Any other Americans excited about the re-opening of US/Cuba embassies? I am very glad about this. The idea of having close tropical islands closed off to the states is unfortunate. From what little knowledge I have of Cuba, its not like the policy worked too much. It's seems to be just as good/bad as Mexico, and we like Mexico. Wonder if this will impact Cuban cigar prices.
I'm optimistic about Cuba. They've kept their shit together pretty well considering that the most powerful country in the world, who is also in their back yard, has been trying to strangle them for the last 60 years.
It was a policy of containment, which isnt really to force the government to change through sanctions, but as a remnant of the fending off the spread of communism. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, that policy switched to containing a dictator from spreading influence in the Caribbean. The President can claim it didnt work, but I think to that end it worked marvelously. Castro is pushing 90, his brother aint getting any younger either. The Cuban government is notoriously corrupt and similar to North Korea without the insane cult of personality around the ruler, but both those guys are going to be dead within 5 years anyway. Its probably time to turn over a new leaf with them and see what they can do. Theres some good crop down there worth taking advantage of.
I'm very excited about it because I think it will open a lot of doors for their tourism industry down the road. It will also force them to become more democratic which should help the people. It will change the nature of cigars because you couldn't legally have them here. But they have a $100 limit on the tobacco imports as it stands right now. Which means, what is legally brought over here will be jacked up big time and what they currently have in stock(secretly) will also be really expensive.
Opening an embassy doesn't mean an end to the embargo. That would take an act of congress and congress isn't going to suddenly start doing things Obama wants.
With the reported 100k+ thousand plus dead in Mexico in the past decade from drug violence we really do need to find a new place for a Latin Spring Break hot spot.
A bottle of Havana Club costs about $10 there. Yes, they are MUCH cheaper. Don't expect it to stay that way if you guys start travelling there. In fact, DON'T travel there. I like how it's not busy and the European women sunbathe topless. America would end that. And let's get one thing straight: Sen Dog yes. Pitbull no.
In fairness, the VP is actually quite good looking. Not nearly as fucking hot as his 21 year old daughter who is working reception, though. God. Damn.
Receptive to the idea Is he the one you gave the blowjob to for the bonus? He'd probably be down for you to get busy with the receptionist.
21, you say? Meh, I bet she's not even "quite good looking." Angel has preggo brain. The only way to know for sure, would be for Angel to post a picture of her here or encourage her to sign up for a TiB account.
Rush if we keep beating up on Angel she might go mama bear on us and tear our eyes out. Homie dont need that.
Re: Receptive to the idea He wouldn't have a say in the matter, anyway. Not until receptionists are classified as people.