Has anyone been following the antics of Dodger rookie Yasiel Puig? He's tearing it up and Vin Scully is jizzing all over the booth. Two words come to mind: Erubiel Durazo
I've had Puig on my fantasy team since the beginning of the season, hoping to fuck that he would get called up. Since he's been called up he's been arguably the best player in the league, which is insane. He's batting .455 and has crossed the plate 13 times, hit 6 homers and, has 12 RBIs, all in just over 60 at bats. At this rate, he'll have done more in a little under a month than BJ Upton has done all season. Kid is insane. Also, Blue Jays.
The A's start a three game set with the Cubs tonight. I had planned since the beginning of the year to take the family to one of the games as the wife has a brother who is a big Cubs fan and is a pretty good guy to boot. Well fuck me, seems the A's are no longer a walk up and get a ticket any time you want. They are sold out for the three games which brings the sell out total to 11 games this year. For comparison, they sold out 11 games all of last year. I am pretty glad for that as I am one of those who always thought if you put a good team on the field that the East Bay will support the team regardless of how shitty the stadium is. After all as I have said before, all I need in a stadium are good sight lines, cold beer, a nearby pisser and a parking lot that does not take me two hours to get out of. Everything else is just lacy garments on the body.
WTF Pirates. Honestly, almost half done the season did any of you see Willy and the Poorboys doing this awesome?
...and for commentary on the HR Derby from the truly delusional check out @Josecanseco on Twitter. Jose is either the worlds greatest troll, or even more sadly he's serious. Either way it's comedy gold. If you scroll through his babbling he goes on about ancient gravity, hawks his drawings of Donald Trump as a dragon and countless bat shit crazy shit. He calls ARod bitch tits and continually calls out Shaq to fight him. The man is either a genius or an idiot, I just can't figure out which.
It's a black eye on your country-- permenately-- that anybody even knows the name of that hack of hacks. But oh, wasn't that "Swami" character of his hilarious? Especially due to the fact he made the most inaccurate predictions in the history of sports. Worst. Sportscaster. Ever. NOBODY is in second place.
Fuck you Ryan Braun. Suck it you lying douchebag. I never liked him, and always caught flak from all my friends and family that were Brewers fans, but this is satisfying. The fact that he took a suspension well above the standard 50 games tells you how much evidence was against him. It's looking like he was juicing from the start. What a shithead. I'm not completely opposed to those who say PEDs should be allowed and everyone is on an even plane then. But at this stage, with rules as they are, fuck Braun and his ilk. Its one thing to juice, its another to be a lying scumbag about it.
I can't be the only one who thinks that guys who get caught using PED's should just get a lifetime ban? All this "negotiating" with Braun and A-Rod makes baseball weak and creates a situation where using PED's is still an acceptable risk for players? Pete Rose bet on baseball and got banned but guys who use PED's get huge contracts and a shot at the HOF? This whole thing makes A-Rod and Braun look like they call the shots, just ban them for life and make it a standard policy. PED use would dry right up.
My gut reaction to the negotiating with players is that MLB must not have much of a case for suspending them under the CBA, but that they might enough information to lead to criminal charges if they released it. The whole thing seems pretty sleazy to me. I don't know how I feel about punishing Cabrera and Colon again for what is almost definitely the same offense they got dinged for last year. But seriously, someone like A-rod, who has repeatedly juiced even after getting caught, needs to get a lifetime ban. What he did definitely hurt the game more than anything Rose did.
From what I have read, anyone who already tested positive and served a suspension (i.e. Colon) will not be suspended again. They're also talking about giving A-Rod a lifetime ban under the "best interest of the game" mandate, which A-Rod would most assuredly spend a good amount of time fighting, seeing as it would cost him upwards of $100 million.
Let him fight it, by the time it's resolved he wouldn't be able to physically play the game anymore. Fuck him and his 100 million, send a strong message about doping.
By the sounds of it, there were never any positive tests for these guys that could lead to drug suspensions under the CBA and that the only dirt they have on the players is connections to Biogenesis. This is wild speculation, but if I had to guess, they're threatening to suspend them under the "best interests of baseball" provision that doesn't have the same defined suspensions as the PED policy does. Otherwise, what incentive do the players have to accept a 50 game suspension when that's the maximum they'd get as first offenders anyway? I agree that it's shady as fuck, but it works for both sides. The players avoid the >50 game suspensions they're being threatened with and MLB avoids 14 drawn-out appeals processes like the bullshit last year with Braun.
See, Braun is the reason I am wondering what they have. Why did Braun take the suspension and run, if MLB didn't have a wealth of good information? If they had enough information, couldn't they turn it over to the police and see if there would be potential criminal charges? If there were criminal charges, couldn't the MLB just then turn around and suspend the players for "the best interest of the game?" I think there is a chance Braun was worried about criminal charges, so he just took the suspension so it would just be over. I'm wondering if, especially with A-Rod, they don't decide to just try to nail him to the wall by turning their evidence over to the police, especially if he fights it as hard as he says he will.
The whole thing with Braun is confusing. I'm not sure it was the threat of criminal charges though. If the government was interested in pursuing a case against Braun (or A-Rod or anyone else), couldn't they just subpoena any evidence that MLB has regardless of whether the players accept the suspensions? What I'm wondering is if they had the same evidence on him as they had on the other guys, why make a deal with him and announce it a week before all the other suspensions? It's possible that they have more evidence on him or he offered to flip on other guys involved. But to me this whole thing looks like a giant PR ploy to help the league save face in this whole steroids mess. I think the real reason was that they wanted to single Braun out and make an example of him as revenge for the appeal he won against the positive test. That was a huge slap in the face to Selig, and is everyone around the country still shitting all over Braun if he gets suspended along with 12 or 13 other guys?
So they suspended A-Rod through the end of 2014 but he is appealing the ruling which means he gets to play anyway. What a fucking joke. When they put up a statue of Selig it'll be of him looking the other way.
I wouldn't mind. He's a fucking repugnant liar and insatiable megalomaniac. And a cheater. He doesn't deserve to umpire sandlot ball. Is there honestly a more unlikable player in the entire sport?
I'm not going to hold the collectively bargained appeal process against Selig. He doesn't really have a lot of say in that. But Fuck A-Rod. The fact that he kept cheating after getting caught is way too much. The fact that he cheated at all is shitty. The fact that he did it again after getting caught is just a big middle finger to everyone.