This little ukulele playing bitch can SHUT THE FUCK UP. We can tell that you auto-tuned the shit out of your voice. And who's that old pervert watching you on your iPad? I didn't hear you call him Grandpa. Stop e-whoring yourself out to old dudes, girl.
Good point, but I think that's the LEAST ridiculous thing in his ensemble. I mean, he has theat fucking eye-tan thing those weird Japanese chicks do. I mean, pleather pants? What is your damage??? Yeah, you DO pick up women. They're called "starfuckers" and they are of a lower station in society. The guy on the left makes me laugh the most. He sets the Loser Alarm off like none other.
Came back to my dorm room with my roommates yesterday and there were stockings on all of our doors. They were filled with Dubble Bubble and a bunch of cards from Texan congress-people that were all some mixture of "'Merica, fuck yeah" and "MAY 7LB 8OZ BABY JESUS BLESS YOU". Pretty excited about the Dubble Bubble, although the cards were nice too.
I was cut iff from pouring wine tonight. I thought "I'm not that drunk I only had two beers and this was my third glass of wine and oh all those oyster shooters and I spilled that bottle of wine on the floor and almost sent the second one packing... Oh." Merry Christmas. Us Catholics sure know how to celebrate.
No, his whole stick, clothes particularly, are just an extension of fucking CLUB culture. Picking up dumb club chicks. Fuck star fuckers from clubs...
The holiday is done, a glass of Glenmorangie, a jar of olives, and its time to finally relax. Non sequitur: I have an old watermelon in my basement - since, like, August. It isn't soft yet. Should I still eat it? And also: What an amazing fuckerclust of guys I want to punch in the face. Even more than this guy (seriously - is this a punchable face or what?):
The church next door to my parent's condo today had a four hour mass. Four. Hours. I think wine is a pre-req for a marathon like that. And they had three seperate services today. Catholics, if anything, have zen. I will give you that.
It is not zen. It's an ability to sleep with your eyes open. But these spoiled little bastards these days don't knkw how good they've got it. With their iPads and their smart phones and gameboys and what not. I would kill for those kinds of entertainment when I was getting dragged to mass as a kid. I lived in Peurto Rico fo a year. Those fuckers run regular Sunday about an hour and a half. Christmas was about four and a half - five hours. Do you know how long five hours is in a hot crowded church when the service is in a language you don't speak? It is forever. A part of me is still trapped in that damn church.
Granted, but Catholics have another thing: production value. They build a house of worship that looks like it took actual work. Sure, the artwork inside is gruesome, but it beats receiving communion via Welch's grape juice inside a converted gymnaseum. All this talk is giving me cravings to crack The Purpose Driven Life open. Espcially chapter seven: The Reason For Everything (real title).
Don't you get to see audrymonroe in the barely there teddy she sleeps in?! I will hear none of your bitching!