Don't even lie and try to pretend like this won't be in your iPod under the "Panty dropping songs" playlist.
This bayou rum smelled like butterscotch. This applied pie moonshine was like cider with rum, except drummer. I am sleeping in a'boh ceu castle tonight so yeah,'suck it. Auto. Orrect' plus shittytype svreen is shitty. Hahahah, as uck it motheruckers.
I love me some rum, but Havana is fucking disgusting. I don't know how I ended up with it tonight. But I got me some spicy beef jerky and all is well in the universe.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to moonshine. I've had the legal stuff, and I've had the... uh, "possibly legal" stuff. Doesn't taste the exact same, but they're damn close -- I because I assume the legal side has access to better ingredients (or at least more consistent ingredients). Both kinds still mess you up the same though. I figure it has something to do with the way moonshine is made? I've had stuff of comparable proof, but moonshine still takes me from zero to 60 in a few minutes flat.
I have a friend who makes moonshine, shits delicious and he makes it in his garage and keeps the mash in a plastic garbage can. I think it's more about experience and proper preparation. He's been doing it a few years and makes all sorts of different flavors and proofs. The ol homemade white lightning is way better than any of the legal shine I've had.
My wife has horrible "morning sickness" (which lasts her all day) so I've been drinking vodka cranberry since this morning. You're talking about you making it hail quarters to people who are used to making it rain twenties.
Will there be beer? Will there be nudity? Where do you live? When are you sending invitations? Are we supposed to bring our own hookers?
Fireball is cinnamon whisky that tastes just like fireball jawbreakers. It's dangerous precisely because it tastes like candy. But if you want something that tastes like a Jolly Rancher, try the drink I invented in '02. Pint glass handfull of crushed ice 1 shot Southern Comfort 1 shot Peach schnopps 1/2 shot vodka After putting in the shots, fill the glass to 2/3 with Red Bull Fill the last 1/3 with seltzer splash Grenadine It tastes like a Watermelon Jolly Rancher, and will make it difficult to stand up. I named it "The Sissy Jock". It's fruity, but strong.
Fireball is just like pucker in my mind, in that its so sweet its more a liqueur than a liquor. Its whiskey for people who don't like whiskey. Anymore it seems like its becoming jagerish because people are starting to rave about doing shots of it. If you want a spicy shot, infused vodka is the way to go. Vodka infused with some sort of hot pepper isn't bad.
Is fireball the one with the gold flakes? I've heard such bad things about it, I flat won't touch it (and with Costco liquor stores around and their cheap-as-shit prices, liquor is almost cheaper than soda in these parts)
Thats goldschlager, which is cinnamon schnapps with gold flakes in it. Fireball is crappy whiskey infused with some sort of cinnamon candy. Btw, one of my favorite shots, a one in a night kind of deal, is a starry night, which is jager and goldschlager.
I think I have some fireball, but I don't drink it very much because I can only take so much cinnamon flavor. I'll generally have it in coffee or egg nog. The best rum on earth to pair with coke is Flor de Cana Gold. Some Washington Post alcohol expert recommended it one time, and so I gave it a try because the price was reasonable. I haven't looked back. It is so delicious.
It used to be even worse. They lowered the proof from like 110 to 90. I got so fucked up on the harder one in college once that I am pretty sure I almost had alcohol poisoning. It tastes like fucking candy so you can do shot after shot like nothing. Now, if I even smell it, I almost barf.
I watched a roommate in college smash an empty bottle of Goldschlager and attempt to eat the crystals, except he was eating shards of glass. Good times Here is the most hipster thing I have ever said, I loved Fireball about 7 years ago when nobody knew what the fuck it was, now it just gives me a headache from hell. Too much sugar. Also I went to a funeral today, my father in law's wife ( not my wife's mom ) had died, he took pictures of everyone with the body. He even was showing people the video of his wife when the doctors took her off the vent.
Goldschlager is the one with the flakes. With pepsi it tastes like magic. Fireball is cinnamon-y and fantastic until you drink too much in ocean city and sleep in a bush in a median. Or so I hear.