Woman, do you know what a bruised tailbone feels like? It feel like somebody hammered a railroad spike up into the bottom of your spine. Look: I'm an old man like I'm a Thai restaurant host named Kang, got it?!! Hmmmm????!! Spoiler I can't even imagine what fracturing it must feel like, brrrrrrrrrrrrr
Don't talk to me about spine problems old man! I may not presently have a bruised tailbone, but I am smart enough to realize that certain activities are detrimental to my health! Also, buy an inflatable donut to sit on. I think that might give you some relief. Sorry you hurt yourself doing fun things.
internets are crazy, man. ps parker, i think your own analogy explain why we're making fun of you. you're not preening after a home run. you're jumping up and down giddily before the ball's even been put in play. it's like if Prince Fielder was standing at the plate, and stopped to call his mom and tell her he got into a 2-1 count.
So I think I ask this every year around this time: what's on everybody's drinking menu for tomorrow night? I think I'm going with classic Floridita daqs. Good n' fucked up. And smoke some shit. Sticky, evil brain-rape weed. But for now, the menu is a black coffee and 700 Advils. I've never walked away even from snowboarding in this much pain, and that is a PAINFUL sport to learn. I do believe I still quite suck at it.
Babe Ruth saw the home run before he hit it. I know where this is going, but I can see exactly where you're coming from.
So my husband took the kids to see The Hobbit. Which normally would be great. Except apparently we were supposed to be at his Aunt's for Christmas right now. My dog is a complete spaz in the snow. Walking her was brutal today. I also can't figure out how to wear my hat. It has a seam in it and I don't know if it goes front to back or left to right. Both look stupid. We have a party to go to tomorrow and I was requested to make a dessert. So I decided on Chocolate Eclair which is very easy to make but people seem to think I'm a culinary genious when I bring it. Seriously, I don't even make the chocolate icing. I buy the can stuff, pop it in the microwave so it melts slightly and pour over the top. I decided I will also be making buffalo chicken dip. It's a new recipe so I hope it's good, but how can you really screw up chicken, cheese and hot sauce? I don't know what we will be drinking as the hosts are providing the drinks and guests the food. There's normally something interesting there. As long as it's not rum. I can't drink that to save my life. I can't even eat rum cake.
The only way i get on the big league fields is by hopping the fence and kicking the first base coach in the nuts.
Drinking menu tomorrow night includes whiskey. Will probably have a glass of wine at dinner. I'm not planning than having more than 2-3 drinks over the evening. I'm done w feeling like ass on new years day.
Jeez so she can't even command a couple bucks for diddling herself on webcam? Shit is rough, man. In other news my head hurts more than anything that's ever happened ever, and I have no idea why. I ate and hydrated and everything when I got home, fuck you hangovers.
That's no big deal. Its just a minor case of the old. You and Crown should find a park to play chess in.
New Years this year will most likely be quiet for me, may have a couple of beverages with a mate and then pull the pin. I fucking hate night clubs and shit like that and tonight is when all the crazy fucks come out and I get real edgy when stupid comes out to play.
I'll be in that park, but I'll be near all the tricked-out cars breakdancing on cardboard. I'm trying out a Belgian beer called Leffe (Blonde). It's damn strong, and comes served in what looks like a thick wine glass.
My head hurts because of tequila and maybe because Pussy Galore kicked me in the face. My brain hurts because holycrap you're a boy.
Crown beat me to the answer before I could get through the last 3 pages, I hate the Eagles is from The Big Lebowski. It's taken me over a week just to get through this drunk thread and all the posts since July (has it really been that long?!) in the R&R thread. But since I'm drinking at 3pm on a Sunday, and I do have to work tomorrow, I knew folks would be around! I won't ask about Xmas', because yes, I did read the entire thread. Suffice it to say, mine was drunk!
It was out of a giftpack I was given for Christmas along with a couple other natives (Stella and one other). It's not bad, I've never tried it. We only travelled through Belgium, we didn't stay there. Some great sights along the way, though.
I think the positive effects of food and Gatorade are negated when you don't consume them until 8 AM, and you started drinking 10 hours prior. I'm laughing at all of you because I feel fine, except that I'm still hungry/hungry again. Also, I said I'm sorry about the boot heel to the face. I didn't do it intentionally.