Something tells me he has pubic wigs on hand even if she already has some bush going on. Y'know, just to make sure there's enough.
My new tradition of being to busy to deal with family drama is kind of nice. Although I find that much like a person with Stockholm syndrome I find I miss their dysfunctional asses.
By the vitrol displayed above, you'd almost think he would have some way of possibly knowing that ahead of time before making a rather innocuous dig regarding a couple of fucking fast food restaurants. Maybe lustforlife should have thought ahead before posting. Or maybe you shouldn't bring up your mother-in-law's cancer for the sole purpose of trying to make someone feel like a piece of shit.
I taught my dad HAM when I was home for thanksgiving and listening to him casually use it is the best. Me: What are we doing for dinner tonight? Dad: I figured we'd just go HAM on the leftovers from the party.
My mom just told me that, when my parents were first dating, she bought my dad a Playboy jigsaw puzzle for Christmas, but went through and took out the nipple pieces because she thought they were inappropriate.
Nothing screams happy holidays like your mom's diabetic, miserable fuck of a brother drinking shit-ass vodka until his sugar spikes to 500, has a heart attack, and drops dead Christmas Eve. Right as I got home from work today I hear, "He died?!?!!" And a joyous noel to you, too, fine sirs! Do I win some kind of prize for this?
I haven't decided what I'm going to do tonight/tomorrow. I told my Dad I'd go over to his place tomorrow. Mom's in Europe until the 26th, so I may go over to her house sometime after I get back, but I've got surgery on Friday and will be laid up for a few days afterward. I've done no shopping for anyone yet; guess I'll have to take care of that at some point, probably Wednesday or Thursday.
I guess I'm lucky. My family is extremely passive aggressive about everything so there is really no overt drama and nobody (as far as I recall) has really ever made a scene or caused any sort of shit show. There's a part of me that is thankful that family events are drama free. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit jealous of family drama. At least some drama would make the trip back home somewhat worthwhile/entertaining. But I'm thinking this might be one of those grass is always greener kinda things. I've been spending the time around Christmas watching some pretty un-Christmasy stuff. Like watching the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes show or The Trip with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. I may need to switch to more Holiday themed pop culture. I know I'll wind up watching that Christmas episode of Twilight Zone - Night of the Meek at least once. Even though it always elicits manly tears from me.
So I take it that's a no? (you lawyers and all your fancy talk!). I bet your grateful she didn't elect to go to Popeye's on that Christmas Eve past, huh?
I fucking hate cats with a passion. Ours pushed open our window (she is not allowed out in the winter). So I went after her and she went into the empty house across the street's yard. I followed after her through the snow to try and catch her. I followed her tracks into their backyard, only to find out that they had some sort of pool with a thin layer of ice over it that had been covered with snow. I fell right into up to my balls in freezing water. I had to yell until my wife could come and help fish me out.