Apparently very difficult. I sent out an email, with explicit instructions, on how to install our updated antivirus. Of the 30 that have installed the new antivirus, 16 called and asked how to do it. The instructions... Click on the link in the email, save the file to your desktop, double click the file and sit back & watch. That's it... nothing more. This install package did everything for them. The only thing they were responsible for was rebooting their computer and that wasn't something that had to be done immediately.
I had no idea you could hack people using a Caleco Vision. Their electricity grid is powered by fucking oxen and their missiles have no guidance... or tail fins. HOW is this country a threat again?
If it does turn out north korea did it -- and it is looking more and more likely they did -- then the stuff they did to Sony was actually quite impressive considering their limited (we think) technological capabilities. The threats about theaters and shit to me just seem like idle threats. Though my money is still, cautiously, on some Anonymous-related group doing this "for the lulz."
Re: This just in Hmmmm. I ordered a guitar case Saturday. Today UPS dropped off a package, a guitar case sized package. I opened the box and inside there was....another box. Curious. Why would you put a guitar case in a box and then in another box? Especially one that was labeled "This side up"? So opened that box and inside was....another box. What. The. Fuck. So I pulled this third box out of the second box and it got progressively smaller as it was removed. Why that's a guitar packaging box! I opened the box and there was a shiny new Epiphone Les Paul. No packing slip anywhere in my new collection of boxes, so I checked my card...yup, I was only charged $41. Now I have to decide if I really want to go through the hassle of giving them back their guitar. I can't leave it outside for UPS to pick up while I'm at work. So that leaves 2 choices.... A: Take a day off work or B: Figure out where the fuck UPS is, and then drive there on a Saturday, burning up fuel at a rate of 10 MPG, when I could be drinking or something equally unproductive. Or maybe option C: Say "Fuck it" and enjoy my new $41 guitar. Decisions, decisions.
It's not a technological hack, it was social engineering with inside help. I can go and "hack" my current company right now and take EVERYTHING, doesn't mean I'm some l33t hax0r, it means I have a username/password for the VPN and local server. And it's not like Sony has a long history of having their shit together from a technical standpoint... these are the same idiots who included rootkits with their video games and whose PlayStation network got hacked and exposed an insanely long list of "you did what now?" technical implementations. And it's not looking "more and more likely" that it even was them... it's all supposition and wild speculation that the mass media is feeding to drive eyeballs and revenue because who doesn't like to pick on the retard of the world's leaders? I would love to see one credible source that says it's them... so far it's a bunch of so-called "experts" commenting that it's not totally out of the realm of possibility that it "could" have been them, and knowing what I know about their "experts" (you know, the ones who blamed this hacker called 4chan for the iCloud leaks), they might as well quote my mother who still kills her computer using the switch on the powerbar. Sure, they managed to cause problems for South Korea and a few banks years ago, but there was minimal damage and again due to internal spies, not some awesome technical hack-job. Go read Without You, There Is No Us and then tell me how fucking Internet-savvy North Korea is. Let's just say that if NORTH FUCKING KOREA can pull off some mass bombing for this theatrical release, then every 3-letter agency in the US better line up to be publicly shamed.
Re: This just in My UPS guy likes to deliver my packages to 1457 instead of 1557. And the person usually returns it via UPS instead of dropping it off at our house LIKE I DO when I get their packages. Oh, except for that one time when they dropped off the swim bag I ordered for my daughter for Christmas that she asked for and of course my daughter answered the door and gives me the box that says SwimOutlet on it. Gee, wonder what that could be. I even stopped the guy to tell him what he's doing.
Even if Best Korea is behind it, it's way more likely that they hired a Chinese or Russian outfit than it is that they did it themselves.
I've decided that in response to group texts that I want to be removed from....I'm going to actually start participating and give people some of their own medicine. "Omg my IBS is totally acting up this week! I've had the runs all day!" "Hubby and I set a new record for number of times to have sex in a day! We're up to 7!" "Turns out queefing is kind of a turn off." "My cat's breath smells like cat food." "Well, looks like it's grilled cheese for the third day in a row!" "Today I ate a bowl of cereal, 5 peanut M&Ms, half a granola bar, 18 grapes, half a glass of orange juice, and two handfuls of popcorn. I'm such a heifer!!!!!!!!" Complete with a token after each statement. I'm gonna get myself removed if it kills me.
God that song is horrible. What's frustrating too is that The Chainsmokers are actually a pretty talented duo and have a couple of really good remixes under their belt. And they weren't that notable before that song, so it wasn't a pure sell out play, it was a joke of a track that blew up. Now everyone knows them for it and doesn't take them seriously. Case in point for what I expected from them before it... Spoiler
Too many DJ/producers get turned to shit when the mainstream gets ahold of them. David Guetta used to make exceptional dance tracks (especially with Wally Lopez), nowadays I'd rather listen to static than the shit he puts out. If you want your EDM to be heard in America, just remove any good textures from it and make it generically shitty as possible and Ol' Jed's a millionaire.
An operator I used to have who was an involuntary guest of the State of Louisiana for manufacturing meth came to see me today. On one hand he's a really good operator. One of the best I've ever seen. On the other hand, meth. I'm conflicted.
For some reason, Time Warner cable I am inclined to say isn't bad. Save when they knocked out my crotchety old man neighbor's power and telephone lines and fuck, that was awkward conversation.
Im down to only watching netflix or torrents for most stuff. If I there was an easy way to see all the live sports stuff*, which for me really isn't that much, I wouldn't need cable TV at all. We switched to a local fiberotpics for our tv/internet/phone needs because it was supposed to be cheaper. The service sucks way more than Time Warner (the internet speed is good though) and they continually jack our rates up. They offer cheap deals to sign up but in the end they'll be back to sticking you with channel packages that put you right back up with Time Warners prices. *There might very well be Im not up with tech in this regard.