stand out on his yeard in Oklahoma, he pans around in a 360 with his camera and reveals that he is surrounded by 15 serparate fucking funnell clouds. I would piss my pants I think.
Ah yes, ol' Ricky-Poo. The guy who jogs with a gun on his hip (fact) and rented out the Houston Texans' stadium in an attempt to pray away the horrible drought they were having. You see people, when 70,000 numbskulls are all praying at the same time, the signal is much stronger and that way Jesus doesn't lose you on his cell while driving through a tunnell. It's kind of like how the Death Star cannon converges into a super-laser. Oh by the way, the drought doubled shortly afterwards. Nice experiment LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME
Where are you going to live that is free from natural disasters? Personally, I prefer hurricanes because you can see them coming and get out of the way, but no place is really safe if Mother Nature decides to get pissy.
That tornado I mentioned was in 1984. My city has had one tornado in more than four decades. No earthquakes, and getting caught in the end-whip of Sandy was the first time a tropical storm has come within hundreds of miles here. There is nothing that will put your house into low-earth orbit or completely submerge it or let it drop into the earth (hello Florida, again!). I just think I'm lucky where I live, you guys have to deal with some BULLSHIT when it comes to mother nature, make no mistake.
The world ends tomorrow anyhow so we won't have to worry about anything after that. Anyone have a time frame on the meteor impact?
[/quote] For whatever reason, the visual of this cracked me up when I read about it yesterday. It was so ridiculous, yet hilarious. Chicago crazies have been going HAM the last few weeks. I mean what the fuck is the point of this? I'm not a hunter, but I get hunting. There is skill and technique and patience involved. This is just dumb, its like chasing down a deer in a field with a pick up truck until it gets tired and then shooting it. Its a slightly trickier version of deer spotting. And I hate pigs. Wild boars are ridiculously ugly creatures that have nasty tusks and are mean as hell, but this is still fucked up.
Shit. Meteor impact? I thought it was going to be rapid virus outbreak. I was thinking about not paying any of my bills and explaining that I just assumed we'd all be dead.
I'm just excited I get to miss Christmas. If that requires the extinction of humanity, it's a price I'm willing to pay.
I tell you, we'll be blessed in Mad Max-type shit in no time. Sun-parched highways, leather, shady people everyhwere it's like a gay hitchhiker's wet dream. Dibs on the double-barrell from The Road Warrior. And... AND the bladed boomerang.
There's a difference between hunting and population control. They're not trying to "hunt" the wild boars in the traditional sense as much as control the exploding population however they can. I'm not even certain they kill the pig in that video too (although I can't watch the entire thing).
I just spent an hour applying for jobs across the country because wanderlust apparently. the amount of people asking 5+ years in SQL Server 2008 is astounding.
He mentioned something like "how are we gonna do this? want me to just gut him" at the end. If it's population control, that's fine and a different scenario. But this didn't seem like that, it seemed like dudes out to have a good time.
How is this fucked up? It's a destructive, feral animal with no protection from the law. We're actually encouraged to kill them any way we can. To quote my buddy's Vietnam veteran father "If I had my way, I'd bring in some fast movers and napalm the whole damn place if it would kill them all." If you don't like that, you're sure to not like this. Actually, they're catching the hog alive because they're probably going to pen it, feed it corn, then kill it and eat it once its fat and the gaminess is gone. A penned up hog is fucking mean, though. We'd just shoot them with SKSs and AKs.