Wow. What pussies. When Sony isn't bribing people to bash Google in the press, they're doing this. Not a banner year for them, but then again who cares?
Not necessarily saying they should have done it, but that is an awfully easy position to take from your sofa without any hypothetical blood on your hands. I don't envy the person who had to make that call. Also, would you say "If we evacuate the school, the terrorist has won" about bomb threats?
I was really looking forward to that movie. Hopefully some revenge-hacking is in the works right now.
II would love to know how the most pathetic nation on the planet is in ANY way a "threat". You're talking about the country who missed the Pacific Ocean with a missile and claimed to have landed a man on the sun in a 90 hour round-trip. A country that worships a fat retard and thinks reading literature from other countries will make your hands and eyes rot from your body. They are not a threat. They will never be a threat. Considering that country a threat is comedy of retarded proportions. People have to get this Worse Case Scenario shit out of their heads before you're all living in self-made fallout shelters and drinking your own recycled whiz.
Hey I liked Waterworld. As in the Australian incident a few days ago, it doesn't take a specific state/terror group sponsored attack team. One radical nut can ruin it for everyone, at least, that's what Sony wanted to avoid. I still think it is a pussy call on Sony's part, but understandable in this pussified media age.
Patton Oswalt put it best on Twitter: this movie is set up for the most "revenge viewings" ever. If they release it on DVD I'll buy 3 copies, just cause. I kinda hope Rogen just says fuck it and uploads the whole thing on YouTube.
(1) You're operating under the assumption that it actually is North Korea. That is not obvious, for exactly the reason you mention: NK are boobs. It's still very possible that NK is a smokescreen here. (2) I realize it's fun and all to play Captain Swinging Dick on the internet with other people's lives, but it is preposterously easy to kill people if you really want to on a small scale. I don't think Sony is worried about something 9/11 scale. In fact, Sony might not ultimately be that worried at all, but the theaters are. What they're worried about is, say, small bombs plants inside a crowded theater, or Aurora-style gunmen. You don't have to kill 1,000 people for something to be tragic. 50 or 100 dead people is still a big fucking deal. What if North Korea or whoever is pretending to be North Korea just hires four guys with guys to run into randomly selected theaters and open fire? Would it be that hard to find someone? Your ease at casually adopting the stance of the Brave Man Willing to Scoff at Fears is like a caricature of an internet commenter. We're not talking about whether this will start World War III with North Korea; it won't. But if any people were to die for this, that would be profoundly sad. Some people, believe it or not, are actually morally bothered by the idea of even a single person dying for a mediocre Seth Rogen film. I'm not saying that this trumps free speech, but it's worth at least taking seriously. It's possible to think the movie should be released without being a dismissive dick about it.
Okay, so I get that it was hilarious and all, but you know that they didn't actually claim this, right? I mean, I understand that North Korea has made some funny news claims, but did anyone actually believe that a relatively modern society claimed to put a man on the sun?
Hey, if that sounds outrageous, you should meet my man Mohammad Islam. He's got investment returns for days.
My favourite North Korean factoid is the time Kim Jong-il shot 34 on a par-72 golf course. Interestingly, he shot 11 holes in one so he must have battled on a few of the other holes where 23 of his shots came.
Birds were claimed to sing in Korean at the birth of Kim Il-Sung. On a related note, Buzzfeed - so it must be true - is reporting that the U.S. government has confirmed that North Korea was indeed behind the attack. Or at least, that North Korea was "centrally involved". So, um, yeah. More to follow.
CNN is also reporting the same thing. But they're saying "sources" tell them the govt will confirm it in a statement tomorrow. Something about paying script kiddies in china. And here's a debunk of the sun story.
All of the wording I've seen on Reuters, etc., is that NK is "connected" to the attack, so I'm sticking with the "they paid someone to go fuck some shit up".