I might just be an embittered fuck, but the rules in my house were clear; after the age of ten years, Christmas presents are unnecessary. And my elder brother bitched about this rule for a while, and occasionally grumbles about it to this day, and I am confused. We're (ostensibly) adults, if we want something we will go and get it for ourselves. These past few years I've gotten just like stocking-stuffers of stuff when I go over to my parents to do Christmas. And I don't mind it at all. Your brother-in-law is a weird dude, Revenge.
What a bunch of miserable fucking Scrooges. My family still gives each other gifts like there's no tomorrow. He'll we even buy my grandparents Christmas gifts.
I like buying gifts for people. It makes me happy. I don't care about receiving and usually struggle to come up with something. I also try to make an effort to get something for someone that they don't expect and will really surprise them.
Presents are a lot more ceremonial when there's kids. After your 20's are over and it's just adults usually it goes "Fuck it, take some money and buy what you want so I don't have to deal with those fucking crowds." I have a daughter and it's fun to watch her light up opening her gifts, she has a Playmobil addiction so she's easy to buy for and that the most dependable toy that there is, so more power to her.
Hell I'm not even out of my 20s and my wife and I already subscribe to that theory. We did the whole gift giving crap for the first few years of our marriage (she got me nice clothes to keep her happy; I got her sparkly jewelry to keep her happy). Then we figured since the money came from the same pot, it'd be easier to avoid the hassle of shopping and just buy ourselves what we want. Over the past few years she's gotten a top-of-the-line vacuum, a new dishwasher, a romantic vacation to NYC on valentines day (with me, surprisingly). I've gotten an AR-15, a night vision scope, the privilege of carrying shopping bags all over NYC in the middle of fucking February. This year she's looking at a (bigger!!) tv for the baby room to keep her occupied while she needlessly and endlessly re-decorates it. I'm looking at a new shotgun to keep myself occupied while she needlessly and endlessly re-decorates the house.
Christmas shopping and presents are fine, but FUCK people keep it inner circle. I don't get why some seemingly normal folks feel the need to buy for fifty or more people. You're buying shit you can't afford for people you don't like and giving them shit they don't need and won't use. With the money and headaches you saved right there, you could buy a really good quality ice cream scoop which you could use to scratch your asscheeks as you lay on the couch and watch Julia Louis-Dreyfuss get gang-tackled by a squirrel and Snots the Rottweiler.
AND for my record, Nett was repeating part of a line from my PM...where I was talking about myself. But you know, thanks for schooling me and all. Not my issue you see attention whore and think people are talking about you.
Even inner circle gets expensive, especially with five other siblings and at this point I forget how many nieces and nephews. Seems like a new one is popping out every 6 months. Plus my wife's family. Accordingly, in the spirit of Xmas of course, my siblings and myself have declared war on one another via the other people's kids. The more annoying/justifiable-yet-dangerous, the better. Drum sticks that only work when you hit them on something (like your toddler siblings? Check. Dance-on piano a la the movie Big? Check. Make-up kit along with the dvd Daddy Daycare and a gift certificate for mommy's massage? Check, check and check. Airsoft starter set, an extra pistol for a "friend," and enough glow-in-the-dark BBs to last several years (in the daylight you can't make them out on the carpet)?? Ohhhh yeah, that was a hit. I approach Xmas gift giving like April Fool's. It's the only way to justify spending the money I'd otherwise waste on stupid crap they won't look twice at.
This is long, but inspirational (awwww). A high school senior with MS becomes distance runner. By the end of every race she can't feel her legs and collapses. Her coach catches her.
If you two dirty birds don't shut up and start rubbing your labias together, I will bail DixieBandit out of jail and he will make you.
In fairness, sluts get paid too. It's just in the form nice dinners, jewelry, anything the man thinks will make her love him. At least whores, in the not disrespectful/prostitution sense, just go straight cash homie. Everything in life is an exchange. It's just a matter of what lengths you go to disguise it from being such.
Sure, and I request a couple of dicks being rubbed together and get "that's weird", "you're gross", and "what are you doing in the men's locker room?" Equality my ass.
I think the Rubbing Labia would be a great name for a lesbian bar. Although, the names are usually a little more subtle. I prefer the ones where you're not sure if it's a lesbian bar or a scrap booking club. Like Scissor Sisters.
Re: Lubbing Rabia? Blubling Barbia? Ginburb Alabi? I'm intellectually curious what the clientele would be like if a bar named itself, simply, "Porn Stache."