If it was, I'd still be going to church. So Angel, are you going to do a 12 days of Christmas? "Fiiiiiivvee salads tossed!!!"
That's not a bad idea... 12 solid spankings, 11 pigtail pullings, 10 nipple clampings, 9 tails o' catting, 8 ice cubes melting, 7 average inches, 6 feet of bondage tape, 5 salads tossed (thanks for the suggestion, Misanthropic), 4 extra people, 3 holes fucked, 2 dicks at once, and a camera streaming right to Pornhub.
Not to derail Angels great post but http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/dec/10/range-rovers-luxury-cars-stolen-james-bond-spectre-shoot 9 Cars that were custom built for the new james bond film were stolen.
Just watched my 8 year old niece on the national tv channel sing: "daddy, don't puke on mom on Christmas" Sweden is weird.
Did my Christmas shopping today. God I hate buying gifts out of obligation. My folks are getting hickory farms and my brother is getting a litre of crown. Last year I put a lot of effort into their gifts and they still haven't used any of them, so this year they get no effort.
You cannot go wrong with booze as a gift. Doesn't have to cost a fortune, and when do you ever hear somebody say "Oh shit, now I have to drink." Even if you don't drink it's great for guests, it's the BEST time of year for booze, it's a win-win.
Buzzed. Hubby and I + two friends are seeing my favorite band tonight. Wooooooooooooo! I need this after working today and dealing with Crazy for 8 hours.
A week ago the cheap co-location that my startup hosted with caught on fire. Over the past week my Live Ops team and I have been thrashing on getting us re-hosted with a Tier 1 hosting facility. With no downtime to our users, who are teachers, right in the middle of "report card" season. So under our heaviest loads we're tasked with migrating a very complicated online app, with no apparent downtime to our users. Easily worked over 100 hours this past week... and today was the first day we could just sit back and relax, sleep, stare at the wall and drool, drink, pass out, whatever. Any one in IT will just shake their heads in amazement at the shit that went wrong for us out of the blue this past week; our DNS providers got DDOS'd for 2 days, our co-lo caught on fire and their fire suppression killed a couple racks of gear, then the "redundant" network provider had gear fail (gear that the two providers shared to save costs, thereby removing any redundancy from the occasion), then our main marketing site went dead (thanks SquareSpace), then one of our main partners/integrators that provides single-sign-on for a number of our customers failed, and on and on). And my roof is being replaced, so the top part of it (it's a ski-chalet A-frame thing) had the old cedar shake ripped up so it's bare 2x6 tongue-in-groove (that is the inside of the house, no drywall) and a little bit of insulation. During the major migration stuff it started to piss down rain, and the tarps blew off the wide open roof. As I was coordinating stuff at 1am with the guys in the office, water started to stream from the ceiling and onto my computer table... dripping water on my laptop, on my screens, etc. I had to drag my desk around the main room, trying to dodge falling water... I eventually got my golf umbrella and tied it to the table to provide shelter. I'm so fucking glad this week is done... it was the closest I've come to giving up.
Dear American Horror Story, I could have went my entire life without seeing (hearing) The Vampire King Russell jack off his monster schlong in front of Vic Mackey. In other news it is stout season: You want that. You just don't want it, you want to spray it on your man tits and let it dribble down. This is one of those beers you just need. Sexually. Bell's Kalamazoo Stout is also out. And it's better than a handjob from a 6 armed Indian goddess. Fuck you, I don't want to get blown by elephant face.