Trying to text from my phone to my e-mail for boobie pics isn't working. Well, it's only one boob & half of the other, so I guess no biggie? Unless bewildered or someone still awake & wants me to send to them to post for me! EDIT: I had a major double chin from looking down, but posted.
It looks like I have a coke nail. thank you, star wars, for teaching me about the important things in life.
Sometimes I miss the days when I would crush 10+ drinks in a night but then i remember the earth shattering hangovers I use to have and don't miss them so much.
Come on you can do better than that. Come back when you can finish a carton of booze and then head to town and keep drinking.
My first attempt at college was rough. I swear I spent months at a time either hungover or drunk. It is pretty bad when you get excited because you havent puked all week when its only wednesday afternoon.
Good fucking God my internet is slow. I bought GTA4 and GTA: Episodes From Liberty City yesterday for $7.49 U.S off Steam and I am now 4.8gb downloaded from Episodes Of Liberty City out of 14.5 gigabytes. Did I mention I started the download just before 3pm yesterday and it's now 11am the next day? Oh, it hasn't downloaded any of GTA4 itself yet, which is another 13.9 gigabytes. I'm gonna be fortunate if I get to play this game sometime next week.
So fireworks are legal here on New Years eve. Not just sparklers and snakes. Full on mortar batteries and rockets. I am stocked up, but unfortunately I am sick. Balls.