Holy shit, I thought that Texas' .08 was bullshit! EDIT: I think he means that in the roadside breathalyzer test, he (or someone) blew a .073, and he (or someone) is hoping that two hours is enough time to get back down to below the legal limit. (It takes months for you to get the results back from a blood test; it did for me, anyway) In reference to your question LTMS, I'm sure it's possible; you're chances of pulling it off are definitely a lot better with a blood test than a breathalyzer (which is so fallible that I don't know why they even bother to use them, much less accept them as evidence in a court of law). It took about an hour for me to get a blood test last time I got pinched, but I was still over the limit even though I felt reasonably sober (that's what having a high tolerance does for you). I don't know how the laws are set up in Australia, but my lawyer told me that here in Texas, in events where you narrowly pass the tests, the prosecution can still be dicks and try to say that you still weren't in full control of your mental faculties to get a conviction anyway (which is fucking bullshit; what's the point of a legal limit, then?), usually on a lesser charge like reckless endangerment or some other such bullshit offense. It generally doesn't work, but he claims he's seen it happen before.
Well under would be better I suspect. In Aus as long as your blood is under the magic .05 it's a complete defence. I had my last beer 2 hours before I was brethalized, I requested a blood test because I was shocked I was over, had only had 4 beers over lunch. Took 2 hours and 20 minutes for them to get the blood test done. I'm thinking I might have dodged a bullet. Going to be a right bastard if I havn't
You should be fine if as you say there was four hours between your last beer and the breatho. I got pulled up for an RBT leaving the pub a couple of weeks ago and blew zero after a few schooners so it's good to know my liver is doing it's job.
This is a statement only an Australian could make. If pharmacokinetics win the day, you're going to be extra fucked because unless you were drinking while waiting for the test to happen, it means you were even higher when you were driving. But I'm not sure math has much standing in a court of law. Dude, it doesn't matter how much time there was between the last beer and the breathalyzer if you have already failed both the breathalyzer and the blood test. Also, "breatho" is an abbreviation only an Australian could make.
funnily enough I was pulled over about 30 seconds after starting the car, the booze-bus was litteraly around the first bend. The question is what are the chances of washing off at least .023 off my bac in 2 hours 20 min assuming I had peaked approximately 1 hour prior to the breatho? Google gives me some hope.
The point I was making is he hadn't had the blood test yet and was only marginally over and his BAC was already going down with another two hour wait. I live in Australia yes but I was born elsewhere and picked up most of my slang long before I came here so take your stereotype bullshit elsewhere.
Well, last post on the topic, but I have to toss out that I was completely wrong about the FWB taking the new girl news well. She's livid. C'est la vie, time to drink some Mangria.
Crikey! What the hell is wrong with you whackers! That stereotype bullshit is a bunch of rubbish! Now I'm gonna go watch some footie and drink a fosters!
No real Australian would drink that mule-piss. EDIT: Can somebody please explain to me why I can't view Youtube videos or half of the pictures on here anymore with my new computer? I can watch the videos on the actual youtube site, but once I put them on here, I just get a black "X."
There are some absolutely rubbish beers here in Australia but if you're drinking Fosters then you're either highly depraved and unstable or really fucking desperate for a drink. I wouldn't touch the shit if it was free and the last drink in the room.
She's just mad now that you're leaving her and her vagina looks like Elmer Fudd's exploded gun barrel after Bugs plugged it with his finger.
I have it on good authority that three horns don't play with long necks. A Land Before Time reference in a drunk thread...........That just happened. Too obscure, Gravy?
Hey, I was just going for an American's stereotype of an Australian. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go jam my thumb in that croc's butthole.
So my sister sent me this nice text about how she appreciates me being there for her the past year and how I just listened when she needed it, etc. She doesn't normally send me texts like this, so I responded with, "Are you drunk?" She wasn't and apparently I ruined a moment. I also had to suck it up and get a new winter coat because my old one had an alarm buried in it somewhere that I couldn't find for the life of me and I kept setting off store alarms. Depending on the situation, I either ignored it or would throw up an arm and say, "Sorry, that's me" and keep right on walking. I was never stopped though so I guess I have a backup career as a thief.
Being in civilization is strange. Protip: if a hot girl asks if you want to play shuffleboard, don't say no.