On a bus for the next 4.5+ hours. Heady times, round these parts. NYC for a week, followed by not being in NYC for a different amount of time.
Am I the only person alive who is working on Christmas Eve? So with my in-laws, we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. That is my only celebration since my family is thousands of miles away. I told them I was working thinking that maybe we'd start dinner at 6 or so since it is "technically" a working day. Nope, they scheduled Christmas dinner starting at 4. So, I guess maybe I'll be there for dessert? Oh well, I am planning my own little Christmas feast for just my husband and I. I got more beef tenderloin than should ever be consumed by two people, Baileys for the morning coffee. My plan is to make up for my slow start on Christmas Day.
We have lots of Llama farms around my city, and many more farmers keep them as hobby pets. They're bizarre, moody animals: The Gary Busey of the animal kingdom. Aside from being patently stupid, if they don't like your face, they'll pick you out of a crowd and beat the piss out of you (or literally try to rape you). Not to mention that ungodly stuff they'll hack your face. Alpacas are worse, because they act all cute and cuddly and they strike like cobra. When they start making that chewing gum motion with their lips, get the hell away from them: Spoiler
That's unbelievably rude of them. Instead of a gift, get them a brochure for an assisted living facility in the rathole section of town. I'm working a little bit tomorrow. No idea how long. Half tempted to call in because I am conveniently sick, and because fuck you, retail overlords. Then they wonder why their employees are dropping like flies. The store in the town over had their entire morning crew walk out a couple weeks ago. Good.
It's his sister, so a bit young for the assisted living facility quite yet. And I agree that it is rude, but somehow the other 12 people are able to make it at that time despite the fact that it is a work day, so I am trying not to take it personally. My husband offered to wait for me in a solidarity stand, but I would hate to have him miss out too so have mixed feelings. But I am trying to not going to let anything get me down this Christmas. But that doesn't mean that I don't secretly hope it isn't incredibly awkward for everybody when I walk in after working all day.
It's December 23rd...Happy Festivus, kids! We can now commence with the Airing of Grievances, except Ghettoastronaut. He's always airing grievances.
I put the aluminum pole in our bedroom. Now, the wife's not speaking to me. I wish I had thought of that sooner.
Well if the wife wont speak to you she can't veto you hiring a young attractive female aluminum pole cleaning expert.
Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people, now, you're going to hear about it!
Me too. There's lots of issues that I have with you fucking people, not being up to par and all: - First, WHY AREN'T YOU POEPL DRUNK IN THA DRUNK THREAD?? Talking aboout Vwgas and job issues while I'm just a schoool teacher drunk on a TUEsday. Freek Safari is way funnier than yOU guys, you all lost your edge. Of course, I'm notto blame wHatseverr cos I contribute so much NOthing to this boarrd. I'm awesome, you all suck, my miDDle-aged ass is gonna go fuck my Crush. LAter, loosers! - Too much bitching and Louis CK- ripoff humour in here. You're not funny enough for me, and I am allowed to judge you as such. Entertain better, because I am not funny. I command you. - Why're you posting photos in a cooking thread? Are you a fucking retard or something? Do you think you're a big deal because you cooked something? Fuck you. I don't need your photos OR this thread. I'm only in here to act like a stunned cunt to peopel giving helpful tutorials for around the kitchen. ...sound familiar?