A friend of mine stayed with me for a couple nights before flying to Europe, and he left his pipe and tobacco. He's the first person under 60 I've met who smokes a pipe, but whatever. Now, I've smoked two cigarettes in my life and they were both terrible. They were years apart, but I was doing the same thing: trying to sleep with a girl at a bar who smoked. (It worked the second time, so fuck yeah.) Anyway, I decided to give my friend's tobacco a try earlier tonight. I packed some in to the pipe, sprinkled in a little weed for good luck, and puffed away. Holy fuck it was good. So that's bad, right? It's not good to love tobacco? I guess I should probably stop now while I still can, but on the other hand, I don't want to. Cons: -Poor health, cancer, early death, huge waste of money, all my friends will think I'm stupid Pros: -I am in flavour country -Statistically speaking, every time I smoke tobacco I have a 33% chance of getting laid -Gandalf smoked a pipe. Who am I to argue with a wizard?
I used to like that skit, but suddenly I find it infuriating. For the love of God, katokoch, post the full chick gif if you have it.
Several years ago I witnessed a girl resisting arrest that ended in her being tazed. I only wish I had the forethought get out my phone and video it so I could share it with the internet. It was broad daylight, on a busy street, and she was transporting more weed than I've ever seen in my life.
Here's the original: NSFW Spoiler No, really: Spoiler Somebody on reddit located the gal, and she has a whole "interesting" tumblr.
#boobsandstuff Because you asked for it . . . here's her tumblr, linked without commentary or verification: NSFW http://owlberta.tumblr.com/tagged/me
I undertook, at great personal peril, the horrible task of tracking it down. Sadly, it appears that *is* the full version.
Awesome alert: The next Bond film will be called S.P.E.C.T.R.E and Christopher Waltz is the villain, I can only assume he's playing Blofeld. And Sam Mendes is directing again. Celebrate.
Dude, it's right there Shoot. That's too bad. If only someone had been able to post a link to her actually taking her shirt off. Oh, well, I guess we'll never see her boobs.
Rush is like a divining rod for tits. Just wait for him to start quivering and then see where he points.
Boi-oi-oi-oing Yeah, it's probably a good idea to be standing behind me, though. Or, wearing a rain coat.
I don't know what the fuck he's reading, but my boss has been scrolling for 2 solid minutes. Dude. Ctrl+F.
HI-IIIIIIIII If the sound of children laughing is the best sound on earth, the sound of drunk basic bitches cackling has to be the worst. That first 2 min of the video with the bitch in the red tank top gargling through his car window was like listening to cats fighting.
Interesting quote I saw from Daniel Craig saying some of the fun campy stuff the old Bonds used to do (especially the over the top ridiculous villains), but looks like with Waltz playing Blofeld, they might be inching back towards it.
"SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion" Think they're taking applications? This sounds like a bunch I could work for.
I'm going to gush, and no, I'm not usually a gusher. Anyway, the Sherlock series with the Cumberpatch kid is probably the best thing on TV right now, and I'm super pissed it isn't coming back for over a year.