the best thing about passing out in a 50 degree room, is that when you wake up your beer is still cold.
Showed up to a Christmas "after party" at a friend's house at midnight with 3 bottles of wine, only to find a bar full of whiskey. Should get interesting.
And a merry christmas to all NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW imgur is being a bitch tonight and trying to make shit not work
I must be the only one here having an alcohol free Christmas. The parents don't drink and only my grandmother and aunt came over today. There was both a lack of excitement and booze. If the rest of the family wasn't traveling this Christmas I may be singing a different tune.
Fahrenheit not that crazy Celsius shit all you fuckers use in the rest of the world, and this pink moscato wine i won earlier it not good, not good at all
I'm pretty sure everything can kill you in Aussieland. I.dont think that there is a single organism that isnt designed to maim or kill you with venom. Hell i even hear the sweet and cute koala kills 20 people a year, according to.Wikipedia anyway.
"Watch Santa, The Ghost of Christmas Past, and Jesus try to find the next Christmas Idol." Mmmmmm, Alison Brie.
That's exactlywhat they want you to think, they are deadly and viscous and the government covers up anything that might even be close to a drop bear attack.
so they're just like jackalope's, dangerous and a hidden government conspiracy. next thing you know Jessie ventura is going to do a show about them
Listen closely to what Bundy Bear says. These things are a menace, but the tourism board pays big dollars to keep it on the dl. Their attacks are rare statistically, but most of our dangerous animals can be avoided if you don't act like a dickhead, i.e. don't swim where there's crocodiles, if you want to avoid snakes just watch what you're stepping on in the bush, the best defence against a dingo is not being a baby, etc, but these things lurk anywhere there's trees. They also can spread disease, but no-one worries about that so much because by the time an infection could set in from a scratch, you've already been eviscerated.
Nope, mine was alcohol free. A couple of folks at my stepsisterinlaw's had beers or a glass of wine, but not a drinking bunch (except for my retarded brother in law whom mentioned his job woes to me because he has a felony conviction - surprise surprise!) Great Christmas though. Didn't talk to my mom or sister (we're estranged) so I avoided that unpleasantness.
We have drop SNAKES here. My dad warned me about them when I was a kid. We'd be walking along the sidewalk and when you're not looking he would reach up, grab an overhead tree branch, then violently shake it while yelling "DROP SNAKE!!!!!!!!" He was so good at it that it would scare the piss out of me and my mom every single time.
There were some pretty devastating tornadoes in Mobile last night. Luckily my sister was fine, even though she is close to some of the worst damage. Tornadoes make me nervous as hell.
So at my place last night 4 people drank: 10 pints of beer 5.5 liters of wine 1.5 liters of liquor I don't know how we survived, especially my friends as they are not seasoned drinkers.
My mom got considerably drunk yesterday, and for someone that never ever drinks, she can hold it together. Just kidding, she was talking to the headless turkey like it was a puppy and then put a handful of glitter in my dads hair then ran away laughing.